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Pride's End PrologueDixie Schollar
00:00 / 17:46

Pride's End (1)

No Recourse

Worville and Elu find some comfort in each other despite the language barrier, and trade gifts, a repaired belt of storm giants strength for Elu, and a giant mitten for Worville. Tension is high at the camp now that the final stretch is beginning and Phoebe, ELu, and barney must gather the others, however, Phoebe is cut by a blade of grass that partially returns some feeling to her. They head to Barlead before Red Orchard, where Barlead examines the wound and finds dark soil in the wound. She then further examines the dark mark on Phoebe's chest and finds the soil in the cavity. After some is removed, some of Phoebe's previous motivations return to her. She is overwhelmed with relief and hope, and indulges in tea with Barlead. Afterwards, they take yet another stop in Sylfshire, humouring Phoebe and her renewed motivation. Phoebe visits the site of Mama Juju's Orphanage, on a strangely named street, 'Griff Street', a collects and address. Elu and Barney give Phoebe some space as she reunites with her old care worker, Mama Juju. It was Mama Juju who had told Phoebe about the prophecy that had been the motivation for every decision she had made since joining the band. An ancestor four generations previous had made a deal promising glory, but each of the five daughters in this bloodline of 'Schnerb', would pay back that glory in blood and fear. Phoebe asks of her parents, and is forced to accept their demise in the Fall of Lohic. Mama Juju is proud of Phoebe for leaving the thieves guild, however. Afterwards, the group share in some Ice Cream, relashing the reemergence of a social side to Phoebe, before continuing on to Red Orchard. However, in the greatly renewed high street when everyone catches sight of Nagi, and the goblin begins to run up to Elu for a sweet reunion, Elu goes cold and stiff, and has a different vision. Of a small tiefling child with pale red-ish skin, and short white fluffy hair. Somewhere far away, Sweetsong and Vzarro speak, the former seemingly now holding Setep in Custody, and enjoying making decorations from his body. (12).jpg

Pride's End (2)

Family Reunion

In the winter, Merut discovered that Nifeemos was pregnant, and while she was nervous about a horned baby, Merut promised to keep her safe. In Spring, just before the reunion, Atsara went to lay his family to rest in Rezmire. Back in the present, Flea, Merut, Nifeemos, Nagrick, Spacegraham, and Barney reunite in a bar named the Big Man Bar. The positive improvement in Phoebe is noted, and good vibes are shared. However, Nagrick asks Merut to talk to Elu as she is being strange, she's depressed. Merut goes to talk to her and gets her to tell him what's wrong, she is upset because she has spent so long feeling inferior and scared because she wants to protect Nagrick, but guilty because, when seeing her again, she realised that Nagrick has come to replace someone Elu lost in Red Orchard. A little tielfing she was raising, Cotton. Merut tells her that Nagrick is competent by herself, but they can keep Nagrick safe between them. Elu agrees, but knowing what they face says 'We're dead men, Merut'. Elu later talks about this with Spacegraham, who tells Elu to tell Nagrick. Meanwhile, Merut and Nif spend a last hour together, and Phoebe visits Carla in the grove of stars, to learn about primal magic. Carla tells her that her dark sigil is full of negative energy, and channelling primal magic to heal it, could corrupt the primal weave even if it was possible. She advises that Phoebe kill herself, else she has a couple of months. When it is time to leave Red Orchard, Merut proposes marriage to Nifeemos, and she tearfully accepts. As Merut is teleported away, Nif weeps, knowing a wedding is unlikely to happen.

Pride's End (3)

The Last Council

Atsara had visited his home, where he was able to find some rest and peace, before he returned to Dormani, to the band, and joined a meeting of the command squad, where they were discussing the end. First on the agenda was gathering the information they had about Gallith, she was a night hag, attacked with psychic attacks and from behind. Next they discussed westwood, the strange repeating of time, the impermanence of death, the mists that seemed to abduct them; this led Spacegraham to comment on how similar it sounded to the legends of domains of dread she had been sharing. The party agree, and conclude that indicates there must be another entity in Westwood to watch out for, the domain's 'Darklord'. It seems unconnected to Gallith, but understanding the domain and their battleground depends on them finding the dark lord once in the mists. Next the band break the bank and spend all that remains of their money securing more infusions and items. Similarly, upon Elu's suggestion, the band prepare to drain the Lion's Den of the last of its guards and drakes, for if they lost the battle with Sweetsong, there would be no point in the Den being guarded. Lastly the band drew up plans to call on every last ally they could. This would include getting Jorey's help with Gallith, getting Yuki ready for once she is defeated, calling on the Away Inn paladins, the Farlun's Haunt ogres, Barlead, her simulacrum, and her menagerie. And lastly, Elu plans to release her imp of rumours in Lohic, to incite them attacking Sweetsong on a second front. Everyone agrees. And the meeting ends. 


