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The Underdark is a ginormous civilization that exists under the rest of the world. It is inhabited by evil and eldritch things, but none are as evil as what came through the abyssal portal opened in Menzoberranzan. The abyss, a realm of demons and chaos, home to the bringers of the end-times. The might Demon-lords invaded the Underdark and spread their madness and chaos to all corners of it. Yeenoghu, demon lord of gnolls was slain by a svirfneblin, who cast magic with cookery to protect his home, Bligdenstone. He became known as 'The Pudding King'. Baphomet, the demon lord of beasts summoned surface world beasts to flood the Underdark. The City of Gracklstugh was under the protection of the Red Dragon Themberchaud, when the beasts came, Themberchaud managed to kill Baphomet. The oozing horror Juiblex made his dominion in an ancient temple. The mother of fungus, Zuggtmoy, made Neverlight Grove her home. She took the tower of Yggtmorgus also. Lolth the demon queen of spiders stayed in Menzoberranzan to spread her chaos to the drow that lived there. This fed her dark heart. Orcus, demon lord of undeath spread his decay in the northern Underdark. Demogorgon, Prince of demons swam the Darklake (an underground ocean) and prepared to release his wrath on his worshippers in Sloobludop. Fraz'Urbluu, lord of deception and illusion, hid into Mantol-Derith. The chaotic islands to the west of Dorun have been invaded by a chaotic, magical force that threatened all life. That force scared the Dormani empire back into Dormani Majoris as it began to approach Dormani. They left the civilians with no explanations. Even great dragons began to flee from this force. 

The Storm Below (1)

The Deep Father

The clouds of chaos approached and all who remained in Dormani fled. The heroes of Oakhurst were amongst the last to leave. they descended into the sunless citadel where a cold and stubborn Michael refused to flee. He told the party to follow the horrifying cavern they'd encountered before. It was a passage to the Underdark. Michael claimed that Geremiah had fled there and that it was their best chance to survive. The party reluctantly agreed and so Pardus, Dramour, Hjar and Kotanmaru journeyed forth. After a day of travel, they came to a platform beside a great ravine that held the city of Velkynvelve. There was an encampment of Drow refugees fleeing the city that, thanks to one of their Prisoners sarcasm, the party saw as a threat. The group cut down the refugees on the false word of 'Shushar the woke'. After learning their error, the party re-imprisoned him. The party also freed two other prisoners. Stool, a telepathic myconid that frantically begged to be taken to 'the grove'. Also, a quaggoth in fine robes who said he was actually an elven prince who was cursed. He went by the name, Prince Derindil. The group travelled together until they came to a fork in the road. At this point, Prince Derendil planted stool in the fork. Everyone then continued travelling until they came to Sloobludop. A town at the coast of Darklake. The was some ritualistic civil war going on between those who praised the 'Deep Father' Leemogoon and those who did not. Part way through the battle, Kotanmaru was mortally wounded, Shushar was killed and the ritual seemed to have been completed. What came out of the Darklake was none other than Demogorgon, the Demon Prince. The party only just escaped with Kotanmaru in critical condition and with Derendil giving his life for Hjar's. As it turns out, Derendil was no prince, he was insane. This news hit Hjar hard, who had fallen quite in love with him. The party fled without question, they stopped briefly to help a band of gnolls hunt some Hook Horrors before heading to Gracklstugh. Gracklstugh is the home of Themberchaud, but he doesn't know that he is being deceived. The protection he is giving them is false as the people intend to kill him and give the same payments to his successor. The party learn the tale of the 'Fool of Gracklstugh' and are disgusted so naturally tell Themberchaud this. To thank them, Themberchaud gives them a ten-second head start...  

