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Reccurring Nightmares (1)

The Tomb of Horrors

The Party conquered the vault of giants. They passed many enslaved giants and slayed a captive fire giant king at the end of their adventure. Along the way, they stole the giant's enchanted forge and released some small, pale creatures with fiery Damascus extremities. They exited the vault to find that a group of storm giants had boarded the ship and were trying to enslave the crew. They needed a ship to tow their prize to land. It was a Kracken, apparently many, many giants had fallen in the defeat of this beast that floated lifelessly in the wake of the Cormu. Massam tipped the ship over and with the help of Gammon, was able to quickly recover the crew and flee with the Kraken in tow. When returning to the embassy on Chult, everything was different. The embassy was bigger, there was a tavern, a hive-shaped structure that the tabaxi were crawling over and a Dormani captain, Captain Grom-Gar. He and his troops had captured a carnosaur and many creatures he called cold ones. He was planning to take them back to the queen. With this, Abies agreed that he should tow the Kraken back to Dormani. Zafia wasn't pleased and Massam was confused. Lars shopped from the tabaxi for medical supplies to deal with Rezmir whilst the party spoke to 'Mister Tomb'. This was (according to Captain Grom-Gar) the name of the long-legged bookkeeper who the party had been referring to as 'Long Legs Mcgoo'. He informed the party (in between bouts of dementia) that he had received a great mass of contracts by ravens, bounties pleading the party to lift the Death Curse on Chult. Given the great sum of money involved, the party decided to make it their task. They learned that the ruined city of Homer must be the origin of the curse. They followed the path of ruin (caused by the chaos storm that had decimated Dormani Minoris) through the city of Homer and to a mined-out hill. The Tomb of Horrors. Outside, many signs warned them to flee and that there was something called a Demilich inside. Getting into the tomb was a battle in itself, there were three entrances, two of which were trapped causing Massam great injury. Inside the tomb, gargoyles, trapped chests, broken phylacteries and a great green devil face would try to thwart the party. Lars had stayed behind to tend to Rezmir, the party regretted this after a few encounters. Locki Embers also remained. The party narrowly avoided a sleeping gas trap that would have seen them flattened under an elephantine dreadnought. The party weren't so fortunate later, they all nearly perished when they walked a weighted corridor, that tipped (as they moved across it) and almost plunged them into a well of magma. After this, the party found a hidden path underneath one of many poison spike pit traps. By now they had accounted for five of Acereraks six phylacteries. They came to a pillared throne room, where a zombie wrapped in gold was lurking. This fight was meant to fool the party, it didn't. Nor did the subsequent tomb of Acererak. The party destroyed the four giants that surrounded Acereraks sarcophagus and the whole room elevated. When it stopped, they found a mithril vault containing a mass of treasure, scrolls and a bejewelled skull. Langderossa greedily grabbed the skull and disappeared. Zafia and Massam were transfixed and copied him. Abies, Krad, Norman and Crystal were not fooled. They concluded that this skull was the last phylactery, not only that but the last remains of the lich Acererak, a Demilich. If they were to engage it in combat, they wouldn't stand a chance. Abies' wakazashi broke over it. So, they channelled each other and used all the arcane powers hidden inside them and sent Krad towards it. The only thing that could kill it was something as strong. Another phylactery. Krad plunged Corruptor into the skull and with a horrific scream, it fell apart. Zafia, Massam and Langderossa returned. They had been destroyed, but their souls hadn't yet reached the gates of judgement. Rezmir, on the other hand, had died from her wounds back on the Cormu. Langderossa managed to say one last goodbye to her, though it was brief. When back on the Cormu and resting. The last remnant of Acererak told the party that they had missed his warning, to go back to Dormani. When they questioned him. They were shown a vision. Orcs interacting with a pool of darkness somewhere underground. Within the darkness, an image emerged; The Prince of Demons, Demogorgon.

Reccurring Nightmares (2)

