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Aftershocks (1)

Hoping to rid the town once and for all of the Lich Gelthezar’s influence once and for all, the Undead construct Gris meets a group in the Bloody Couple Inn, specifically recruited to resist the mind altering effects of the City. The group is made up of Sadrey Goldwind, a Halfling Ranger, Aoife Lialian, a Shadow Sorcerer, Theo Trostenweld, a Blue Mage of Majesty, and Djin Barao, a Cleric of Helm, and Gris. He informs the group of his encounters with Gelthezar, and that should the party succeed in ridding the city of whatever Gelthezar’s influence is left, will be rewarded with his fortune of over 45,000 gold. The party accepts these terms, and Gris tells them of a lead he has been following. He tells them about the disappearance of the Ambermantle family, as well as the irregular housing situation under the ‘Valen Dreth’ letting agency. Stepping outside the Inn, everybody takes note of Prospect Palace, a near maddening structure that towers over the city. Making haste, they first choose to question some of the workers working under Avon Ambermantle, the administrator of a Steelworks in the Industrial sector. They go to Paupers Plaza, where most of the impoverished workers reside. They talk to the half-orc Grogark, a charismatic worker who, after smalltalk with Aoife, reveals that Avon was a harsh administrator, and that he had seemed restless in the days leading up to his disappearance. The party make their way to Ambermantle house, hoping to uncover more information there. After breaking in, most of the group first investigates upstairs, whilst Sadrey begins to investigate downstairs. Gris takes Aoife aside, paranoid about the potential of a mole within the group. Aoife calmed him, explaining that paranoia will only hinder the group. Djin and Theo go upstairs, noticing a wall blocking off a hidden room. Aoife then detects a minor magical presence from behind the wall. In order to break through, Theo launches a fireball into the hallway, atomising the wall… as well as the contents of the hidden room. The three then investigate another room upstairs, finding some letters regarding the hidden room, as well as a letter of complaint to Avelina about their youngest son, Hugo, who appears to have been breaking into the stables by the marketplace, as well as other market shops. Meanwhile, Sandrey begins to pick up the tracks of an enemy familiar to her; the Hezrou. As she lays a trap, the creature launches its way out of an illusory fireplace. Trapped, it wails and screams about finding and catching Hugo, the youngest Ambermantle. Djin blows a hole in the ground upstairs, crashing down, as Aoife and Theo follow. They launch fireball after fireball at the creature, causing it to go into a frenzy. It runs back through the fireplace. As the party desperately try and pursue it, Aoife dives through the fireplace, being caught in the Hezrou’s trap, nearly killing her immediately. She attempts to send the monster to sleep, but he is still too strong. After failing to grapple her, he rolls down a spiral staircase, but not before being stabbed by Aoife. The party pursues him down the staircase, leading down a long underground tunnel. Gris takes out a canister full of sleep gas, and is just about able to bring the Hezrou down. As they do, a horrendous scream echoes throughout the tunnel. It appears that the horrors that they are looking for, lay just below the surface. 


Aftershocks (2)