The Storm Below (2)

The Pudding King

Themberchaud unleashed his wrath on all of Gracklstugh. The party attempted to flee, but due to a rampage of beasts, Dramour had his knee-caps shattered. Kotanmaru attempted to mend it, but the magic went wrong and the fragments of bone disappeared. As the party travelled onwards, mushrooms began to grow out of the traveller's wounds. This was due to their approaching Neverlight grove. The party took rest there keeping a safe distance from the ghosts who wandered around. Hjar, by himself, travelled up a great towering mushroom that was hollowed out and turned out to be the tower of Yggtmorgus, home to Zuggtmoy. Hjar only escaped by cutting his way through the mushroom and falling to the grove base. The party continued on to the town of Bligdenstone. Upon arriving they discovered that the lord of the land was the 'Pudding King'. A culinary bard. He had killed a demon lord but did not wish to fight another. He was preparing a magical pudding he was going to offer to Zuggtmoy as a peace offering. The only component missing from the concoction was 'the dark heart', being protected by Lolth. The party spent six months in Bligdenstone. Hjar became the pudding kings right-hand man and proposed a plan to use the pudding to draw the demons together and make them fight each other, the plan was denied as the Pudding King needed to know Hjar could handle the task. Hjar also harassed a local drow maiden named Aleana. Kotanmaru studied alchemy. Dramour became a knight of the pudding court and worked as an apprentice blacksmith to Gondo Gondo. He also had a spring mechanism added to his legs to help him walk. Pardus travelled back through the Underdark and tamed a wolf that became his companion. The group sailed the Darklake in a desperate bid to find the surface or Geremiah. They came across a town built into a rock called Mantol Derith. They found little there, but a green sinister monster claiming to be Prince Derendil. The party then landed on the beaches by Menzoberranzan, the city of spiders and proceeded into the web of chaos... 

The Storm Below (3)

The Dark Heart

The heroes of Oakhurst found the streets of the city of spiders full of murderous drow all at each other throats. Dramour donned a black face paint to make him resemble a drow and the others as his slaves. They found respite in a webbed dome filled with magical darkness. This turned out to be the tomb of Lolth. Grazz't, taking the form of a drow, stood over the body of Lolth holding her dark heart and choking Aleana. The party engaged in a fierce battle with Grazz't and a horde of his drow servants. This concluded with the arrival of Themberchaud after Pardus spoke into the crystal given to him by Chegg. Themberchaud then began a one on one battle with Grazz't that would last a week. Meanwhile, the party retreated to a cave looking over the battlefield. Kotanmaru used his arcane knowledge to commune with the newly accrued dark heart. The remainants of Lolth within the heart let loose a detailed account of the demonic invasion of the Underdark. The party learned of Themberchauds victory over Baphomet and the locations of Jubilex, Zuggtmoy, Demogorgon, Orcus and Fraz'Urbluu. The party decided to return to Bligdenstone since they now had the heart and to set the demon lords against each other.

The Storm Below (4)

The Fetid Wedding

Themberchaud destroyed Grazz't and with it, Menzoberranzan. The party fled from the city and on the crossing back to Bligdenstone, boarded a raft with Sashra Mellow on it; The human bard who wrote the poem 'The fool of Gracklstugh'. Bligdenstone had been overrun with myconids. Arriving at the beaches was enough to see that, but rallying with the Pudding King and pushing further into the town revealed the vast damage; Gondo Gondo was dead, many other houses, shops and patrons were dead. The adventurers rushed into action. Hjar forged weapons for the survivors. Sashra, Kotanmaru and Pardus built defences and scavenged (Pardus found a blade resembling Michaels Sun-Blade), before Pardus left with Dramour who scouted Neverlight Grove. The myconids had been attacking due to the Fetid Wedding. Zuggtmoy trying to take control of a fungal plant that spanned a great amount of the Underdark. The nearest access was Bligdenstone. Jubilex, the demon lord of oozes, Zuggtmoy rival put an end to it. The march of the myconids ended and so did the fetid wedding. An army of oozes dissolved their mushroom prey. Kotanmaru put the dark heart into the Pudding Kings pudding and the demon lord summoning ritual began. Jubilex, Fraz'Urbluu, Demogorgon, Orcus, then even Themberchaud arrived. They did battle right there until the only two standing were the stealthy and intelligent Themberchaud and the mad brute Demogorgon. Themberchaud summoned every ounce of power within his soul to cast a fire breath to finish the fight. It killed them both. Dramour, The Pudding King and their knights drowned themselves, their life oath was broken. The party set sail for the Vault of Kings, Gauntlgrym

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