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 Champions of Dorun (1)

Battle of the Artery

Krad lands in Sigil, unable to find anyone else. He gets his bearings and rushes across the city to the stone pavilion.  After the long journey, he found a lost looking Runa. she had landed in Mount Celestia, but had made it back with angelic help. Runa pointed something out to Krad that he hadn't noticed. The head of the Falling Knight was clinging on by his teeth to Krads robes. The drow had been sucked into the ethereal vortex with the party, but had lost his body. He revealed that he and his two brothers were cursed to be beheaded at least once every fifty years, but by the power of the Lady of Sigil, he could be granted new bodies. This group then stopped at the coffee shop to rest before planning to visit the Lady of Pain, hoping to get information and a new body for the knight. They make their way to the shattered temple and lay their eyes upon the Lady. She is a ginormous woman, adorning orange, blue and purple robes, she appears to be floating and wears a crest of swords. The trail of her dress leads over a floor covered in people suffering. Behind her float the Dabus. Her servants. Tall, grey creatures with white hair that floats above them as though they were in water. They communicate for the Lady by summoning cloud like runes. The Lady restores the body of the fallen Knight and tells Runa and Krad where Abies and Aryx are. Abies is in Mechanus and Aryx is in Limbo. Over the next month, the remains of the group would plan an exhibition into Mechanus and after a month searching through Mechanus, Abies was found. Everyone escaped quickly as Abies had angered Primus by unintentionally growing plant life that interfered with the process. It only took a week to escape Mechanus and immediately once Abies was safe, discussions began as to what they could do for Aryx. The White Knight returned to Sigil from hunting a Quadron and told the party he had encountered Aryx and that he had been alive and trying to find his way back. The knight couldn't take him as he still needed to hunt and by the time he returned, Aryx was gone. The party decided to leave Aryx behind and pray for his return, Dorun needed them. Due to the great conflict in Dorun, the mortal gate had been closed, but the Lady afforded them passage; and so they left Sigil behind them. The R.S Rezmir was not at the cave entrance. The crew boarded Abies' magical 'Folding Boat' and rowed to the Vault of Kings. At the vault, the Rezmir was in ruins, a great chain was binding the ship to the gate. On board, they found a sleeping giant, the loyal Massam, returned to keep watch should the party ever return. He was unable to understand the loss of Zafia. The party met with the queen, now a weak and frail lady with a delicate body draped in thin fabric. Her chambers were full of incensed mist. Generals gathered and prepare for a mass assault on forces from the Order that were attempting to cross the artery to break the siege of Derindel and rally with the orcs. Abies, Krad, Massam and Runa made many preparations for the battle, them and Captain Grom-Gar, who had lead the group in the material plane. All the forces of Dorun road for what would be the field of battle and encamped near the river. The next morning the armies met. Abies, Krad, Massam, Gammon, Runa, Luna and Grom-gar on a Carnosaur were amongst the first vanguard in the centre of the army, defending a bridge. Many other heroes were gathered here, to show the people of Dorun how to fight for their home. These were the Champions of Dorun. After a bitter boast from Lady Mediocros, she released a great fire elemental upon the bridge and the battle began. Massam held back the tides of eldritch knights with his shields. Krad tapped his drow instincts and savagely wrought death and bloodshed. Abies fired the Thunder Canon at the Lady of Mediocros and was hit by a fireball that did great damage. Gammon stood in the way of the next fireball and was broken into pieces, before burning alive. Ground began to be lost and things were dire, but suddenly, the parties spirits were lifted by Runa and their great offence began. Massam brought down his shields into the backs of the enemy and split their spines from their torso. Krad rode on his stahlhorse and cut the flying knight in two, their legs and guts spilling below. Nuratachalanutawa, an old friend of Abies was surrounded, so he used his elemental powers to cascade water from the river into the enemy. All the knights fighting in the river were washed away and Lady Mediocros was gravely injured. Nut was lost. Runa was enlarged by Krad who rode Luna over the enemy and stomped on the knights, splattering them into paste before shattering the souls of those who remained. Abies approached the Lady of Mediocros and spun his thunder canon around, revealing a second barrel, one that was good at splitting flesh close up. He fired.

The Battle continued.

Lady of Pain.png


A Future for Dorun

The Champions of the Horn Saga is concluded in the following short story.

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