Pride's End (4)

Roll Call

Merut visits the away Inn, where he sees Falreem. His old ally seems disappointed at him for appearing, whereas Farcel Sr is furious, but he honours his oath to help once Merut asks for it. He also drops off a letter for Yuki, telling her to route with Band in preparation for Gallith's demise. Back at the Den, Atsara makes his last carving in his rock, the band reuniting. Win or Lose, Atsara knows he will not live to finish carving the story, he tells Flea as much when he comes over and begins speaking of death and finishing what you start. The last of the Band leave, before the party teleport to Barlead. Barlead and Atsara catch up and she offers to decorate his bones, before Phoebe cuts to the reason they are there. It's the end of the road, and Barlead has toe either say goodbye, or join them on the battlefield. She agrees, and asks Phoebe to stay for a couple nights to help sort things out with the Barlead Simulacrum. Merut sends a message - Jorey replies immediately, saying that any occasion to smite heretics is a good occasion, but asks for some assistance with Saldon in return. So after Elu rallies the trolls at Farlun's Haunt, the party head to Blue Rose Range to find Jorey. Apparently he hit a bit of a roadblock a few weeks ago, with Saldon. He asks Merut to try talking to him, since he's refusing to talk. Saldon is cynical. Jaded. Refuses to call Merut a friend, laughing in his face. Merut gives a  speech about going forward, but Saldon yells over him that Merut has no idea the amount of people he's killed. Eventually, he just screams at Merut to leave. As he leaves, Merut tells him that Yuki forgives him. Outside, Merut talks to Jorey. He explains the connection he felt with Saldon, the journey together, the things he's done - and how much he wants to help Saldon's adventure come to a good end. When he wakes up in the morning, Saldon is there - and agrees to come along. As the party teleport to the edge of Westwood, the mists begin to form around them.


Pride's End (5)

Between Lands Again

In the mists everyone is separated, and their arrival seems to have taken different amounts of time to each person's experience. Atsara, Jorey, and Phoebe are able to find one another and emerge from the mists outside Styx Farm, where they are held at gunpoint by some nervous mistwalkers. Phoebe is able to talk them down, ad they provide a map of the plane and advise that they do not spend too much time in the mists, they seem to have experienced a lot worse than hags in their travels between domains of dread. They decide to head down the main road to see if they can find anyone else, but as they pass the fields of failed crops, scythes glint in half seen spaces between the crops muttering that a harvest is soon to come. Elu, Nagi, Spacey, and Barney emerge in Westwood Town, where the residents have boarded themselves in to escape a horde of undead quicklings that Elu quickly dispatches. A strange dwarf then emerges from a nearby well offering directions, that is, after some deciphering. The man seemed only able to say three words 'I am Gorb'. Elu wants to find the others, and 'Gorb', recommends heading to 'The Finding Tree'. Merut, Saldon, and Flea, have already headed there from street signs, having emerged at the New Road. Merut tapped into the tree and suddenly had access to a wealth of knowledge about the land, from a primal spirit that resides in the tree, and it's domain spanning roots. Merut finds out that Dathica Sandlewood is the dreadlord of this domain. After that revelation, Elu arrives with Gorb, and Merut, and Flea, immediately recognise that he has the face of Mumuk Ungart , their long dead ally.