The Mortal Gate

Desperation filled the party and panic shortly followed. They sailed for the Embassy that morning and found that it was having a few issues in deciding its name, the current name being 'Tomb Town'. After sending ravens to Dormani calling for a small council meeting, the party ventured to meet with the sea-folk and to fulfil the promise made weeks ago. Abies, Crystal and Norman met with the sea-folk who looked most dishevelled. The seas had been rather rocky, which was, as it turned out because the friendly tides were losing their control of the sea of Sprectus. Abies repaid the debt owed with a fragment of his shell, a very precious belonging, they seemed satisfied. A submerging dry-dock, took them to Gauntlgrym, under the coast of Rei Majoris. In the fort, a great gathering was celebrating the queens 50th birthday. Among the gathering where Lord Maldur, Lord Harmonworth, High Lord Bramble Hook, Lord Herot, Prince Kyle, Captain Grom-Gar, Officer Makko and many other ambassadors. Massam and the crew were asked to stay aboard the Cormu, Zafia, Abies and Krad joined the gathering. The party learn that Orc unrest is building, they have renamed their province to Orcis in their own honour. After the gathering had died down and the night was ending, Queen Hjeff sent the party to investigate a prisoner she was having some difficulty with. A long journey down into the vault of kings lead to a strange creature. A winged Dragonborn, gold scaled, nude and very well endowed. He had tattoos in lokharic covering his back. Aryx was an escapee from the order. A soul on the run for two decades. He was the first anything to escape or be caught from the order since the battle of Skyreach. Abies and Krad swore to protect and free Aryx from the order and the crown. After this pledge, Aryx turned rather bubbly and a more natural, outgoing side seemed to erupt, as though it had been oppressed by fear for the longest time. After rejoining Queen Hjeff, she leads the party into the abandoned throne room of King Hjar with his tusked throne. Inside, Maldur and Harmonworth were awaiting the council Abies had requested. the party and the queen joined the table. Discussions were tough, but ultimately, lack of information seemed to be the greatest threat. Queen Hjeff agreed to send an exploratory mission onto the Darklake, headed by Captain Grom-Gar. Meanwhile, the Cormu crew would travel to Uild and with Maldur would search Acererak's old library in the school of divination for any hope; any possible way that they could defeat Demogorgon and protect the population without triggering a war with the orcs by investigating the Gulthias. during this meeting, the crew of the Cormu had deserted. Massam, Craster, Locki, Lars and Langderosssa refused to fight another god-like enemy that they had no chance of defeating. Due to her contract, Zafia decided to stay and honour her word to Abies. The party travelled by land to Uild. Krad and Norman shared a Stahlhorse, Abies and Zafia Shared Gammon, Aryx rode his companion Vulture, a foreign beast like a pseudo-dragon. On their way, however, the party was ambushed. Whilst crossing a river in Dormort, orc spear-boys and a pair of trolls tried to stop the party. They had intercepted a raven, intended for the second in command at the school of divination. The party was victorious with minor casualties. The school's findings (applied to the tattoos on Aryx) were very interesting, with references to a city named Sigil and a Mortal Gate piecing together a picture of what their next plan of action should be. Talking of this extra-planar potential triggered a memory within Krad that revealed the nature of these things. Sigil is a city of doors, a neutral plan, a ringed city. At the epicentre of every plane was a gate to sigil and thus the rest of the multiverse. If they could uncover secrets beyond their world, then they would be matched with the Prince of Demons in opportunity. So, the hunt began to find the Mortal Gate, or someone who did know where it was. Abies called a council with his lords, but Dark Lord Xanathar declined. Abies insisted and ordered a council. Xanathar responded by inviting Krad, Aryx, Abies, Zafia and Norman to his tower in the school of necromancy. Xanathar was a shocking sight, a beholder, but he knew enough to lead the party south. He claimed that the knowledge they needed could be found in the roots of the Barchan. In the elf city and under the roots, they found a portal, an oddity that lead them to a saturated and forested reflection of the material plane. The Feywild. A brief stop here lead them to a sleeping girl in a coffin, beneath her, a dire-rabbit. This was Iruna, the god of beauty and good, though she claimed to be called Runa (and her rabbit called Luna). The Queen hardly believed that Iruna was back, but trusted that Abies was competent so humoured his story back at Gauntlgrym. Runa lead the party to a cave that had been plotted by Captain Grom-Gars Expedition into the under dark. A cave on the western wall of Darklake, north of Bligdenstone. Inside was the Mortal Gate. A great stone arch with golden decors showing the fight of men and dragons. This was how the demon lords had entered the world before. Now, the Dormani Empire controlled it.


Reccurring Nightmares (3)

