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Doruns Place in the Sky

The start of the universe is a mystery shrouded in myth and legend. There can be no certainty about the origins of Dorun. Old records only go so far back as the year 10,000, however that means there is 10,000 years of history lost to even get to a point in time when a unified calendar was accepted. There are stories of Dorun's Trinity, Iruna, Chegg, and Kolnor, creating life. Iruna creating beasts, Chegg creating dragons, devils, and demons, alsways trying to create more destruction. And Kolnor creating undead and abberations, but theses contradict stories of the Dawn War, the creation of the gods and primordials. The secret that only scholars have the stomach to keep is the following:

The world of Dorun, twinned in its crystal sphere with the abberant planet Farond, was invaded in ancient times by creatures from another plane, another universe maybe. Abberations like aboleths who created an empire, and protohumanoid slave races. In their suffering, the collective psychic will of the protohumanoids summoned, called, or willed into being, gods. Thus making all gods, parasitic psychic entities. Chegg, Kolnor, and Iruna, the Dorun Trinity had a significant hold on the protohumans, allowing them to flagrantly rewrite their own history and importance, until modern day, when other gods, the Dawn War pantheon, the wider Dorun Pantheon have been created by more hopeful ideas than for freedom from misery and slavery, thus they have grown more powerful, and the Dorun Trinity have dwindled. It is possible one day they will simply be forgotten and die away, or they will incept new insidious intrusive thoughts and come back renewed.

The Lineage of Dormani

Emperor Dissectum anguis

Princess Gaunt

Tall'nt Tomb

Prince Gaunt

Prince Derindel

Princess Derindel

Prince Grym

Prince Grym

Prince Grym

King Hjar Gaunt

Queen Gaunt

Duke Etten

Queen Hjeff Gaunt

Prince Kyle

Princess Gaunt

Princess Derindel

Lord Wuran

Mallory Wuran

The Universe

The Material Plane, where worlds exist, is the only place where real living can happen. Beyond the planar horizons are two reflective worlds; the chaotic and green Feywild, and the numb, gray and ordered Shadowfell. Beyond those horizons and within the band of the ethereal plane and astral plane that surrounds all, are the elemental planes as demonstrated above. Beyond even that are the outer planes shown below. These represent the limits of reality, at the end of the weave. The weave is the foundation of existence. Most magic users draw their abilities from manipulation the weave. Wizards learn to pull on the weave, Warlocks have someone do it for them and Sorcerers are born with the power. Bards pluck the fibres of the weave. Clerics are given (through prayer) the power to push down on the weave. Paladins devotion is sometimes powerful enough to cause the weave to get weighed down. Barbarians ancestral spirits push the weave for them. Ethereal fey tug on the weave, to obey the wishes of druids, if the do this, not by compulsions, but by their own will, their subject becomes a keenly aware, naturally gifted ranger. Artificers can pull on the frayed ends of the weave. Pyromancers can light it like a wick. Mystics use psionic, mental powers, to will the weave to compress. Monks use the art of Ki to be their own spiritual patrons. All magic is determined by weave manipulation. The stronger the motion, the more powerful the magic, the way its compressed determines what effect the motion has on reality.

Great Drakes of Dorun


Tiamat was the queen of evil dragons. This five headed monster controled the elements and was worshipped by many as the greatest drake, able to ascend to the nine hells of Baator. Tiamat was the only drake not mortalised by Cheggs wrath. She Ascended during Majesty's invasion of Rei Majoris.

Minis Glym

Minis Glym is a drake that is covered in gemstones and mineral deposits. After any great battle Minis Glym fights in, he lays in the earth for a century, drawing power from the earth until he is a horrifying danger again.


Bahumat is the platinum dragon, lord of the good drakes. His whereabouts  are unknown to most as he is very secretive. He is believed to have helped in the creation of all dragonborn. Even those that would see him killed. Bahumat is the only winged great drake.


Makko is a green drake that flies all over Dormani Majoris inspiring great power in all those who worship her. She once loved the raven queen and offered many souls to appease her, but she had no interest in her, except to pluck her soul. Now she is a bitter beast.


Ashardalon is an ancient red dragon that takes residence in the skies over the capital, Rei Majoris. He has a neutral relationship to all and wishes only to have the freedom to be destructive or creative. He is currently MIA after the invasion of Majesty.


Uild is the guardian of the weave. Protector its users; and smitar of its abusers. He disappeared in disgrace after he failed to protect the Nameless Kingdom from the attack of the Dormani Empire. He returned after Abies' revival of the Kingdom.

This copper fiend is merciful, but somethings this drake can't forgive.

Dissectum Anguis

Dissectum Anguis was the lord of mortals in Dorun. He was the emperor of Dormani and ruled with great caution and intimidating might. This rust coloured red dragon ensured his heritage in his two adopted sons. He perpetuated the belief that chromatic drakes are mighty and metallic drakes are unworthy of their power. He was killed by Minis Glym.


