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The Old Faith

The Old Faith recognises the divinity of the Dawn Three, Kolnor, Iruna, and Onchegar. While the individual gods have there own priests, worshipers, cultists, and zealots, across dorun, all three are worshipped together. Irunic worship is centred around the Great Wood Trees, and is done to welcome growth and change. Cheggic worship is centred around the great drakes, and gratitude for their benevolence and omens (in between the Dragonfall and the return of the great drakes, Cheggic worship was more limited to his individual worship). Lastly, Kolnoric worship is niche, but centred around an individual's lost loved ones or sites of horror, though some cults have been known to gather around Oakhurt's Great Maw. It is gratitude for good things staying as they are. In Dormani, shrines to all three are placed together, often at the highest point of a village or town. People will regularly travel there to show their gratitude, and seek good fortune. These shrines will often have shrine keepers who can offer seeings and talismans to protect worshippers from monsters. The old faith is centre of culture in Dormani, restoration of great drakes was an original motivation behind the Flameguard Uprising, Irunic practises in Uild are a part of the conflict, and in that way, even the most unenlightened people contribute the the ebb and flow of power in this faith.

The Nature of Divinity

The Dawn Three rule are innate, ancient, and native entities, to Dorun, and Dawnspace. In the days before time, when ancient abberations enslaved proto-humanoids in a multidimensional empire, the indescribable, industrial, and seemingly infinite suffering caused, led to the creation of these gods. The combined need for salvation from the psionically awakened proto-humanoids awakened the concepts of chaos, growth, and stagnation. No such power could be replicated in Dorun today, and as such, other deities, ancient, but childlike in comparison to the Dawn Three, are less powerful.  The power of gods comes from devotion, worship, and fervor. The number of worshippers is important, but a few zealots, performing rites and rituals, can invoke more divinity than a larger community's more casual worship. This is why gods like Rekeal and Korana Zoi are so powerful, despite their relatively small congregations. This principal is also why Outsider gods have little to no power and influence in Dorun. The people of Dorun overwhelmingly worship according to the old faith, individual Dawn Three gods, or the other native deities. There is only sparse and fringe worship, that is either drowned out by, or hunted down by the devotees of the native deities.


Since the Crusade created a tear in reality, in the astral sea, divine domains have been embodied in outworlds, transitive worlds in the astral sea or through pockets in the Phlogiston, that take forms that represent the ideals and principles of a divine. These worlds are haven for their denizens, provide a location for divine communication, or provide portals to other places that represent the ideals of a god. These outworlds are believed to have always existed as mental constructions, fueled by devotion and created by belief, as the gods are, but are only now accessible due to the spilling of the far plane and mental planes into reality.


Onchegar / 'Chegg'
















Titles:           The Hated Flame, The Crystellan King, 

                           Father Coldfire, The Great Rage.

Adjectives:   Cheggic, Cheggari, Crystellan

Aspects:       The Crystal Avatar, The Divine Beast

Gender:         Masculine

Alignment:  Chaotic Evil

Portfolio:      Destruction, Chaos, Disaster, War

Domains:     War, Tempest, Ambition

Devotees:     Ones who want

Apostles:      Dragons, Archfiends

Channel:      Destructive Wrath, Guided Strike, Martyrdom

Great Drakes

The Pillars of Cheggic Worship

The Great Drakes are wingless titanically large dragons that twist and curl their way through the sky above Dorun. The original great drakes were lost in the Dragonfall, and left the skies empty for the better part of a millenia. The new great drakes carry bright chromatic souls forged in the astral sea, in 22,028. Due to the period without Drakes, other Sites of Cheggic influence have become revered, in places such as Ashen Ruin, Caltor, and Rassilar.

Kalibur - A Red Drake associated with Authority

Ankhetor - A White Drake associated with Conquest

Movilax - A Black Drake associated with Millitance

Imagaol - A Green Drake associated with Desolation

Liltrezzar - A Blue Drake associated with Disaster

The Flameguard

The Flameguard are often considered Cheggic worshippers due to their reverence of dragons. Their faith is more based in respect than searching for any kind of salvation. The power of dragons is impressive, and between the Dormani Empire's rule beginning in 20,000, the Dragonfall, and the return of the great drakes: alot of history is carved in Cheggic ideals. The ideals of ambition, are what embolden these dragons, however.


