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King Saldon Lohic took the two ladies of Derindel as his wards and assembled a court. The Lords of Dorul assembled, with the (formerly) most influential being Lord Maldur. The court plan a council in Uild with the Gaunts to determine how policies shall continue, the Gaunts agreed, but made it clear that surrender of title and lands are non-negotiable. With Lord Maldur acting in place of Saldon, the party prepare to unravel the plot to resurrect Tiamat.

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Rise of Caltor (1)

The Berrins Conspiracy

After plotting a course, the party set sail to Uild, where they use aquamancers to sail upstream of the Celeste from it's delta. The Frosty Fleet was full of halflings, who were not at all keen of the weather and labour, but were merried by the likes of Lars and Yuki. Strange humanoid shapes animalistically stalked the fleet whilst sailing in the middle of Dormort, but Jorey was able to provide surveillance on them. They matched descriptions of a creature that an old Lord Commander had recorded discovering in Nurod. The morale of the halflings was tested by this, so the fleet hastily continued upstream. The party disembarked  at Glumblight, the furthest place that Saldons scouts had been able to track the cultists from Greenest. Glumblight was a wretched place, reduced by disease and poverty and cold. Through thorough questioning and persistence, Jorey was able to locate Jana Brewspiller, who he theorises to be his lost sister. She is the opposite of Jorey, wild, rude and broad. She had centuries of life on top of Jorey and treated him as an infant because of this. She tucked Jorey to bed, where he slept happily, but he would not know a gentle morning. Yuki, Oroe and Alcain plundered a dilapidated chapel, it's graves had been robbed and religious iconography had been scoured. Oroe and Yuki followed Jana the next morning after she acted suspiciously and eventually apprehended her. She was carrying a vault of warpstone. The party took the potions inside for themselves. Jana was imprisoned and cared for by Jorey in the bag of holding as the party followed Jana's plans to go to Berrins, a brightly coloured human city. By searching the Dormort geographical office and questioning Renshar Berrins, the party deduced that the floating island that once held skyreach was now a hill. It only appeared on records after skyreach vanished and filled in the space of a quarry. The hill is called Caltor. After asking too many questions about Caltor, the party are ambushed in the streets of Berrins, where a massive fight ensues. The last surviving cult member pleads for the life of his family. The Cult are planning to resurrect Tiamat on that very night. The party had to choose whether to save the people of Berrins and get the help of Armies to fight Tiamat later, or risk the innocent of Berrins and themselves, to kill Tiamat, before she can be summoned at Caltor...

Rise of Caltor (2)

The Bastion of Ten

The party found the splits in the ground that telegraphed the shifting where once there was a ravine and now it had been occupied by the floating island of Skyreach. It was rising apart from the rest of the earth as fast as paint dries, but it was lifting. The castle ruins were still there and a few pockets of conspirators were lighting bonfires, but the party swiftly rode beyond that. They came where the grand courtyard of Skyreach, where the entrance was now mounded and it's innards were sunken. A scheming troll was taking toll at this post, these warriors were not built for diplomacy with such simple beings and proceeded with little difficulty. Down the corridors span into hexes of trapped rooms. Eventually through the labyrinth, was a grand well that run upwards. A mischievous  kenku youth was pilfering nic-nacs their from the cultists supplies. He seemed sweet and Oroe took a liking to 'Kieth'. At the top of the well was a vortex of shadows and a party of fallen knights.  The last of Sigil's knights. They had slain and were slain by a shadow dragon. The last guard between them and the hoard. There, in the well of dragons was mounds of gold, in excess of anything found in the cumulative banks of Dorun. It slid into a central well, into the nine hells, and beckoned Tiamat. The Queen of Evil Dragons was summoned and the party readied themselves, some exiting the bag of holding, some casting enchantment on them self for protection. Each tried to concoct a plan, but what resources did they have to help them? Jorey had drawn from the deck in Berrins, breaking his arm and also granting him a wish. Unable to destroy Tiamat as she was, he made a wish for Bahumats aid. Bahumat (a mere concept by now) did not even have enough power to maintain a form, but the will of the wishkeeper was met as the minds of Dorun were pulled into prayer to empower the Platinum Dragon. He took his most dire form, holy rain that flooded the well, burning scales off of Tiamat. Oroe Merlot ,empowered by his chosen draught from the warpstone vault took his draconic form and met with his god as she reared her heads over the plateau of the well. The parties spells left no further marks on Tiamat and in despairation, by walking through a dimensional door, Alcain combined the magics of two un-immersible magic items. His Bags of Holding. He and Tiamat were sucked into the sphere of wormhole this created, sent somewhere between realities or outside of them. After mourning their loss and tending their wounds, the party revelled at the wealth they had access too. Little did they know, that in their effort to save the world from Tiamat, they had set things in motion, that should not have been...


The Story of these crusaders continues in:

band of the Lion

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