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The Chaos of Nurod

The many islands of Nurod are so feral, that they have yet to be charted. However, the Lord Commander of the Nameless Kingdom, Abies Nobilis seeks to uncover its secrets. The furthest Dorun has charted so far, is the tropical island of Chult, which would one day be anmed Rezmire. On the eastern shores, a small dock acts as the Dormani Embassy. Chult has long been rumoured to have a death curse upon it, undoing any who blaspheme death. Despite this, ghouls, whites and zombies seem to flourish under the rain forest, competing for victims only with the indigenous dinosaurs. The city Grovel is safe, but due to the restrictions of magic there, it is mostly populated by non-arcane Tabaxi, Kenku, Tortles and wood-elves. Other powers in Chult include the giants of Frostheim and Stormgart who conspire to avenge their ancestors. The great behemoths; whose age has turned to stone and whose bodies are lived upon.


The Giants

The Giants of Nurod have allied. Long ago, the ancient beings called behemoths were murdered, turned to stone by some wretched abomination. To avenge this loss, the giants opened one of their vaults to release a Kracken into the waters where the trespasser  lurked. The Kracken, however did not seek the other divine beast. It began to send devastating waves over Nurod, it blacked the salt water and cursed the fresh. A hundred giants, storm, frost, hill and cloud made a desperate capture attempt, with only a handful of giants remaining, the beast was slain, refusing to be imprisoned again. The giants of Nurod differ from the giants of Dorun. Dorun giants are far more intelligent, but more tribal and viscous. Visibly, all the races of giants in Nurod are smaller than their Dorun counterparts, the reason for this is unknown.


Queen Hjeff's Dormani

Queen Hjeff is an unusual monarch. Fuelled by respect for her father, she refuses to risk the peace he achieved. The dragon-born of  Majoris, the humans of Majesty, the elves of Dorunfye, the Orcs of Minoris and the Mages of Uild all serve Queen Hjeff, though locally ruled by their own hierarchies. She promotes culture and freedom in all of her subjects, but pays the price. Through bribes, conspiracies and unfavourable diplomacy, Hjeff  prevented chaos, again and again. After a rumored assassination attempt, Hjeff made no public threats and didn't even consider retaliation against the culprits. During this time, she trusted Abies Nobilis with her title for a couple years whilst she raised two children with her partner Duke Etten. Upon resuming her rule, she become more and more troubled. All who seek her council will find a stoical ruler, with a penetrating stare, like she was always suspecting. The glare is only lifted by the youngest Gaunts, Hujo and Dinnnn.


The Cormu

The Cormu is the ship of Captain Zafia. The name is giant language for 'horn'. It was christened in a battle with Kret pirates that ended in a spectacular collision that critically damaged the attackers. The prow of the ship was a great sweeping axe that continued to chop through the waters until it too was damaged by something in the water that destroyed a small fleet of ships in the same spree. All Zafia could see of it was a great shadow. Given her tendency to take trophies and account for all she has defeated, she is eager to learn more about whatever could have wrought such devastation


The Inevitable Truths

The Book of Inevitable Truths is the great tome of Acererak. It details his greatest findings and his most significant divination. He predicts the fall of mans rule over Dorun. He sees the dragons rise, but he also sees them fall to the 'Talus'. Acererak saw the death of all the gods, including his beloved Iruna. He shows how his soul would be split: four dragon idols, a sheet of music, and a bejewelled skull would be turned into phylacteries by Iruna. The idol of chaos and evil were sent to Nurod. The good idol was gifted to Bahumat, then Mordain(a dwarf). The idol of order was thrown place to place until coming to rest in the Doomvault. The Skull of Acererak and the Voice of Acererak (the music sheet) had semi-conscience and sought out the idols of evil and chaos. They were all reunited and hidden in The Tomb of Horrors. The Voice of Acererak would be destroyed by plunderers. The Idols would be destroyed after a failed attempt to resurrect Tiamat. The Skull of Acererak would be destroyed by Krad Klim, a reluctant lich. The last of the predictions list a great number of inventions. Arcane bombs, healing draughts, repeating crossbows and a great number of things that any reader couldn't identify if they were the most powerful divinator in the known world.

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Chain of Command

Queen Hjeff

Prince Kyle of Majesty

L.Cdr Abies Nobilis 
of the Nameless Kingdom

High Lord Bramble Hook 
of Gulthias

Blue Wizard Herot

Blue Wizard Bardagand

Blue Wizard 

Divine Lord Maldur

Elemental Lord Harmonworth

Dark Lord 

Shift Lord 


Chief Bloodsquirm





Queen Hjeff is a strong leader who has sustained a great peace in Dorun. She is a youthful dwarf that is committed to respecting and upholding the values of her late father, King Hjar Gaunt. She is married to Duke Etten and has two children, Dinnnn Gaunt and Hujo Gaunt.