The Blessing of the Father

The gate was guarded. Between the party and sigil was a duergar who challenged the party to a one versus one duel. Aryx was chosen and the Cack-Handed knight drew arms, cursing the Dragonborn from behind a sugar-loaf visor. He critically injured Aryx by parrying with a dagger and using a razor lined shield. The knight drew the legendary sunblade was about to deliver a killing blow to Aryx when he launched Vulture at the knight to buy him time. Runa rushed to help Aryx and Abies broke the honour of the duel to keep his vow to protect Aryx. He fired his thunder canon at the knight. Aryx survived and so did the knight, though both were in a sorry state. The Cack-handed knight spent the whole time talking about his lady and his duty, he said his brothers would come for him and that none should bring war or aggression into the city of doors. After taking the Sunblade, the party entered the mortal gate and beheld Sigil. The city was curved, lying on the inside of a great ring, making it its own sky. The mortal gate was on a great round pavilion that had gates to all realms surrounding its circumference. The party follows the advice of an angel named Abzalfobar, who thought that magical weapons were the only way to damage the demon prince. They enter the cloudy gate to Mt.Celestia, however, this realm offered nothing for the party as the realm was made for immortal celestials. In the chaotic good realm 'Arborrea', the party met with primitive elf-relations who were going to lead the party to a relic they could use against Demogorgon.  They find it in a cave, after a long, wet, hike.  It's a relic called the Lightspear. It has a binding ritual that the wielder must accept. In order to gain the blessing of a thousand celestial souls, they must accept the warrior's life, a tragic and dutiful life. Aryx accepts the warrior's life and takes the weapon, giving the sun-blade to Abies Nobilis. The party then chase a rogue Modron who seems to need mechanical help, he was running off of a safety mechanism and once Runa had bought replacement parts in Sigil, he left. He did show them that behind one of the shops on Sigil, there was a small vein of mint-brass. A mineral that when smoked would obstruct intrusive or malicious telepathy. After this, the party sat down in 'The Sigil Coffeehouse''. It was a small and clean establishment run by a pair of earth elementals. The party gather their thoughts and begin to devise a plan of action against Demogorgon. After a while of arguing, they decide that their only option is to fight in the Abyss, as to not risk the lives of those who were not involved. They also decided that in order to face Demogorgon, they would need a way to challenge him, to make him fight them. Abies recalls the stories told to him by King Hjar I and Michael Landrum. The last time the mortals fought Demogorgon, it was summoned by the dark heart of Lolth. The last known location of the heart was the battleground of yore. The town of Bligdenstone. The party returned to the material plane through the mortal gate and sailed the Darklake on the R.S Rezmir (formerly the Cormu) to Bligdenstone. The town was still there, built anew by a colony of alchemically inclined Kenku, sporting white plumage. The buildings were built from rotting wood and there were many signs of the battle that had been fought those many years ago. After buying some caramelised rodents to eat, the party sought the storm crow, the mayor of the town. It was Kotanmaru, the white, wise, mischievous and the only Kenku to speak in its own tongue. The Storm Crow had no memory of Abies, he was very old, preserved by magic. After King Hjar's rebellion, Kotanmaru couldn't go home, for Dormani Minoris had been given to the orcs, so he came here. Kotanmaru gave a great many warnings, even showing the Demon Lords forms in flashes of lightning. Then, the party gave up their entire gold hoard to buy a luckstone, the moon-blade (given to Krad) and the legendary dark heart of Lolth. When Krad saw the drow queens heart, his early memories returned to his rotten brain. He remembered the drow wars in the Underdark and the sins of his father and then, Krads execution of his father. Krad would spend a great deal of time pondering these returning memories. The party left Norman with the ship, sent Krad's phylactery to Gauntlgrym and met with an ally they had made before leaving Sigil. The Falling Knight was a drow in heavy plate with a sallet helm/bezor. He was keen to fight Demogorgon, for he was a knight of Sigil, the brother of the Cack-Handed Knight. His Lady was the Lady of Sigil, the Lady of Pain. He wanted to uphold her justice. So, Abies, Runa, Aryx, Krad, Zafia and the Falling Knight delved into the Abyss and sought out Demogorgons domain. They saw great pain and suffering. Demons of all calibre lived here, from Vrock to Balor to Nalfashnee. The mythic (manta-ray like) race called the ixitxachitl were famously worshippers of the Demon Prince, so they gave away his position before too long. In Demogorgon's realm, a great many festering madness' formed into the parties weakness'. There was the wreck of the Cormu, Abies' House, Aryx's cage, Krads father and corrupted trees. The black heart of Lolth began to beat and pull the darkness from the realm, before returning it. In these flashes, the party could see the baboon-headed tyrant running towards them. they could feel his fire and madness. The battle was metaphysical, so recalling all the events (or how long it lasted) would be futile. Zafia was torn in two, twisted and bloodied, pink dress ruined, sword cracked. The Falling Knight was blasted from the arena, leaving only his foot. Aryx was filled with madness, but was returned when he was covered in Vultures blood. He had died to save Aryx. Demogorgon fell, his lifeless husk was there before them. Runa and Abies and Krad and Aryx smiled at each other through tears. They were trembling all the while.


The death of Demogorgon summoned Chegg from the depths of the Abyss, he was in the form of Tarrasque, it chased the party from the realm, but the party were not able to reach the abyssal gate in time. Chegg let the form go and appeared as himself, a giant orange man with a spiky body, he was crying crystals that shattered as they hit the floor, he cursed the party and promised revenge. The god of destruction then killed himself, releasing an apocalyptic death rattle of chaos and death. All the dragons of the world plunged to the ground, the great drakes destroyed cities. Queen Hjeff bore a monster. The orcs invaded the elfen realms. The order performed a horrific massacre on thousands of farmers. This was called the Murdoch Massacre. The full extent of Cheggs death rattle is yet to be seen, as the party was thrown from the abyss into ethereal space, not knowing in what realm they would land.

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