Descending further down into this complex, they found their way into what looked like a prison block guarded by two Hezrou and two Uridezu’s. Below this floor descended into countless other floors, with a pit of the same molton blood as before at the very bottom. Theo noticed the amount of chains going around the room, but was unable to make sense of it. On the other side of the room was a large door, which a Hezrou was seen dragging a prisoner through. Wanting to act quickly, the party devised a plan. Theo cast a spell on the floor that the Hezrou stood on, making it slippery. Although not enough to knock it over, Djin was able to float above the large open pit, and taunted the Hezrou. Enraged, the Hezrou charged forward, and tumbled to its death. Sadrey set up a gust of wind in an attempt to kill the Uridezu the same way, but they were able to resist the powerful spell. As the battle raged, one of the prisoners, a Large Blue Slaad, saw an opportunity, and tore its way out of its cage and joined the fight. This gave Sadrey the oppertunity to back away from her attacker, and put two arrows into its eyes as it fell into the pit, joining its ally. The last one met a similar fate, with Theo delivering the killing blow. Impressed by the groups combat prowess, the Blue Slaad offered to aid the group in their quest to fight. The Slaad was erratic and prone to violent mood swings, often getting enraged at the slightest perceived insult. Regardless, was the friendliest of an unfriendly bunch, and the party accepted his help, dubbing him Gorb. Gorb told the party of the owner of the ‘Bloodworks’ as he called it. A Sibriex named Narkoth. Along with encouragement from Theo, Gorb rushed ahead from the rest of the group, tearing down the gates ahead of them and disappearing. Along the other side of cells were the Ambermantles, seemingly alive and well. To help transport the Halflings safely, Gris opened his trenchcoat, revealing a Jar, with a strange figurine inside. Within it was Ray, the Flesh Golem that Gelthezar had created alongside Gris. In the cells next to them were 2 sets of beady red eyes, watching them. The more charismatic of the two approached, which turned out to be an old friend of Gris and Ray’s. The figure was a grey rat folk, going by the name ‘Drink Swig’. He told the group of the Ratfolk’s attack on the Sibriex’s lair, as it had corrupted many Ratfolk, turning them into the Uridezu. He offered to aid the group as Gorb had, adding that the fighting likely had distracted most of the Tanar’ri guarding Narkoth. The group pressed on, coming across the Fleshforge that Gorb had charged towards, destroying the mutants in his path. Sadrey saw a Tanar’ri dying on the floor, calling to her, distorted and welcoming of her; her missing parents. She swiftly euthanised them. Gris pointed out a small floating island in the molton blood, that had a Red glowing orb atop it, identifying it as an Artefact of Gelthezar’s. Theo insisted that the group reconsider destroying the orbs, much to Djin’s dismay. Gris eventually urged Aiofie to go ahead and try to harness the Orbs' energy. As she walked closer, she could feel herself become more powerful, and was able to wield more control over her Magic than ever before. She was transported to a white ethereal platform, with a young solitary figure with white hair sat pondering at a table. It was Gelthezar. He welcomed her, saying how proud he was of her and her ancestors. He claimed that there was much work to be done, and that together, they could save Dorun from whatever existential threat Gelthezar has predicted. Aiofie, enraged at the curse he has placed on her and her ancestors, manipulated the power Gelthezar granted her bloodline, to disintegrate him. As his true lich like form was revealed, he cursed his descendent one last time, before his permanent and long time coming death. Aiofie returned, battered, but alive. As she did, Gris breathed for the first time in his unlife. He lit one last cigarette, thanked her and the party for releasing him, and collapsed, his trenchcoat drifting away. Aiofie took his Trilby hat, and the party continued above, to face the Sibriex. Traversing the winding stairs, they found themselves coming across man-made marble. Before long, they realised that they were now within Prospect Palace itself, sitting atop the city. Eventually they found the Sibriex, sitting atop one last Orb. Weakened and enraged at destroying his Orb, the Sibriex lunged forward with a barrage of attacks, almost killing Sandrey outright. The party survived onslaught after onslaught, ripping off chunks of the decaying flesh monster’s body. Before long, the abyssal horror was weak enough for Aiofie to send a powerful disintegration spell launched straight at the monster. As the creature lay crying in its own ash pile, the now unclaimed orb began drifting into the middle of the room. Having been a sleeper agent all along, Theo launched forward, attempting to harness the Orbs full potential for his own needs. Djinn stabilised Sandrey as Aiofie tried launching a fireball at the mad Wizard, but it was too late. Theo saw the stars, and the astral sea, and a deep sense of dread and foreboding, that was coming to him and everyone in Dorun, as unstoppable as any force. In a panic, Theo tried to manifest the will of the Orb to do his bidding, to try and recreate Soulmyne in Gelthezar’s image. Theo was unable to control the Orb, and in his attempt to do so was atomised alongside the Orb, finally putting an end to Gelthezar’s influence in the City of Soulmyne. 

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