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Pardus Stormstrider

Beast Master Ranger 6

The Lost Courtier


Storm Sorcerer 6

The Storm Crow

Hjar Gaunt

Boar Totem Barbarian 6

The Grym Boar


Thief Rogue 3 /Devotion Paladin 3


Michael Landrum

Land Druid 6

Catalyst of Gulthias

Champions of the Horn,

Campaign 1 

Arcs: 4

Sessions: 11

The Iruni Rebellion is all but defeated
in Dormani Minoris, the land that will
one day be called Orcis.

But the Dormani Empire is more fragile
than it appears, and chaos waits just below the surface.

The last of the grym princes, and heroes of oakhurst must find a way to pave the road to a new order, and form, the Court of the Boar

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