Pride's End (6)

The Lord and Master

Phoebe, Atsara, and Jorey come across the  refugee camp, and an old, half blind man named Sinsnow. The man doesn't see Atsara as a skeleton, but senses death on him so asks if he is a priest, because their are unburied dead. Atsara clarifies he is not, but offers to provide death rites and dignity to the bodies. Afterwards, the mists begin to thicken, and a dwarf man smoking a funny smelling pipe begins to babble in fear that the Lord and Master is coming. All of them hide in their tents as the fog becomes a full veil. Through the mists, they hear a man walking up the road, with a dark aura, calling out "Sam!!! Ina!!!". The dark lord of Westwood, Dathica Sandlewood, himself. Ever cursed after his sin to search for his wife and son. They keep a distance but need to continue south, they spot him again, mourning in the town centre, and stay hidden as they pass. They then find the others at the finding tree, where they explain the Gorb situation, and Merut and Fleas understanding so far. They confirm that this isn't Gorb, he doesn't remember them, and he bears no wounds from what they are sure killed Mumuk. So for now he is a mystery. But he does have information. The party are able to work out that Gallith is in her Butcher Shop demiplane which was last accessed through Westwood Manor. However, Merut, and Flea feel an importance about the mapped wood shrine, and everyone decides it is worth looking into before facing Gallith. On their way, they pass the abandoned imp camp. Reports tell of all manor of strange fey occurrences, all dated to the day before the battle of westwood. Merut spots eyes in the dark and alerts the others, who continue on.

Pride's End (7)

The Woodshrine

The shrine is atop a hill, covered in dry creeks and streambeds. On the top are ruined water and moon symbols, and many long dead skeletal worshipers, with vestments denoting an unknown goddess of peace. When the group commune with the shrine, the goddess asks that the party restore it. So, Elu begins to repair the watertight tiles of the sanctum, Atsara delivers funeral rites for the worshippers, and everyone works together to banish the blighted dryads from the area. After doing so the inner sanctum is opened and the party are rewarded with boons, Elu grows is size and resilience, Atsara in life force, Phoebe in resistance, Gorb in intelligence, Saldon in Speed, the others gained 7th level magic, including Merut who gained Arcane Sword and Regenerate, and the responsibility to use them. He also has some interest in this peace domain, and finds the water imagery evocative. When resting in the underground sanctum, Merut and Flea discuss the state of things and put together Westwood's origin. Dathica Sandlewood's harvest is in ruins due to the war, no one to man the fields, acres of crop gone to waste and people starving. The livestock go hungry and die, and the butcher disappears. Dathica turns to another to save him, where his existing faith had failed. Gallith. She promises a bountiful harvest and safety from the war if he destroys the Woodshrine and kills the priests. And he does, however Galliths new harvest is not of crops, but of soul larvae, and as the towns people starve, the dark powers drag them all into the domains of dread. With nothing left to be said, the party depart for Westwood Manor, then after finding the entrance to the Butchers Shop, and descending into the basement,  they face Gallith.

Pride's End Session 7 CutsceneDixie Schollar
00:00 / 03:53

Pride's End (8)

The Fifth Daughter

The Fifth Daughter reduces Gorb to a pile of Chum, Saldon blinks to Gallith and the two begin to clash, and battle begins. TFD rains down blight and death sapping all of Elu's health, as a maddening darkness filled the space and clawed at the minds of the shrouded. TFD then conjures blades, not dissimilar to Phoebe's, but they look like blades of grass, and tear up Merut, Barney, and Atsara. Merut tries different spells, but alot of his efforts are in vain. Atsara lands a blow and focuses into the husk of TFD and learns its strengths and weaknesses. Alot of resistances, and one weakness, radiance. Nagrick begins a bombardment of guiding bolts, as TFD uses enervation tendrils to sap life from Elu. Barney invokes his faith and summons a sunbeam that scorches the darkness before Spacegraham gets a debilitating blow in, TFD is reeling, falling apart. Gallith throws Saldon against the wall, knocking him out, and she blinks to TFD, sinking her hooks in and pleading "The Harvest must be Reaped" and performs a dark rite, passing her magic into TFD and losing all physical form and power in the process. And thus the terror began, more darkness, more blight, counterspells after counterspells, Elu rotting, arms dropping off, Merut using regenerate  keep Elu healing all the wounds that became progressively worse until she looked like a giant monstrous undead horror.  Atsara tried desperately to break her concentration, Flea tried to drop the ceiling on her, but she was faster, and Jorey tried to keep death at bay, until, Elu finished it. Flea picked up Phoebe's cold, stiff, bloated, and long dead body, and dug her a grave in Westwood's soil. Her body was mended, and soul returned to it, but it still bore the dark sign from the tome, and she was still doomed. She still had only months. The band leave Westwood, for good, and call upon Barlead, Oroe, Yuki, and Bars.