Creatures of evil, whether chaotic or lawful, can find power in Cheggari worship, as his portfolio and domains are values associated across the lower planes. Fiendish power and worship through Onchegar manifest on the material plane though feral tieflings, infernal cultists, and demonic cultists. The ancient, neutral evil Baernoloths are said to be the origins of other species of fiend, including the Tanar'ri demons, the Baatetzu devils, the Yugaloth 'daemons',  marauding Hordlings, ghostly Loumara, and the Demondand 'leths'. Tanar'ri are chaotic evil creatures of the abyss that often appear as perversions of flora and fauna (eg. Balor, Nalfeshnee, and Vrock). Baatetzu devils are lawful evil fiends of Baator, often embodying implements of torture (eg. Ice Devil, Imps, Pit Fiends). Yugaloths are neutral evil manipulators of the blood war from Hades, often embodying mutations (eg. Nycaloth, Arcanaloths, Yugaloths). Also commonly found in Hades or Pandemonium, are the Hordlings, a young race of evil (but unaligned in the blood war) fiends, who are erratic, mad, and take on vastly differing forms, all fuelled by malice. The Loumara, most commonly sighted in the Abyss, are reclusive, often mistaken for poltergeists, as their forms are regularly indistinct and imperceptible. The Demodands (aka Gehreleths, or leths) are the gluttonous, self appointed wardens of Tartarus, their forms often embody sickness. There is a further type of fiend, the Obyrinths, who are alien, and share an origin with the Abyss itself.

The Shattered



The Fey Conclaves

Throughout the fey realm, there are courts, conclaves, and collectives of fey creatures that promote nature and growth, keeping with the ideas of Iruna. They revere the Mothervine as the proliferation of all natural life, and wish to stay connected to her. The Fey Conclaves often interact with Dorun around Great Woods, such as the Barchan, and Gulthias, where they have a great connection all other natural life. Fey presences in Dormani are often associated with trickery, and misdirecting behaviours. This is not apart of Iruna's dogma, and is instead a way that the Fey to generate emotional stimulation, which they crave, given their adaptations to the hyper emotive environments of the Feywild. This is also evident in the histories on Dorunfye, where legends suggest greenskin ancestors were enchanted and pushed out of their lands by the encroaching natural chaos of the Feywild. These kinds of natural chaos and unchecked emotional events can be tempered, but often requires intervention of  allies of the Fey Conclaves, such as House Elindaal of Barchan, House Govan of Grovel, or even The Heartlands Coalition. Creatures from the Feydark commonly forsake the dogma of the other conclaves and practise more destructive practises in line with Cheggic worship.

The Primal Faith

The Primal faith is subsect of the old faith adopted by druids, devout irunic worshippers, fey folk, and even some people who otherwise worship outsider gods, such as Correlan, Eldath, Liria, Savras, or Selune. It acknowledges  the everprescence of the ethereal plane, and the spirits that can only be seen there. This is believed to be the location of the nature spirits that help channel the primal weave, and where house spirits, and ancestral guardians take action. They believe the ethereal plane can have it's proximity to the shadowfell or feywild changed by what happens in the corresponding location on the material plane. This leads to legends of curses, haunted houses, good and bad luck, and is the given explanation for fey and shadow incursions. While mages and scholars call this the ethereal plane, to those of the primal faith, it is the plane on the other side of the veil, The Inhuman Plane, The Other Plane (often snarkily followed up by, 'with a capital O'), The Hollow Land, or the Land of Roots. Anyone who values nature, purity, karma, or fate will likely adopt some beliefs of the primal faith, and belief that places have spirits too. In Dormani, shrines are often built in each town or region, and given offerings to attract spirits with positive forces, while abandonment or desecration of a shrine can attract dark forces, ill-health, and bad luck.
















Titles:           The Sleeping Mother, The Mothervine,

                           Her Grace

Adjectives:   Iruni, Irunic, Runic

Aspects:       The Mothervine, The Graceful Titan,

                          The Sleeper

Gender:         Feminine

Alignment:  Chaotic Good

Portfolio:      Growth, Beasts, Fey, Forests, Giants, Elementals

Domains:     Nature, Life

Devotees:     Ones who bloom and wish to see others bloom

Apostles:      The Nameless, Chwingas

Channel:      Charm Animals & Plants, Preserve Life


Great Woods

The Pillars of Irunic Worship

Their growth is seen as an omen of change, Greatwoods, world trees, great oaks, one in the same. They are trees, hundreds of feet tall, with deep roots that are rich with divination, and connection to the fey, shadow, and Other plane. Entire cities are named for them.

Barchan - A cedar tree stewarded by the Elindaals.

Gulthias - An apple tree stewarded by Orcis.

Grovel - A kapok tree stewarded by aarocockra.

Abrach - A lost willow tree, recorded by Uild.

Colliria - A baobab emerged in Sylfshire, 22,034, it is not yet official, but in the coming years, it could ascend.

The Nameless


The Titanic Giants

Little of titanic giant society is known to Dormani, but there runic magic is directly linked to Iruna and primal forces. It is believed that the titanic lands are a paradise, a natural haven that allows for powerful primal channeling, and as such, they keep Dormani and the rest of the world at arms length, with the exception of The Storm Queen's missions into Dormani. They protect their lands with magics that make the Runic Ocean impassable, seemingly since the original Nameless Kingdom corrupted a part of the Arcane weave to create the shadow weave. This was possibly an attempt to mimic the way Iruna forged the primal weave by combining positive energy with the elemental chaos in primordial days.

















Titles:           The Dark Sun, The Dead Maw, The Still Heart,

                          The Resting Voice.

