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Wealdhearts (1)

Four people, of disparate origins and demeanours, volunteer to help out Magdalene Lighthand, a halfling from Rodden’s Farm, on a mission into the nearby small farming village of Weald. According to local reports, people in Weald have been acting particularly strangely and unpredictably in the last few months, and some that have ventured into the village to find out more have yet to return. An expedition was finally planned after the export of produce from Weald stopped completely, and a hysterical woman arrived at Rodden’s Farm, claiming to have “escaped” Weald. Reaching the village a few hours before sundown, the gang decide to split up to look for clues. Farraway Reid, a gnome with a dress covered in pockets, and Orla Tan’Sae, a centaur from the fey realm, go with Magdalene to cover the northern area of Weald. They discover the town’s barracks, stripped bare of all weaponry with cells painted white and signs of the beds being in use. Glancing into the temple next door, Farraway decides to leave after seeing the unnerving white-robed occupants, while Orla tries to talk to some horses. Farraway also peers into some nearby houses as well as stealing some trinkets from a bedroom. Meanwhile, Wilbury Eldermane, a studious firbolg, accompanies Murjac Marturim, a disgraced dragonborn soldier, into the local Stoneraider Inn. Meeting the innkeeper, Gordon Stoneraider, the pair are immediately put off by how aggressively happy he is, even when mentioning unfortunate topics such as his wife leaving him. They convince him to go upstairs to answer some questions, and get some information, as well as a brief encounter with his daughter Gail, who seems immensely angry at the interruption. Orla speaks to a plant and learns of some strange “little people” causing chaos, before the party reunite by the well to share their findings.​ Suddenly, a hideous grey fey creature leaps out from the well, using portals to try to make a quick getaway. The group manage to pin it down, despite its oily excretions, and Murjac knocks it unconscious. They look up to see an elderly wizard running towards them, who introduces himself as Crawyn Heatherhill. Crawyn thanks them for capturing the creature, which Orla and Wilbury identify as a boggle, and leads them back to his home, where he has a room packed full of imprisoned boggles. He has been using fey-sensing boggle goggles to try to prevent these bothersome creatures from causing chaos around the village. He also has a magical aura set up around his home, to keep the boggles trapped, as well as to protect him from what he suspects is a magical influence affecting the minds of the villagers and amplifying their emotions to the extremes. Already in tune with fey energies, Orla tries on the goggles, and is immediately met with visions of the boggles, as well as a more powerful, more sinister fey presence… somewhere in the forest.

Wealdhearts (2)

After Orla relays her visions, the party head to the temple to investigate the Cult of Joy and to try to find Magdalene. The cultists are friendly and passive, until Jack breaks down a locked door into a back room where masked clerics are researching ways to harness the joy that they believe they have been “blessed” with. Frustrated at their lack of response, he punches one of the clerics, at which point all the cultists freeze. Their eyes begin to glow, strange wisps of magical energy forming ethereal antlers, as they speak in unison with a voice that beckons the party to meet it face to face. Heading into the forest, Orla uses the Boggle Goggles to guide the group to a cave mouth. Inside is a large open room with a multi-layered platform built out of an enormous tree. At the back, they see a huge portal to the fey realm, and a graceful fey creature steps through. A fight breaks out, the creature manipulating the party’s emotions to prevent them from attacking her. The group easily dispatch the boggles that the creature sends to defend her, and begin dealing damage to the fey herself. Overwhelmed by shame, Jack lets go of his last remaining honour, melting away his armour with his acid breath and giving in to his rage. Weakened and starting to fall apart, the creature falls to her knees before Farraway, and begins to weep, claiming she never meant to cause any pain. She promises Farraway that her missing sister is safe, and Orla tries to suggest a better way forward, returning to the fey realm and releasing the villagers that she had kept under her influence to try to feel understood. The fey is intrigued by Orla’s offer, but gives the party permission to kill her if it means it will end the pain - the villagers’ and her own. Still overcome with rage, Jack smoothly removes the creature’s head, leaving only a pile of magical threads on the ground. Sad that it ended this way, Orla takes her chance and heads through the fey portal to make amends back home. The others return to Weald, finding a village now free from the fey influence. Although it will take time for people to recover from the mental strain of the magic, given time, things will heal. The group rejoin Magdalene who has successfully found her missing partner, while Farraway reunites with her sister who had ventured into the village. Jack sets his sights on defeating the Gaunts, while Wilbury, money in pocket, returns to his life of magic school and dark bargains.

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