Pride's End (9)

Good Morning

At the camp, with everyone gathered, Flea has a moment with Atsara, where he takes back what he had said before, now encouraging Atsara to share that he is going to die so that he can make peace with them, the experience with Phoebe has changed him. He then goes to Merut and the two exchange some fond words, proving their kinship deeper than ever, with Flea even getting Merut in on a scheme he is cooking up. After Flea leaves, Yuki comes to speak to Merut, she offers to fulfill what she once promised and restore Cailin, but Merut has to choose whether to do it now, or send the coin away with a spell scroll to ensure Cailin doesn't get caught up in the upcoming battles. As Merut ponders his decision. Phoebe comes to, she hurts, and takes a while to come to her senses, and realise what has happened, but everyone hugs her, and Spacegraham, Merut, and Barlead, all pitch in to help ease the pain. Afterwards, Phoebe and Flea have a moment alone where they amend the distance grown between them, and assure one another of their devoted, loving, friendship. As Flea prepares Bulgogi, Atsara tells the Lions and Crusaders what awaits him, and is swarmed by hugs, gratitude, and support. It's agreed a funeral will be held for him by his stone, in the Lion's Den, and one day, the Lion's will begin a new adventure together, beyond this life. Phoebe then explains her long journey, from killer to kin, and what it means for her, now the worst thing she feared has happened and she is beyond it. She proclaims that tonight is a party, and they are going to celebrate all together. Which prompts Flea to reveal the plan he has been making to mess with Sweetsong and inspire the troops. Flea had been given the Boon of two spells, like Merut, Plane Shift, and Simulacrum. With Merut's fabrication, a replica Bigger Man Sword is made, and with Flea's Simulacrum, a replica Setep is made, to which everyone kneels. And after discussing with the group, to finish off the roster, Merut asks Yuki to return Cailin, as he says "Good Morning Stargirl", and another great embrace begins. Cailin asks, "did we win?". Meanwhile, in Nessus, a ragged and bloody Setep smiles, hearing the Black Helms moving out for battle, he knows the time has come.


Pride's End (10)

Our Band, Our Family

Cailin reunites with everyone through the celebrations, they slowly begin to explain their situation in snippets as they play beatures. Cailin shows her mastery of the basics, even though the cards in play are new to her, winning against Merut. But she learns of Nagi's growth, wisdom, and druidic attunement as they find themselves in an almost even match. Nagrick is able to win, just about. Merut then has the next match, but loses again, in part, thanks to Daldon, jorey, and Bard al encouraging different strategies over his shoulder. Oroe in the meanwhile encourages Elu to make the most of her time with her friends, to which she says she doesn't want to be the centre of attention tonight; so instead, Oroe challenges her to an arm wrestle. Even using a partial draconic transformation, Elu wins, throwing Oroe away, to which he laughs. Atsara then goes to ask Bars about his journey, he then recounts the story of the Crusaders of the Dragon, Atsara laments that the story is not better known. Bars replies that he's grateful it made way for the Band of the Lion, and that no one can fully celebrate anyone else's life, as it would take the duration of their lifetime at least to explain who they are. Atsara finds wisdom in these words and decides to dance. Phoebe introduces herself to Cailin, and welcomes her, but what's really on her mind is Yuki. She tells Yuki that she is her grandmother, learning that Bars is her grandfather, but, she tells Yuki that as far as she knows, Ello, her mother, is dead, which causes Yuki to leave. When Merut and Cailin have a minute alone, Merut tells Cailin about Nifeemos and the baby, to which Cailin is supportive and accepts that they couldn't pick up where they left off. She knows this isn't her band anymore, even though she is grateful and proud of what the band have become. So, she plans to leave to find her family at dawn. Elu has a moment with Setep's simulacrum where she takes the opportunity to raise a glass to him in thanks for giving her a purpose, and a family. Meanwhile, in Nessus, the real Setep ponders his origins in the fighting pits, and his desire to become a legendary fighter worthy of reverence, and prepares for the oncoming fight by using his hidden talent prestidigitation, to get to the lockup chest in his dungeon, and stash his armour close to hand. 