Prince Kyle is the younger brother of Queen Hjeff. He is a dark, but lighthearted dwarf that overseers the blue wizards of Majesty. He is also in charge of deploying the fleet of Majesty, commanded by Gerty Gaunt. He lives in the Blue City and ensures that all the towers of Majesty are functioning correctly and protecting Dorun from devils.

Abies Nobilis is the lord commander of the Nameless Kingdom. He is a great artificer and arcane meddler. He is a rare species, a tortle, yet he has never felt prejudice because of this. His reptilian appearance and natural armour is most impressive. His prowess with conjuration is remarkable and he is greatly in touch with nature, matched only by arch-druids. 

High Lord Bramble Hook is the high lord of Dormani Minoris, now Orcis. After the orcs allied with Hjar and were given the island, Bramble Hook killed the great chief and reformed the green skin clans under his lordship. He is ruthless and far wiser than his fellows due to his company of shaman. He is always seen wearing armour wrapped in thorn vines.


The Council of Prince Kyle consists of three of the greatest blue wizards, Herot, Bardagand and Venhursh. The blue wizards are ancient guardians of sacred protection charms, dissimilar to all arcane magic, even psionic. The council wizards are those that have the skill and wisdom to tame the power they draw upon.

The Council of L.Cdr.Abies Nobilis (though is he wise to take council from all) is made of the four most powerful lords in Uild. Headmasters of his schools of magic. Divine Lord Maldur, who studies divination and plunders ruins of Acereraks kingdom, a Halfling. Elemental Lord Harmonworth, a great warrior Kanus, who sought out the dragon emperors pyromancers to tame them and show them the light of Iruna. Dark Lord Xanathar, teacher of necromancy, though he does not practise himself, he hides away in his tower in the school. Shift Lord Gibbs, an abjurator, a proud red dragonkin and an ally to Iruna.

The Council of High Lord Bramble Hook is the five great, greenskin clan cheifs. The clans are Bramble Hook, Barbar, Bloodsquirm, Nukkin, Mankill and Hythgar. Due to the orcs 'fightiness', a cheif isn't always chief for long, so, council with the High Lord is an honour that whoever sits of the clans throne will receive.

War in Dorun

The Dragon War - Metallic dragons vs chromatic dragons. Chromatic  dragon victory. Year 3500 roughly. 

-The Clash in Crimson, Chromatic vs Metallic, Metallic victory, 2,000,000 deaths.

-Bahamuts Justice, Chromatic vs Metallic, Metallic victory, 4,500,000 deaths. 

-The Reckoning of Chegg, Chromatic vs Metallic, Chromatic victory, 1,500,000 deaths.

The Infernal War - Devils vs Dormani. Dormani victory. Year  13,000 roughly. 

-The Scorching of the South, Dormani vs Devils, Devil victory, 200,000 deaths. 

-The Sprectus Attrition, Majesty vs Devils, Majesty victory, 500,000 deaths. 

-The Infernal inquisition, Kret vs Devils, Devil victory, 100,000 deaths. 

-The Dragons Descent, Dormani and Dragons vs Devils, Dormani victory, 160,000 deaths. 

-The Blue Blockade, Majesty Towers vs Devils, Majesty victory, 350,000 deaths.

The Fey War - Dragonborn vs Fey. Dragonborn victory. Year 15,000 roughly. 

-The Fight of the Fey Falls, Dragonborn vs Fey, Dragonborn victory, 10,000 deaths. 

-The Battle of Elfen Mire, Dragonborn vs Fey, Fey victory, 50,000 deaths. 

-The Siege of White Plume Mountain, Dragonborn vs Fey, Dragonborn victory 130,000 deaths. 

-The Furious Faerie Fire, Dragonborn vs Fey, Dragonborn victory, 30,000 deaths.  

The Great Purging - Kret vs Irunans - Irunan victory. Year 16,000. 

-The Burning of Projectus, Kret vs Irunans, Kret victory, 200,000 deaths.   

-The Siege of Kret, Kret vs Majesty, Kret victory, 20,000 deaths.  

-The Siege of Kretis, Kret vs Majesty, Kret victory, 40,000 deaths. 

-The Battle for the Channel, Kret vs Majesty, Majesty victory, 120,000 deaths

The Dragonborn Uprising - Dragonborn vs Irunan. Dragonborn victory. Year 20,000. 

-The Rei Majoris Massacre, Dragonborn vs Irunans, Dragonborn victory, 2,500,000 deaths. 

