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In Dormani Minoris, Kolnor, is trying to recreate his physical form. He used his ethereal form to resurrect a man named Ambrin who became his servant. Ambrin built him an underground prison for victims that would become a flesh mass that would eventually form into Kolnor. Kolnor has captured an aspect of Chegg (God of Evil) out of chaotic desire. He is imprisoned in an extra-planar space hidden in an enchanted fire.

The Suffering of Kolnor (1)

The Men in the Walls

Pardus Stormstider, Kotanmaru, Michael Landrum, Geremiah Gerlte and many other travellers around the forest of gourd in Dormani Minoris, are captured by stray wights. The many are taken to deep, intricate underground catacombs. the adventurers are taken away from their cells one by one, every hour. Geremiah is able to secure the keys from his wight captures and despite being taken away himself, is able to secure freedom for Pardus, Kotanmaru and Michael, the last remaining prisoners. The party discovers many curiosities such as a great abyss, an ageing mist, a flooding chamber with a strange aberration as a prisoner and a flame that gives Pardus contact with some divine being who tells a cryptic story - that along with cyphers the party found along the way- formed a revelation. A revenant, Ambrin, has been resurrected by the god of undeath, Kolnor, to build him a physical form. A form made from the bodies of the prisoners. Pardus was gifted a milky crystal.

The Suffering of Kolnor (2)

The Servants Tomb

With the information that Pardus, Kotanmaru, and Michael could gather, they concocted a plan. Pardus had been told of Ambrin's tomb in the forest, near to the abyss they had found, but on the surface. They planned to travel there, desecrate Ambrins remains so that when Ambrin tries to form Kolnor a body, it will corrupt. The group ascended the catacombs. They were ambushed by a darkmantle, a beast that disguises itself as a stalactite to suffocate those who wander into its lair. The party survives the ambush and rush past another laid by a bone naga. Finally, the party escapes the catacombs by scaling the sides of the great pit. A magical mist platform sat over the pit, but the party didn't linger. They travelled towards the tomb, up a creek with waist-high water to sneak around the frequent wight patrols. The tomb was guarded by wights buried into the ground and an oozing monster (a black pudding). Kotanmaru used magic to bring down the walls of the tomb and narrowly avoided a sticky end.

The Suffering of Kolnor (3)

The Defective God

Pardus, Kotanmaru, and Michael returned down the creek to find that their plan had worked. The form Kolnor took was a mass of many skins. A fleshy horror that was angered by the party's transgressions. The party used their remaining strength and arcane skills to defeat and destroy this form of Kolnor. Michael had gifts of healing, but he was only able to save Geremiah from Kolnors corruption. The gnome survived, but his skin was not all his own and he was greatly weakened. His criminal traits were heightened after this event and he sunk into a life amongst the thieves guild. The survivors travelled to the nearest town, Oakhurst and settled there. Michael researched a great many things and began farming and gardening. He had a particular interest in the healing fruit of the Gulthias Tree. He purchased an apple of perfect hue from a local goblin band. Kotanmaru researched deeply into potions, ingredients and the monsters that they originate from. With this knowledge, he opened an apothecary. Pardus opened his mind to arts and sciences and prepared for whatever fate had intended for him next.

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