Pride's End (11)

Greenest, Again.

Phoebe is awoken by Yuki, who apologises for her leaving the night before; the two then attempt to get to know eachother with the time they have, however they are interrupted by the nycaloth Aulmpiter. He reminds Phoebe that the deadline for the contract is in eleven days, on the first of spring, and that she must either fulfil the contract, offer something better, or accept the consequences. It leaves a single use, single person spell scroll of planeshift, bound to the transport the user to the Shadowfort incase Phoebe should decide to offer a new deal. Later that morning, Phoebe tells the others, and the party begin to pack up camp and begin there week long journey to rendezvous with the Band near Greenest. Merut, Flea, and Cailin reconvene the sammy club with a picnic, and promise to meet again shortly after the death of Sweetsong, and once Sam's soul is freed from the soul coin. Afterwards, Merut and Cailin give their last heartfelt goodbyes and farewells. Then, the party teleport to Grazen, and begin the walk north. They arrive to find a war camp full of ex-claws of the clowder, martyrs guild members, retainers, giants, ogres, paladins, druids, drakes, cavalry, and martyr representatives. Setep's Simulacrum shows his face around while Elu is carried off by Worville, Phoebe and Merut catch up with the council, Atsara hands out with Fangs and Mac, and the Crusaders enjoy revisiting where their journey began. Afterwards, Setep's simulacrum greets Manny and Maximus affectionately, and a great weight seems to be lifted by the concerned steeds. Phoebe and Barlead are then shown to the command tent, where they know, in a matter of hours, the party will be splitting, and saying goodbye, likely, at least in the case of Atsara,

for the last time. As midnight passes, three days remain. 


Pride's End (12)

Everything, for a Time

Atsara, Flea, and Jorey say their goodbyes. Flea and Atsara take their time with the party. With deep hugs, gratitude, pride, and love. Atsara is thanked for his service by the council, and he gives them honours in return. He also gets the chance to recognise Fangs as his brother, before moving forward. Jorey and the crusaders embrace, and give thanks that they could do some good, and be together again, against the odds. Lastly, standing before his portal to Nessus, Flea and Phoebe say goodbye with a long hug and love, before he addresses the room. He says that 'this', the band's adventures, have been everything to him, and 'they', the band, have been everything and more. Atsara offers a yo, Jorey offers a goodbye, and Flea, bids farewell, as the portal closes behind them all. They arrive in Nessus, in a poisonous swamp, in the shadow of an icy mountain leading to a fiery sky of smoke. Back in Greenest, just the party, barney, and barlead, are are in the command tent, sitting with the weight of that goodbye, however, when Elu gets up to bed, she gets the feeling she is being watched, and alerts the others. Phoebe comes to the door and enters the ethereal plane, causing what was hiding, to pounce. Blackhelm Helltiger riders. Elu tears them apart, as Setep Simulacrum goads them into her range. Phoebe rains daggers from above, and Merut summons an Arcane Sword to wound the beasts while keeping them at range with thunderwave. Barlead was being swiped at, as she hid under the table, so Barney protected her with a barrage of Sunbeams. The last of the riders were defeated by Elu, Nagrick, and Spacegraham. Phoebe then looks around and sees the enemy retreating. She ponders on how Sweetsong finally assembled the cavalry he dreamed of. She is shocked when she flies high, to see Varganak's war camp, and his thousands of Flameguard, Uildans, and Martyrs, beset by the main brunt of Sweetsong's Blackhelms. The attack on the band was a distraction. And some kilometres away, on the other side of the town they are camped outside of, The Battle of Greenest ends, with the Black Helms withdrawing, having slain half of Varganak's forces. Sweetsong did not stay to defend Uild against the giants, because now, he might win the Capital.

