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The world of Dorun is divided, more than it’s three continents, more than it’s countries. For the second time in history, a unified ruling force has fallen, first the Dormani Empire, then the Kingdom of Dorun. After a catastrophe referred to as ‘the crusade’, the minds of the mortal have all been twisted, memories made fleeting, thoughts obscured and histories shrouded. Some things are known universally however. The dragon gods are no longer in the world, the giants that form the green tides have successfully conquered the lands of Dorul and crushed the nation of New Lohic, The Arcane arbiters, the nameless kingdom in Uild have declared sovereignty to resist the splitting of Dorun. The elves in the south declared independence next and under fears of genocide, the orcs there rose up again the elf lords of Dorun fye. Over a decade ago now, nearly two, the guardian towers of majesty fell and the infernals were returned to their places, from before the great purging. Orcis, the continent closest to chaos is at peace, but is vastly under-developed. Pushed by the many fronts of the war in Dormani, you converge in the centre of the continent with nowhere left to run, with only one question burning through the minds of all the refugees there in Rei Dorm. Which front will they choose to cross, or will they stand still and the war crashes upon them.

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The Elindaals

These Elves sought outed the High Lords of Derendil to ensure their safety from the Derindel's union with New Lohic and from Gaunt Tyranny. The family Elindaal took over, led by Mastyd Elindaal, a resolute leader. They desire provincial independence and a second scourge of infernals. Their strength is drawn from the fey of Dorunfye and portals to the Feywild in their cities. They trade in hide and antiquities. 

The Gaunts

The former monarchs of The Kingdom of Dormani, led by the Grey Gaunt, Queen Hjeff, were outed in a military coup for their failure to prevent the formation of New Lohic, the Berrins conspiracy, and the return of the infernals. The dwarf army are bolstered by fighters who fear a return to dragonborn rule. They wish for absolute monarchy, to do this, they wish to form confedorations with the other factions once weakened, erradication the flameguard, and Majesty to recover.

The Green Tide

These giants from the eastern seas have unknown motives and hierarchy. Their leader is worshipped, but his name and form remain unknown. They crushed Dorul and sacked New Lohic, only beying sated once killing the ruling king and queen, then allowing the civilians to flee. With this land, they grow crops in the halfling fields, make weapons in the dwarven forges, and sell technology from the gnomish workshops. All of this they trade.

The Uildans

Once stability fell in the capital, the wizards of the nameless kingdom stopped hosting negotiations between the Gaunts and New Lohic. They filled the void of power created in Dormort by the eradication of the cultist Berrins family. Uild took in all the refugees of New Lohic. They are led by the wise Palma Nobilis and her council of archmages of the magic schools. They wish for the Gaunts to establish a meritocratic monarchy and the defeat of the Green Tides. They trade in magic, fish, and jewels 

The Flameguard

After a generation of decline, the dragonborn of the captol all mass reproduced until years later, they were restored. With this, and the failings of the previous rule, the dragonborn military seized control, led by their titanic leader, Varganak, the Everburning, they performed a coup that drove the Gaunts from their own home into exile. They wish to restore draconic rule, return dragons to the world, ensure monoculturism, and for the other factions to kill eachother, before they need fight. They trade in soldiers, alcohols, medicines, beasts, and artisans with Orcis, Rezmire, and Majesty (whom they graciously provide releif for and sustain.



HIstorically, Red wizards and blue wizards ruled Majesty together, but long ago, the blues took over and outed the 'evil' red wizards to Thay. Then, they built the four towers of majesty to scourge the world of infernals. With the gratitude of all of Dorun, the four main cities of Majesty, Night, Reach, Blue, and Harvest took flight, becoming a merchant and military naval superpower. After a grand plot, Majesty was ravaged by the return of Infernals and the destruction of the four towers that had kept them away 

The Underdark

The Drow in the south underdark are prospering in their own savage ways, however everlocked in wars with Duergar, Fire Newts, Derro, and Undead. Civilisation has not bested the aberrations that still infest the deeper, northern underdark, however Darklake and the south underdark have prospered. claiming and reclaiming land, including Gauntlgrym, after it was razed by the flameguard 

The East Blue

The East Blue is the name for the ocean east of Dormani, the waves are always so ferocious that none may cross them, and no land can withstand erosion. The waves calmed only thrice, upon the beginning of each of the three giant invasions of Dorul. Somewhere in this sea the Giants have a homeland of their own, a place that can calm the waves, but if there is somewhere far out in the East Blue that can survive the waves, what else is hidden there?


