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Skrelt-san Aryx

The Experiment

Pterosaur Dino Rider 10


The Gentle Giant

Champion Fighter 10

Abies Nobilis

Lord Commander of Uild

Gunsmith Artifier 10

Krad Klim

Guardian of Dark Artefacts

Vampiric Lich 10


Captain of the Cormu

Nomad Mystic 10


One of the Nameless

Hunter Ranger 10

Champions of the Horn,

Campaign 2 

Arcs: 3

Sessions: 7

A time of chaos has been prophesised, so the reformed Nameless Kingdom, and mariners must come together to learn about the nature of chaos itself.

From Nurod to the Abyss and Limbo, they will search save the world from future disaster. Or bring it about.

On their ship 'The Cormu' (giant for horn),  they begin and must prove themselves Champions of the Horn.


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