Pride's End (13)

The Battle of Greenest

On the day after the night attack, the 89th of Spring, the lions are forced to watch the aftermath of the Battle of Greenest. In the miles between the Lion camp, Greenest, and the Flameguard Camp, the hellriders are stalking the ethereal plane, unseen, and picking off the ranks of soldiers remaining in the Flameguard camp as they try to cross to safety. While at the gates, Merut sees that a large number of tieflings have made it across, people from Stadium, Red Orchard, and Mediocros, who mobilised with the druids when they heard that their saviours were fighting for them. However, Merut also sees that Nif answers the call, he rushes her to safety and cleans her up, while she tells the story of how a ghostly figure, a guardian angel helped everyone on the journey, and just now, saved her from certain death. The ghost of Fenfang answered the call to fight, and saved Nif, but was bested by the raw number of ethereal hunters. That evening, Phoebe sees the banner of the calling hand raised, a call to parle. Phoebe decides to accept, while making ready the armies. The party will be Phoebe, Setep II, Merut, Elu, Mable, Oroe, and Manny. They make their preparations during the night. Meanwhile in Nessus, Atsara leads Flea, and an exhausted Jorey (from the casting of many protective wards and healing) to the Clowder Majora. They sneak by a great hellish Maelephant, come to the obsian gates, pass under, narrowly escaping a black helm constructs pursuit, before disguising themselves with seeming and pushing further into the stronghold. Inside, they find Sweetsongs throne missing, taken down, as he looks to claim a throne elsewhere. In the basements, atsara finds a stone balcony with a ritual site that looks like where Sweetsong will return. He and Jorey lie in wait, while Flea goes to maintain the disguise and patrol. However, after a short look around, he finds himself before Setep's cage. The Big Leader is ragged, flayed, and hung on a meathook by his nape. He braces himself for another round of torture from the blackhelm standing before him before he sees the tears falling from it's mask. Flea shows his hands, the sign that he's not Sweetsong, a Lion's secret signal. And Setep knows the time has come, and that this Blackhelm, is Flea.


Pride's End (14)

Plight of the Panthera

Setep armours up, retakes his sword, and cuts his way through blackhelms to reunite with Atsara, and Jorey. In Greenest, Phoebe, Setep II, Merut, Elu, Nagrick, Spacegraham, Barney, Barlead, Oroe, and Mable attend the Parle. Sweetsong appears bigger, and his ego matches, boasting of his gains in Uild, as he smokes sweet poisoned cigars. He tells the commanders to walk behind him or he will walk over them, they conclude the parle. Sweetsong does not honour it and charges with the helltigers, however, before they make contact, Oroe transforms, throwing Sweetsong into the air and burning a path through the blackhelms to the isolated Maharajah. Barney used magic aura to make Phoebe able to attack with her daggers, while Barlead keeps a forcefield up that keeps Blackhelms and Oroe's flames away. Merut casts regenerate and enlarge on Elu, before returning to maintaining his countercharm, so Sweetsong cannot control them. The Rakshasa attacks faster and faster, shedding his armour, he's able to destroy Setep II, then he climbs up the mountainous Elu. She throws punches as Nagrick and Spacegraham keep healing Elu, and retreat away from the climbing Sweetsong. Mable awakens her secret technique, floats into the air and uses her magic hands to cast Power Word: Bar, allowing her to manifest metal bars, barbs, a bars worth of flaming booze, and more, before Elu flicks the ragged Maharajah from her arm. In a heap, he continues to boast about how he will trample them, but Elu cuts him off, bringing her kaiju esque foot down on him, however, he disappears, using his planeshift escape. Some time later, he returns to the Clowder Majora, to find an ambush. He acts cool, admitting his surprise at seeing two Setep's, and his mistake of forgetting Atsara existed. Setep interrupts him, but the Maharajah catches the blade in his wrist, finishes his cigar, before continuing the fight. Flea holds him in place with stoneshape, Atsara releases his revenge, and Setep spars against his claws, however, Sweetsong is able to pull out Setep's heart and eat it. Jorey and Flea rush over to try and revivify him while Sweetsong and Atsara stare each other down. They move to atop the nearby circle of statues to goad each other from on top. Atsara pounces and relentlessly attacked back, nearly breaking. Jorey rushes in, but is thrown from the plateau. Atsara and Sweetsong are at their limit. If Atsara is to win, he has to be fast, faster than he was the day he and his family died. He finds the void within, takes peace in memories of discipline and duty, and he strikes. He pushes his fingers through Sweetsongs eyes and the conqueror reduces to ash. Setep breaths again, and down below Jorey summons Quianfann. END OF PART ONE