Since the Crusade, there has been no extraplanar activity besides the return of the infernals, but through the long sealed plane gates, entirely different worlds exist, elemental worlds, worlds of life and death, a ring world, worlds of order, chaos, good and evil. Or so the stories go.


Once a lush paradise for a simpler civilisation, then abandoned by Dormani, left to ruin by a chaos storm, Orcis was ravaged, but since the Orcs and undesirable of Dormani made home here, life has flourished once more. City states such as Mantilar, Kranin, and Kret are hubs for trades in spices, building materials, livestock, and salt.


The thousand isles or Nurod are definied by their established societies including Grovel, Rezmir, Homer, Osaran, Rassilar and Karkinos. Trade continues between the far off islands of Nurod and Dorun thanks to the continued aid of the water magics from the friendly tides. This Oligarchy thrives off it's trade of exotic meats, silks, and slaves. 


In the Western 'Sea of Sprectus' an underwater confederation of water genasi, tritons, merfolk and other awautic species form an alliance called the friendly tides. They are unmatched aquamancers, aswell as farms of auauatic plants, shellfish and mammals.


Nilhelian Street

In Calmtide, Rei Minoris, all the streets lead down at a 15-25 degree descent, starting at the base of the White Hills, and ending in the Majesty Channel. The high the number of the street, the higher you live. Living here are dwarves, dragonborn, humans, gnomes, and halflings. Further down you might find elves, elfkin, and tieflings. At the coast of Calmtide there are three main ports, Nilhelian Port, Nobilis Port, and Rei Majesty Port. Biggest is Nilhelian port, at the base of Nilhelian Street; here foreigners converge, drow, elves, and men of majesty, greenskins of Orcis, tabaxi and lizardmen from Rezmire. Supplies rarely go astray on such straight roads, but people can. Street-folk keep to there own and none but travellers dare cut north. Blood feuds, gang warfare, and organised crime are everywhere. Gozwashers, Silkslingers, Skullhammers, Greenwrecks, and Hamhooks are some major players. This working class-lower midder class area seems to serve them well.

Gher'ak Tor

The fertile land between the timelost order, the heartlands, the tundra of Dormort, and the western mountains make this spot, the perfect place for habitation by elementals. Across uncounted acres of land, goliaths, giants, genasi, djinn, and some dwarves, live in cobble mounds and burn their hearths. It is said that they burn more than they breathe, but someone has to feed the groves of Dorunfye, one supposes. Much like in giant culture, Gher'ak Tor (translates to 'My Little Rock', is bound by an 'ordening' established eons ago. The ordening places power on those who are strongest. Giants place foremost, then goliaths, and humanoids. Djinn residing here are considered placeless, unto themselves, a mystic force of guidance for the settlement. Giants of different species comply to the ordening of the giant races, placing hill giants as unworthy, and storm giants as supreme, followed by fire giants, cloud giants, stone giants. The Flameguard seem very interested in Gher'ak Tor.

Kharak Dongliz

Kharak Dongliz, the mountains balls, was once an ancestral home of a proud minor house of dwarves, the house of Fargart. who grew arrogant, and were unwilling to aid Dorul in their conflicts against the Green Tide. They would later be brought to ruin by them, reducing this mountain home to a mere trading point between the victorious giants and the subjugated hill dwarves. Kharak Dongliz is a high priority target for the Uildans, as they wish to reclaim the southmost mines of the Knappstone hills for their dwarven bannermen. In these halls, golden tables are ignored, adorned with giants most prized skins, they are not oblivious to it's value, but more interested in displaying combat prowess to gain favour with their chiefs, and obtain a greater place in the ordening. The remaining dwarves serve are none but peasantry, labourers, and captive heirs to local houses. The giants wish often move mysterious cargo into the depths of their holds, muttering about Uild's magics...