Rotak is a white drake that once spent a lot of time flying over the capital. The hustle and bustle is attractive to dragons; once the orcs tried to rebel and the empire had to make great sacrifices, she now keeps the peace and moves the maddening taint of the fey from the orcs minds.

Civil History

Dormani was not named until around the year 15,000. It is a compression of 'Domain of Man'. Dormani Majoris was named afterwards as its population was much less human, however its size earned it the 'major' in its name. Uild earned its name after the Drake that flew the skies there. It was called the Nameless Kingdom until around the year 20,000. The greatest forts in Dorun are the tar towers, Gauntlgrym, the Crimson Palace, the Order and Barchan. The Tar Towers are constructions that were built to entrap great drakes, the stones were built with ancient and costly magic. The first tower fell but the second remains. After the Dormani empire moved to capture all of Dorun, they did battle at the Tar Towers. After this, a great and powerful wizard cursed the towers and covered them in a corrosive black fluid that has stained it to this day, earning their name, the Tar Towers. Gauntlgrym, is to most, the Vault of Kings. Home to Prince Gaunt, he imprisons all those leaders that would oppose him and carries out torturous justice to their followers. After the Prince married and birthed the princes of Grym, an oracle declared that each of the boys would rather see the other and the prince dead, than let him rule. The princess of Gaunt saved the four boys before the prince could decide whether to kill them or to watch them fight. They are Dwarves unknown. Furthermore, Gauntlgrym is famed for being the bridge between the Underdark and the surface world.The Crimson Palace is the home of the Dragon Emperor. He rests easy within its high walls guarded by thousands of loyal, proven, Dragonborn warriors. It is also home to the richest merchants, the most daring thieves and bloodiest warriors, all those that the Emperor would delight in sharing company with. The Order is the Empire's training and taming ground for those who would use magic. Sorcerers are bred there as soldiers and everyone else must prove to have true devotion to enter. The Order is an underground labyrinth that is thick with arcane defense. Barchan is an ancient tree that the Orcs of Rei Dorsot have made their own. Whenever an Orc band causes chaos in the region, a troop, juggernauts are dispatched from the roots and sweep the perpetrators to Gauntlgrym, that is, if the Orcs aren't hungry. A forgotten elf stronghold was sunken into the earth by Ashardalon. It was inhabited by a vampire for a century, before he was staked in his garden, it now infested with Goblin and Kobold dragon priests and known to most as the Sunless Citadel. The region of Dorunfye is, for the most part, uncivilized. It is a mass of fey who don't think very highly of Dragons. For this reason Dormani has tight borders with it. That is apart from the lost road; the passage between Rei Majoris and Dorunfye. Fey creatures often try and lure travelers off of the enchanted path, hence the name. Most merchants that travel the road have infernal descent, this gives them resistance to fey trickery. In the vast sea of Sprectus, many elemental beings do great battles that those who live on land would never know about. A similar story can be said for the Underdark and those who live in the skies.

Dormani and Majesty 

Dormani (minoris) is a temperate place. It is mostly inhabited by Men, Firbolg, Elves and western travellers. In the year 21,000. The people of Dormani ceased their worshipping of Chegg and began demanding prosperity and Irunian beauty. The southern counties were taken by this uprising and nearly agreed on a peace treaty with the barbaric Kret, which would have guaranteed them many victories. However, the chaos that devastated Dormani ensured that there would be no winners. The once peaceful, then war-ridden land, was no more. Majesty has always been a fishing, trading and fortified island. It has always been somewhat allied with the empire, offering its land as a bastion between the Irunian forces. After the battle at the Tar Towers, those who survived were taken to majesty to recover. Its shores are beautiful and mineral rich, Minis glym is known to have rested there. The relationship between Majesty and Dormani has always been minimal due to the many shifts in the political power many investments unwise. Much of Majesty's wealth is down to the civilizations of tritons, merpeople and water elementals, that are nearby and have a much greater pool of mineral wealth at their disposal due to their marine nature. Majesty has three great pillars. The Fleet of Majesty, The Mages of Majesty and the Harvest of Majesty. The Harvest keeps the people fed, sheltered and happy. The Mages are healers, builders and businessmen. The Fleet are warriors, fisherman and diplomats. Dormani is often stereotyped as being wild. this is because of the political crisis and the presence of the Kret.In truth, Dormani is very community based and other than the bigger towns and forts, is very thinly populated. When the Irunian ways of living were in force, things were much more prosperous.  

Forces of the Universe

The universe is made out of an intangible matter called 'the weave'. The weave can be controlled in different ways, by different people, but the forces that interact with it, creating power in the universe, are as follows: Arcane, using inherent rituals and components to draw magical effects. Primal, using kami, nature, spirits, to manipulate the weave. Martial, using physical strength to conjure additional strength from the weave. Shadow, magics from where the weave touches the plane of negative energy. Psionics, the ability to warp the space around the weave with mental fortitude. Elemental, tapping into the elemental chaos to conjure or summon elemental effects.

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