ReapingDixie Schollar
00:00 / 08:10

Vzarro arrives, boasting of how the Lion's dream has led them to making the material plane more vulnerable than ever, with armies on all fronts at breaking point. He announces his, and his coven authorities, victory, as they move to begin harvesting souls directly from the material plane, since they've been invited there. They will no longer partake in the soultrade with the hated Night Hags, no with they petition souls in the Fugue Plane. Jorey gets Quiannfann to teleport him and itself to the Greenest warcamp, where it is twilight. He sees the dead of the battle, Fangs, Mac, Falreem, Bakeralka, Orr Link, Anthony the Beartalope, Carlisle Juqual, and more. He sees the comnmanders are out in the field with the other soldiers around one of a hundred campfires and darts towards them, but Tarlikrols armies arrive first, thousands of mezzanoloths and canoloths, hundreds of nycaloths and guardian demons, and by Elu, Phoebe, and Merut, appear Daerith Dog-Ears, Crassag, Yin N'Gith, Aulmpiter, Nyca, Hoxchitl, Nashqatar, a number of other Nycaloths, and Molat, the Arcanoloth who surprises them with his finger of death as the battlefield fills up with smoke pouring from the portals that appeared so suddenly. Back in Hell, Setep, Flea, and Atsara begin to fight Vzarro, but Atsara is beginning to fade, reduce to sand. He holds back Vzarro as Setep and Flea reluctatly move away, knowing if the battle with Vyizm Wvimas has truly begun, then someone needs to make it to the Shadowfort, and be ready to fight. They step through the portal and look back, Atsara has put up a valiant fight and Vzarro looks weakened. Atsara lets out a resounding "YO!" infused with all the respect, gratitude, relief, and love, of his new life and unleashes a flurry of yos against the Nycaloth as Setep and Flea's view closes with the portal. Atsara of the Sands, deceased 22:12, 90th Spring 22,024.

Pride's End (15)

End of the Lions

In the fugue plane, Tarlikrol, a green tiefling, accepted the offer of Vzarro to replace their previous authority, he was wanted for his Maelstrom soul. Tarlikrol, bitter at the futility of his death, dying trying to stop the towers of Majesty firing, accepts. Atsara does not amuse petitioners when he wanders this plane, several thousand years later, but he is concerned as he sees the surrounding hoards of the souls of his allies passing him by, and more keep coming. Elu, Phoebe, Barlead, Nagrick, Spacegraham, and Merut are all resting in the field of battle on the evening after the Blackhelms were defeated, but they are interrupted by the arrival of Vyizm Wvimas. Quianfan comes hurtling from the sky and blocks a finger of death before being beheaded from Hoxchitl, Jorey is flung from the back and knocked unconscious. The fight is hard, close, and punishing, but Yin N'Gith, Aulmpiter, Hoxchitl, Nashqatar, Molat, and Daerith Dog-Ears are all defeated along with their guardian daemons. Merut wants to rush back to the war camp to find wherever Nifeemos is, so enlarges Elu to 60ft tall. Elu begins to close the distance, though Phoebe is exhausted, and the wound on her soul aches. Elu makes it halfway before she returns to normal size, she is exhausted. Everyone pushes on for another quarter, running between the lines of tieflings and lions engaged in a slow struggle against mezzanoloths and dhergoloths. However, Elu and Phoebe can go on no longer. Merut needs to continue so asks Nagi if he can one of his two scimitars he gave her. Everyone wishes Merut well, and Elu tells him she forgives him, before he continues running, to unite his blade with the other, the one with Nif. He passes Worville who he points to Elu, he passes more tieflings in distress, Yuki and Bars struggling to hold back Hydroloths and Gacholoths. A Piscoloth jumps at Merut, but Saldon cuts it down before urging him on. Merut goes tumbling however when he bumps into relimund, who has a letter for Merut. Merut is reluctant because he is so close to Nifeemos now, but Relimund Gaque says that the letter was intended for him, Setep made sure of it (when he handed over the lens). Merut opens it as is taken into a hallucinatory space, where he is reunited with Lucion, the two talk about the price of protecting what you love, Merut realises Lucion sent Merut away because he already knew he was ill then. The two enter a familiar cabin, inside is a woman (Chigi, Merut's mom) and a child (Merut), who he doesn't recognise, they're throwing a birthday party. There is a cake with four candles. Lucion gives Merut matches and asks him to help them. Merut uses his magic to light the candles but only one of the four do. The terrain fades and he realises he is in Blue Tower, rebuilt on Majesty, full of warpstone powering a ritual, with a lens focusing its effects on infernals. The tower fires, all tieflings, but Elu due to her mutations, are sent to the astral sea, and all devils returned to their home plane. In the Grey Wastes, Setep and Flea hold eachother up as they try and resist the entropic effects of the plane, they are able to make it to Shadowfort, and when they break inside, they see thousands and thousands of eggs, all the yugaloths were purged somehow. They begin to destroy the creatures, but Tarlikrol appears and begins duelling Setep, a prismatic blade versus and entropic one. Flea rattles off attacks at the Ultroloth to clear the smoke shroud around him, so Setep can behead the beast. The two are able to then destroy all the Yugaloths but the guardian daemons outside, who comes storming in. They were too exhauseted to survive, but not to win. They stumble their way out onto the edge of the lava lake. Flea aks where they are going now, and Setep says they can only keep moving forwards so long, eventually they will reach a dead end. Flea understands and takes the time to tell Setep how it has been his honour and joy, how he loves Setep, and will into eternity, but Setep is already dead. Flea lays down his head next to him and says 'I hope they still eat well', as his last thoughts are with the band. Later, Phoebe and Barlead would use the scroll of planeshift that was fixed to the location of Shadowfort, to teach it to Barlead. When used, they find no bodies, only a prismatic sword planted into the ground.