Fool's Crossroad

Despite it's name, if you're an entertainer, you'd be a fool not to pass through here. The Fool's crossroad is an old gnome city that has remained unaligned in every war in recorded history. The openness and accessibility that this road offers is invaluable, but also would be immeasurably expensive to fortify, so none have. It remains the only location where the bards college in Uild allows vocational study, due to the many apprenticeship possibilities under other performers. Theatres, street shows, upcomers, veterans, prospectors, recruiters, organisers, publishers, dispatchers,  contractors, their families, and the many audiences, are in abundance. Fool's Crossroad has a generally low bar to enter the industry, but a high bar to escape from the masses and gain renown to earn you commissions from Lords or even greater rulers. Al manners of arts are given home here, and all are merry and delight in it, despite the low economic strength of the FCR, people here are wealthy in the way that matters. 

Red Orchard

Red Orchard was a border town to Dorin, corrupted by the order, and trampled by the Gaunts after. It seems that once it's original residents, the tieflings returned, the nature returned with them. Clusters of red, pink, orange, autumnal canopied trees alien to the rest of Dorun grew with the resettling tieflings. While none of the scourged could truly remember their old lives of millennia ago, it is widely accepted that Red Orchard must have been the historic site of a tiefling city, due to the vast amount of the returned that reappeared in this local area. Today, it is called a refugee camp, one of many, just as impoverished as the others. However, the new fertility in the land gives hope that new life can grow and maybe one day a new city. The Flameguard use Red Orchard as an advance military fort, it is not well guarded, but the Uildans refuse to be seen raiding a refugee camp, and the Gaunts would never willingly go so close to the former site of the order, or so they say...

Rambok Valley

A grand valley past the lowest southern peaks of the white hills, where the air is always fresh and never thin. This valley, and much of the other areas around the white hills, are often prized by the spiritual, monks, druids, and some religious clergy. White Hill giants even respect the purity of this valley enough that they will punish any foolish hill giants that lose a bolder down the walls of the valley. The Flameguard have ravaged the valley, however, in their campaign to secure Dormani for their new Dragonborn ruled stratocracy . They callously crushed the faith of the faithful, challenging all those true to their disciplines to remain inside as their temples were burned. Rambok Valley is named after the fragrance of the valley. It is said that the air there is so pure, that one can learn the flavour of breath. Monasteries developed entirely new vocabularies to fine tune this unique gift. 'Ram' is from the orcish for offensive/powerful/forceful, and 'Bok'  meaning wetland.

Martyrs Market

The Flameguard military is subdivided into different corps, the naval corps, the mage corps, the shock corps (the mightiest of the honoured), the honoured corps (Weak occupational soldiers), and the martyr corps. While the former corps are divided based on enlistment, the martyr corps are exclusively contract killers and renowned fighters from the ancient fighting pits, in the thusly named Martyrs Market. After the Gaunts were entirely pushed from the capital, the Flameguard introduced morality sanctions across their new domain, this included the closing of the fighting pits, and the freeing of the gladiatorial slaves. The pits are still used for fights, but more for basic training than entertainment. The mega-streets encircling The Black Martyrs Coliseum are a slum of lawless depravity, but since the freeing of the slaves, none but those seeking this depravity live here, the lustful, the jealous, the wrathful; though depending on who you ask, it was always like that.


Whetgreen, is the dampest, and greenest place you will find in the capital province, Rei Majoris. It exists just over the top of the natural basin of the heartlands. It has a very typical population for the capital, with humans, elves, dwarves, and dragonborn being neighbours. While it is said that the battles at the borders there had led to plagues of undead causing strife, they were more so plagued by an abundance of dwarves. The cost of a detachment of Gaunt Soldiers upkeep can scale anywhere from pittance to pounds of gold, depending on the vigour, and politeness of the dwarves. Whetgreen was the last place you could argue the Gaunts owned in Rei Majoris, but when the soldiers got up and disappeared one day, to rally with a larger force for the battle of Westwood, Whetgreen too, tore down their banners. Unguarded, the undead continued to cause trouble, goblins returned to once dormant colonies, making the citizens desperate for a hero to aid them.  


Westwood is at the most north eastern region of Dorunfye, far enough away from the wild canopies and white plume mountain to be called in the heartlands. The struggle for these precious acres was evident as the five fronts of the civil war all converged at this point. Rumour has made its way around that strange magics bound the battle there by fate, that Westwood was cursed. This seems to be an extrapolation on the local legend of 'The Harvest Hag'. A foul fey enchantress of twisted blight and rotten heart. There is no empirical evidence of the hag, but any towns in North Dorunfye or near Westwood, would know the same tales, from the House of Derindel to Blue Rose Range. The story of the bane of beauty, the wretched evil that stole beautiful children away for her own pleasures and youth. Westwood was a sparse but populated range of farms owned by the Styx's, but, much like the rest of the Heartlands, there is pushback on who the rightful owner was.

