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Alcain Innsmouth

Illusion Wizard 12

The Yellow Herald

Jorey Zealotous

Lore Cleric 12

Heretics Bane

Oroe Merlot

Berserker Barbarian 12


Yuki Derindel

Glamour Bard 12

The Third Daughter

Saldon Lohic

Redemption Paladin 12

The Fool King

Elia Derindel

Gloomstalker Ranger 12

The Blue Rose

Crusaders of the Dragon,

Campaign 3

Arcs: 2

Sessions: 5

The balance of chaos tilts once more, chance brings together the strangest of peoples together for the strangest of events to occur.

They are Malestromyr, and bound  together to embark on a crusade that will one day be legend, and so named The Old Crusade.

Disaster waits on the roll of a weighted die. They're the only ones with enough influence to hold back their enemy. They're the Crusaders of the Dragon

Dragonfall Timeline.png
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