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S5. Calendar

Pre Campaign

21,909 Ennana is Born (Spring 13th)
21,936 Ovein Lark Born (Summer 61st)
21,989 Wyn Cecil Born (Winter 9th)
22,993 Lady Morroe Born (Autumn 5th)
22,022 Saga 4 Begins (Spring 40th)
22,024 Saga 4 Ends (Summer 1st)
22,025 Anna Born (Winter 59th)
22,028 Dahlia Gessaldottir Born (Summer 77th)
22,031 Dolly Maine Born (Summer 84th) 
22,032 Ezira Bluecap Born (Autumn 80th)
22,033 Nera Born (Winter 89th)
22,034 Tieflings Return, Yskanda Vskvo Freed (Spring 63rd) 
22,035 Lucille Dormaia Born (Summer 12th)
22,053 Instigating Events Happen (Winter 45th)


22,054 Saga 5 Begins  (Winter 45th)
            -Winter 46th, Nameless Kingdom, Introduction Meeting
            -Winter 52nd, Reach City
            -Winter 56th, Redpoint
            -Winter 61st, Session 3 cold open
            -Winter 62nd, The Friendly Tides, Gwendolyn
            -Winter 63rd, Pickup, Wyn dreams of Nera, The gith etches plate
            -Winter 69th, Wyn fishing with Ten, Dolly and Lucille
            -Winter 72nd, The Eelship and Flumphs
            -Winter 75th, Jez'rathki, Bitchy Devil destroyed


            -Winter 76th, Washed Ashore
            -Winter 77th, Gathered in the Amphitheatre
            -Winter 78th, The Riverhouse
            -Winter 79th, Chwinga Encounter
            -Winter 80th, Quiet Travel
            -Winter 81st, Cantou Tribe, Lizardmen Camp
            -Winter 82nd, Batiri Raid, Cotan & Muzai
            -Winter 89th, Depart from Cantou, First sight of city
            -Winter 90th, Into the wetlands
22,055 Saga 5, continued
            -Spring 1st, Shambling Mound & Rezmire City 
            -Spring 2nd, The Seaglass Citadel, The Marketable Investigation
            -Spring 3rd, The Broker, Wyn's Departure
            -Spring 4th, The Sandweaver's Guild
            -Spring 5th, Osaran Dessert
            -Spring 6th, Ezi's mold experiment, Dolly & Dahlia confrontation
            -Spring 7th, Ancient Wyrmwrithings
            -Spring 8th, The Songs in the Storm
            -Spring 9th, Storm Continues, half supplies spent
            -Spring 10th, Kay destroys the Gnolls, Narthan sent away
            -Spring 12th, Girtablilu
            -Spring 13th, Oasis
            -Spring 14th, Cawlys, Krii, and Offle
            -Spring 15th, Arrival at Osaran's Northbank, Tao Cleo, Outsiders Verge
            -Spring 16th, Keyri's Flowers, Impesca's Armoury
            -Spring 20th, Lucille's Vision
            -Spring 22nd, The Sisters unite
            -Spring 23rd, Deep Well
            -Spring 24th, Beju, Osaran Departure
            -Spring 25th, Travel
            -Spring 26th, Aurora Borealis
            -Spring 27th, The Nightmare Singer, Dahlia loses her arm, Nera escapes
            -Spring 35th, Return to the Cantou Tribe
            -Spring 41st, Return to Rezmire City
            -Summer 12th, Lucille's 20th Birthday
            -Summer 13th, Last day at work, Nera reunion
            -Summer 14th, Maiden voyage of the Torrent
            -Summer 15th, Charting a Course for Forcord, and beyond
            -Summer 16th, Ezi's fish and chips
            -Summer 17th, Glub'Barog Tribe, Yuv the Land Snail
            -Summer 20th, Garden of the Abyss, The Silent Heart 
            -Summer 21st, The Vault of Woe, The Herald
            -Summer 22nd, The night of many joints
            -Summer 25th, Enaone
            -Summer 28th, Jamaidre Arrival
            -Summer 35th, Jamaidre Departure
            -Summer 37th, Hon'il
            -Summer 39th, Shipwreck & Harpies
            -Summer 40th, The Red Maker
            -Summer 43rd, The Sahuagin Base 
            -Summer 44th, The Turtle's Dilema
            -Summer 45th, Takos and the Battle of Reefer Reef
            -Summer 47th, Fort Shade, Jez'rathki to Tolgrad
            -Summer 48th, Lady Morroe reinstated
            -Summer 49th, Ball Games
            -Summer 50th, Hyrgren
            -Summer 57th, Return to Rezmire City
            -Summer 61st, Ovein's 119th Birthday
            -Summer 77th, Dahlia's 27th Birthday
            -Summer 80th, Letter from Wyn Cecil
            -Summer 81st, Leaving Rezmire City             
            -Summer 84th, Dolly's 24th Birthday
            -Autumn 5th, Lady's 62nd Birthday 
            -Autumn 11th, The Shard
            -Autumn 16th, The Isle of the Bell


            -Autumn 16th, Day One

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