Earthrift Dregs

Where once a promising farming commune was growing, now is a hellish quarry city. The Uildans in there wisdom, zealously struck down the farm, for fears of demonic corruption. Uildan officials have refused to release there files on this matter, so the validity of those claims is up in the air. What is known, is that from the thousands that died, new life surfaced. Tunnel ways, abandoned tens of thousands of years ago, fell open, creating great myconid groves, cascading blacklakes, and allowing the expansion of the southern underdark colonies, into a new eastern underdark. The rift between the subterranean and the surface world is thinning, and as the vale lifts, it is now up to Dorun to decide if they like what they find. The city is built into the many face of an irregularly shaped quarry. It has twist and turns, but all roads lead down, as Central Dormani architecture often likes to. A rising population of 'dark races', drow, duergar, svirfneblin, and counts spread from here. 


This capital district is home to mostly dwarves and elves, it is the site of where (circle of land) druids hope to grow another 'Jharin Naffir', a giant or great oak. People associate the Gulthias Tree in Orcis with the fall of the tyrannical dragon emperor Dissectum Anguis, due to the battle of the tar towers freeing Ashardalon, who would sink the Sunless Citadel, where the Gulthias tree would grow. The freeing of the great drake being a symbol of the emperors failing control. People associate the blossoming of the Elindaal Tree, and the formation of the feywild portal in its roots with the battle of the artery, and the victory of Dormani over the eldritch order. Another great oak is said to exist in Grovel, Nurod, but few can corroborate this. So, the Sylfshiran druids use their earth magics to grow a grove of potential great oaks, taken from the saplings of the finest trees in the Abies Firs Grove in Uild. Much of the citizens live within the younger trees, waiting for the next sign of peace. 

Blue Rose Range

After her passing at the fall of New Lohic, her recently estranged father, Lord Derindel, could not bring himself to cast his daughter, Elia, to the void of history, so he buried her scythe, said to be dripped in the blood of a dragon god, and built a shrine in her honour. He was not permitted to dishonour himself by keeping her memorial nearby, so he arranged for it to be miles away to his west, but close enough to see the lights in the distance, as mourners of the much loved lady refused to part from the shrine, and build their lives around remembering her. The elves seem to revere her most highly, despite her only recorded achievement being that she deserted her home house, married into power, and in the end, even her truest ally, her adopted sister, left her side. Elves are irregular in their choice of sentimentalities, but it would be unwise to go against their perceptions. Blue Rose Range will immortalise her forever, but she truly lives on in another way

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War in Dorun

The Dragon War - Metallic dragons vs chromatic dragons. Chromatic  dragon victory. Year 3500 roughly. 

-The Clash in Crimson, Chromatic vs Metallic, Metallic victory, 2,000,000 deaths.

-Bahamuts Justice, Chromatic vs Metallic, Metallic victory, 4,500,000 deaths. 

-The Reckoning of Chegg, Chromatic vs Metallic, Chromatic victory, 1,500,000 deaths.

The Infernal War - Devils vs Dormani. Dormani victory. Year  13,490-13,666

-The Scorching of the South, Dormani vs Devils, Devil victory, 200,000 deaths. 

-The Sprectus Attrition, Majesty vs Devils, Majesty victory, 500,000 deaths. 

-The Infernal inquisition, Kret vs Devils, Devil victory, 100,000 deaths. 

-The Dragons Descent, Dormani and Dragons vs Devils, Dormani victory, 160,000 deaths. 

-The Blue Blockade, Majesty Towers vs Devils, Majesty victory, 350,000 deaths.

The Fey War - Dragonborn vs Fey. Dragonborn victory. Year 15,000 roughly. 

-The Fight of the Fey Falls, Dragonborn vs Fey, Dragonborn victory, 10,000 deaths. 

-The Battle of Elfen Mire, Dragonborn vs Fey, Fey victory, 50,000 deaths. 

-The Siege of White Plume Mountain, Dragonborn vs Fey, Dragonborn victory 130,000 deaths. 