Everyone returns to the band and begins to mourn, holding funerals at Atsara's Rock. Afterwards, Phoebe retires, and Jeanbec is chosen by the council to lead. The band needs a lion afterall. He begins command with Lady Mimron, his wife, returned to life, and with the Rankirk (who takes care of Maximus) and Jennifer. Varganak does not turn up, so Relimund Gaque takes power and begins rebuilding. He soon moves to help the Uildans take back The Nameless Kingdom. Jorey and Saldon visit Alcain's grave, before each setting out on their own purposes, Saldon to resist the giant occupation of Lohic, and Jorey to help the Uildans rebuilt after the deposition of Palma Nobilis. Yuki and Bars continue their lives in the capital, after working tirelessly to help Oroe, so that he may return to his half sisters and Keith. Elu leaves the band too, with Worville, her giants, and the trolls of Farlun's Haunt. They are going to live in Worville home in the Farsky. Spacegraham stays behind in the band, and Nagi hopes to return to the band one day, but wants at least a few more years by Elu's side. They also take Manny, who enjoys the climate. Barney goes on to help the progress being made in Majesty, and trains a new generation of wizards. Following Merut's published journals, Yuki found her daughter Yovan, in the goblin tunnels of Whetgreen, she had been nicknamed G.E.B. Yovan is taken to Barleads tower to meet with her daughter, Phoebe, and daughter in law, Barlead. Atsara stays in the fugue plane a while, helping others to move on, and pushing them away from deals with devils and demons that petition there. He stays for years in fact, until Kelemvor himself grows tired of him and pushes him into the afterlife. He arrives in the sunny plains of the beastlands, nearby are a mounted band marching towards him. In the band he sees Intom, Helene, Uncle Tec, Fangs, Mac, Blinker, Sava, Samworthy, Fenfang, Alcain, Phoebe, Flea, and Setep, and many other heroic lions in the eternal hunting grounds, joyfully marching the path of glory and victory. Ten years later, the tieflings return, with only one tower being fired, the tieflings were not contained in the astral sea. They return with their memories, and Merut rushes for Nifeemos in Red Orchards. He finds her waiting, still wearing their engagement ring, carrying in her arms, an also newly returned tiefling child, Lucy. Merut's work in restoring Red Orchard had been carried on by the band, and the city was whole. Merut's name would carry too much weight here, though the tieflings all appreciated his saving of them, so he took the name Lucion Duskdew. From them on, and for every day he woke up above ground, he would be a good father, a good husband, a good community leader, a good man; and he would accept that.

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