-The Battle of the Wishbone, Dragonborn vs Irunans, Dragonborn victory, 140,000 deaths. 

-The Battle for the Midlands, Dragonborn vs Irunans, Irunan victory, 15,000 deaths. 

-The Taming of the North, Northern Union vs Dragonborn, Dragonborn victory, 40,000 deaths. 

-The Siege of Barchan, Dragonborn vs Irunans, Dragonborn victory, 70,000 deaths. 

-The Defence of Rei Majoris, Dragonborn vs Irunans, Dragonborn victory, 40,000 deaths. 

-The Sacking of Uild, Dragonborn vs Irunans, Dragonborn victory, 600,000 deaths.   

The First War for Dorun - Dormani Empire vs Irunans. Dormani Empire victory. Year 20,000-20,700.

-The Field of Fire,  Eastern Union vs Dormani Empire. Dormani Empire victory, 120,000 deaths. 

-The Taming of the Orcs, Southern Union vs Dormani Empire, Dormani Empire victory, 30,000 deaths. 

-The March of the Blue Battalion, Minoris and Majesty vs Dormani Empire, Blue Battalion victory, 175,000 deaths. 

-The White Crusade, Dormani Empire vs Majesty, Dormani Empire victory, 190,000 deaths. 

-The Battle of the Tar Towers, Iruni Uprising vs Dormani Empire, Dormani Empire victory, 230,000 deaths.

The Great Drow War - Lolth loyalists vs Mantol Derith vs Velkynvelve. Lolth loyalist victory. Year 20,600-21,053. 

-The Sacking of Velkynvelve, Velkynvelve vs Lolth Loyalists, Lolth loyalist victory, 60,000 deaths. 

-The Siege of Mantol Derith, Lolth Loyalists vs Mantol Derith, Mantol Derith victory, 17,000 deaths. 

-The March of Mantol Derith, Lolth Loyalists vs Mantol Derith, Lolth loyalist victory, 10,000 deaths. 

-The Siege of Velkynvelve, Lolth Loyalists vs Mantol Derith, Mantol Derith victory, 30,000 deaths. 

-The Raping of Mantol Derith, Lolth Loyalists vs Mantol Derith, Lolth Loyalist victory, 90,000 deaths. 

-The Rage of Demons, Demon Lords destroy most of the remaining survivors of the Underdark, 8,000,000 deaths.

Iruni Uprising - Irunans vs Dormani Empire. Dormani Empire victory. Year 21,046-21,053. 

-The Irun Riots, Iruni Uprising vs Dormani Empire, Iruni Uprising victory, 150,000 deaths. 

-The Kroatorut Uprising, Iruni Uprising vs Dormani Empire, Dormani victory, 80,000 deaths. 

-The Liberation of Kroatorut, Iruni Uprising vs Dormani Empire, Iruni Uprising victory, 190,000 deaths. 

-The Battle of Kroatorut, Kret vs Dormani Empire (Majesty), Majesty victory, 20,000 deaths. 

-The Chaos Storm, Iruni Uprising vs The Chaos Storm, The Chaos Storm victory, 3,000,000 deaths.

The Second War for Dorun - Dormani Empire vs Hjars Uprising. Hjar victory. Year 21,054. 

-The Battle of Dormort, Hjar Uprising vs Dormani Empire, Hjar victory, 15,000 deaths. 

-The Siege of Fishing Hamlet, Hjar Uprising vs Dormani Empire, Dormani Empire victory, 40,000 deaths. 

-The Siege of Gauntlgrym, Hjar Uprising vs Dormani Empire, Hjar victory, 150,000 deaths. 

-The Destruction of the Fey-Plague, Hjar Uprising vs Fey-Plague, Hjar victory, 2000 deaths. 

-The Siege of the Order, Hjar Uprising vs The Order, Order victory, 60,000 deaths. 

-The Liberation of the Haunt, Hjar Uprising vs The Order, Hjar Uprising victory, 10,000 deaths. 


The Third War for Dorun - The Order vs Orcis vs The Kingdom of Dorun. Kingdom of Dorun Victory

-The Murdoch Massacre, Order vs Dorun, 210,000 Massacred.  

-The Sacking of Barchan, Orcis vs Dorun, Orc occupation begins, 20,000 confirmed deaths. 

-The Siege of Derindel, Orcis vs Dorun, Dorun victory. 

-The Defence of Wells Farm, Dorun vs The Order, Dorun victory, 50,000 confirmed deaths. 

-The Battle of Skyreach, Kingdom of Uild vs The Order, Order Victory, Uild Refugees escaped

-The Battle of the Artery, Kingdom of Dorun vs The Order,  Kingdom of Dorun Victory 1,200,000 estimated deaths

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