-The Furious Faerie Fire, Dragonborn vs Fey, Dragonborn victory, 30,000 deaths.  

The Great Purging - Kret vs Irunans - Irunan victory. Year 16,000. 

-The Burning of Projectus, Kret vs Irunans, Kret victory, 200,000 deaths.   

-The Siege of Kret, Kret vs Majesty, Kret victory, 20,000 deaths.  

-The Siege of Kretis, Kret vs Majesty, Kret victory, 40,000 deaths. 

-The Battle for the Channel, Kret vs Majesty, Majesty victory, 120,000 deaths

The Dragonborn Uprising - Dragonborn vs Irunan. Dragonborn victory. Year 20,000. 

-The Rei Majoris Massacre, Dragonborn vs Irunans, Dragonborn victory, 2,500,000 deaths. 

-The Battle of the Wishbone, Dragonborn vs Irunans, Dragonborn victory, 140,000 deaths. 

-The Battle for the Midlands, Dragonborn vs Irunans, Irunan victory, 15,000 deaths. 

-The Taming of the North, Northern Union vs Dragonborn, Dragonborn victory, 40,000 deaths. 

-The Siege of Barchan, Dragonborn vs Irunans, Dragonborn victory, 70,000 deaths. 

-The Defence of Rei Majoris, Dragonborn vs Irunans, Dragonborn victory, 40,000 deaths. 

-The Sacking of Uild, Dragonborn vs Irunans, Dragonborn victory, 600,000 deaths.   

The First War for Dorun - Dormani Empire vs Irunans. Dormani Empire victory. Year 20,000-20,700.

-The Field of Fire,  Eastern Union vs Dormani Empire. Dormani Empire victory, 120,000 deaths. 

-The Taming of the Orcs, Southern Union vs Dormani Empire, Dormani Empire victory, 30,000 deaths. 

-The March of the Blue Battalion, Minoris and Majesty vs Dormani Empire, Blue Battalion victory, 175,000 deaths. 

-The White Crusade, Dormani Empire vs Majesty, Dormani Empire victory, 190,000 deaths. 

-The Battle of the Tar Towers, Iruni Uprising vs Dormani Empire, Dormani Empire victory, 230,000 deaths.

The Great Drow War - Lolth loyalists vs Mantol Derith vs Velkynvelve. Lolth loyalist victory. Year 20,600-21,053. 

-The Sacking of Velkynvelve, Velkynvelve vs Lolth Loyalists, Lolth loyalist victory, 60,000 deaths. 

-The Siege of Mantol Derith, Lolth Loyalists vs Mantol Derith, Mantol Derith victory, 17,000 deaths. 

-The March of Mantol Derith, Lolth Loyalists vs Mantol Derith, Lolth loyalist victory, 10,000 deaths. 

-The Siege of Velkynvelve, Lolth Loyalists vs Mantol Derith, Mantol Derith victory, 30,000 deaths. 

-The Raping of Mantol Derith, Lolth Loyalists vs Mantol Derith, Lolth Loyalist victory, 90,000 deaths. 

-The Rage of Demons, Demon Lords destroy most of the remaining survivors of the Underdark, 8,000,000 deaths.

Iruni Uprising - Irunans vs Dormani Empire. Dormani Empire victory. Year 21,046-21,053. 

-The Irun Riots, Iruni Uprising vs Dormani Empire, Iruni Uprising victory, 150,000 deaths. 

-The Kroatorut Uprising, Iruni Uprising vs Dormani Empire, Dormani victory, 80,000 deaths. 

-The Liberation of Kroatorut, Iruni Uprising vs Dormani Empire, Iruni Uprising victory, 190,000 deaths. 

-The Battle of Kroatorut, Kret vs Dormani Empire (Majesty), Majesty victory, 20,000 deaths. 

-The Chaos Storm, Iruni Uprising vs The Chaos Storm, The Chaos Storm victory, 3,000,000 deaths.

The Second War for Dorun - Dormani Empire vs Hjars Uprising. Hjar victory. Year 21,054. 

-The Battle of Dormort, Hjar Uprising vs Dormani Empire, Hjar victory, 15,000 deaths. 

-The Siege of Fishing Hamlet, Hjar Uprising vs Dormani Empire, Dormani Empire victory, 40,000 deaths. 

-The Siege of Gauntlgrym, Hjar Uprising vs Dormani Empire, Hjar victory, 150,000 deaths. 

-The Destruction of the Fey-Plague, Hjar Uprising vs Fey-Plague, Hjar victory, 2000 deaths. 

-The Siege of the Order, Hjar Uprising vs The Order, Order victory, 60,000 deaths. 

-The Liberation of the Haunt, Hjar Uprising vs The Order, Hjar Uprising victory, 10,000 deaths. 


The Third War for Dorun - The Order vs Orcis vs The Kingdom of Dorun. Kingdom of Dorun Victory

-The Murdoch Massacre, Order vs Dorun, 210,000 Massacred.  

-The Sacking of Barchan, Orcis vs Dorun, Orc occupation begins, 20,000 confirmed deaths. 

-The Siege of Derindel, Orcis vs Dorun, Dorun victory. 

-The Defence of Wells Farm, Dorun vs The Order, Dorun victory, 50,000 confirmed deaths. 

-The Battle of Skyreach, Kingdom of Uild vs The Order, Order Victory, Uild Refugees escaped

-The Battle of the Artery, Kingdom of Dorun vs The Order,  Kingdom of Dorun Victory 1,200,000 deaths

The Forgotten Crusade - New Lohic Crusaders, Crusader Victory, Year 22,000

-The Festival of Fire, Dragon Cult vs Dormort Civilians, 18,000 deaths

-The Berrins Ambush, Crusaders vs Berrins Conspirators, Crusader Victory, 3,000 deaths

-The Bastion of Ten, Crusaders vs Tiamat, Crusader Victory, 1 death

The Third Giant Invasion of Dorun - 22,003-22,023

-The Invasion of Halfling

-The Battle of Eastcross

-The Fall of New Lohic (Grazen), New Lohic vs Green Tide, Green Tide Victory, 120,000 deaths  

-The Battle of Freininham

-The Goldwood Attrition

-The Siege of Shallot

-The First Battle of the Crossroads 

-The Second Battle of the Crossroads 

-The Invasion of Knappstone

-The Gaunt Defence of Grownd

-The Fall of Grownd

-The Battle of Westblist

-The Battle of Esterlon

-The Third Battle of the Crossroads

-The Fall of Esterlon

-The Battle of Wellen Down

-The Battle of Westwood

-The Struggle for Stormy Bay

-The Siege of The Nameless Kingdom

The Elindaal Coup- Year 22,004-22,023

-The Strike on Derindel

-The Invasion of Orctown

-The Bowing of Klonduarn

-The Battle of the Barchan

-The Battle of Lake Rotak

-The Battle of Westwood

-The Struggle for the Eastern Pass

Flameguard Uprising - Flameguard vs Gaunts, Year 22,005-22,022, Flameguard Victory

-The Bruising of Blackrain

-The Ambush of Ohtwic

-The Taking of Craster's Hold

-The Battle of Mawflame

-The Siege of Crasters Hold

-The Strike on Calmtide

-The Battle of Whitecross

-The Battle of Craster's Hold

-The Taking of Craster's Quarter

-The Wars of Water

-The Liberation of Martyr's Market

-The Battle of High Wurgh

-The Battle of Narazan

-The Siege of Gundabiz

-The Burning of the Bridges

-The Surrendering of Kibaraz

-The Encircling of Lester's Quarter

-The Defence of Martyr's Market

-The Burning of Craster's Hold

-The Sacking of the Sear District

-The Siege of the Crimson Palace

-The Battle of Angel's Wake

-The Second Taking of Ohtwic

-The March of Drought

-The Fall of Angel's Wake

-The Battle of Gecone

-The Plague of Poxhurl's Quarter

-The Siege of Gauntlgrym

-The Horde of Amber Town

-The Crossing of the Wishbone

-The Battle of Westwood

The War of Flame and Frost - Flameguard vs Uild, Year 22,020-22,022

-The Battle of Westwood

-The Invasion of Dormort

-The Frozen Blockade 

-The Battle of Fishing Hamlet 

-The Battle of Toastiana

-The Strike at Crewyn

-The Siege of Glumblight

-The Battle of Midgreene

-The Battle of Indenton

-The Sacking of Westbury

-The Siege of the Nameless Kingdom

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