Adjectives:   Kolnoric, Kolnori

Aspects:       The Daughter Night, The Formless Rot,

                          The Whispering Waters, The Unseen Brother

Gender:         Neutral/Masculine/Feminine

Alignment:  Neutral

Portfolio:      Dark, Grief, Luck, Undead, Aberrations

Domains:     Twilight, Fate, Peace, Grave

Devotees:     Ones who have lost, or fear to lose

Apostles:      Unknown

Channel:      Balm of Peace, Strands of Fate,

                          Twilight  Sanctuary, Path of the Grave

Great Maws

The Pillars of Kolnoric Worship

These locations are the sites of great pits, caverns, and subterranean anomalies with a connection to Kolnoric worship.

Oakhurst - Site of an undead filled borehole

The Haunt - Site of a cavern, 'Voril', of unwoven arcana. 

Pocut - Site of a crater, 'Sheer' and meteor, 'Peace', exuding        apathy and pacivity.

Osaran - Site of 'Deep Well', and it's strange waters that provide secret blessings guarded by its people.

High Korain - Site of a Farsky aquifer called 'Gudoril' that turns moonlight into rain.

The Dune Wights

The Dune Wights is the name given to the faction of undead native to the northwest parts of Orcis. The dune wights are ancient, and in Orcis long before it was called that. They often congregate in the wilds around what was once Oakhurst, the site of a Kolnoric Deep Well. Their allegiance and dogma, is entirely in  maintaining the forest of dead trees that fill their piece of the country, though they do wander further. Their magics allow them to call down cold and snow, even in the warmer parts of the year. The wights are not bound to snow, however, their nickname comes from their incursions into the sandy southern regions of the orcisian wastes. The Dune Wights are malevolent and powerful ancient undead. The full extent of their Kolnoric power is unknown, as much of Kolnor's domain is, but what has been seen is alarming, and a cause for swift reaction.

The Displaced



Farrond is the twin planet to Dorun in the crystal sphere known as 'Dawnspace'. What is known of Farrond is shrouded in heresay and myth. Many presume it to be a land of abberations and monstrosities, but contemporary scholars try not to presume anything, and instead place the source of this information as conjecture resulting from the contact Dorun has had with Farrond requiring spacefaring vehicles popularly used by Illithids, Flumphs, Neogi, and other 'alien creatures'. Those traveller's, however, aren't necessarily from Farrond originally. So whilst a Kolnoric mythos has been built up around this dark planet, Kolnoric followers in Dormani look to Farrond and see a darker world, a gentler world, with less noise and chaos that so muddles mortal lives. With this ethos and star divination, Kolnoric worshippers claim many celestial bodies as symbols of their god, which contends with mithraic worship at times, with Mithraim also being a god of the fate domain.




Unaligned worshippers of Aswain are nicknamed advocates. They take no formal oath, but work in an effort to better the lives of their communities. The communities of Sprectus, colloquially known as 'The Friendly Tides' are a good example of this in action. It is also heavily speculated, and closely guarded, that apparitions of Aswain are the reason the communities of The Friendly Tides have overcome violence with one another, and how they have the power to bestow the Blessing of Spectrus, allowing safer travel over the waters there. There are also some giant factions in the White Hills and Mountains of Majesty who pledge themselves more to Aswain, while most belong to the dawn three or even Grugyr. These giants have a more loose Ordning their kin. In the farsky, the pseudo great drake 'Kujo' is the mantle on which a floating island, populated by aasimar, is settled. The society within, are joyful and cooperative when there island converges with another, and the population are largely advocates, or if not, then mithraic.  There is a darker side to the advocates, some view them as people who exploit the disadvantaged in order to militise them, such as the example set by the legends of the fiend, Merut Neramore, who built up slaves, orphans, refugees, and tribes folk, only to lead them into hell. This legend, is however, not true to history, and in fact, the events described led to the salvation of the tieflings, and the creation of the Saragriff Bureau. Whether or not the moving of these advocates comes under some great divine plan is uninterpretable, but the faithful are sure that advocates will be essential in bringing everyone into the great wave when the end times comes. Advocates are a very ancient faction, with Aswainic relics, or relics to the precursory title 'Arwayen', can be found in ruins across Dorun, which both alarms and rouses Aswaic worshippers, and non followers alike, as it places us closer to the end times.
















Titles:           The All Wave, The Waiting One, Arwayen

Adjectives:   Aswari, Aswainic

Aspects:        The Rapturous Wave

Gender:         Masculine

Alignment:  Lawful Neutral

Portfolio:      Cooperation, Fast Waves, 

Domains:     Unity, Protection, War

Devotees:     Ones who fear what is to be

Apostles:      Water Elementals, Seafolk

Channel:      Shared Burden, Radiant Defence

                           Destructive Wrath

Aswain Shipsworn

The Aswain Shipsworn (or 'reverse pirates') are a centreless creed of Aswari worshippers who sail upon the seas of Dorun in aid of others, to promote unity and cooperation amongst travellers. The shipsworn are identifiable by their welcoming nature, at first, and confirmed by their wrathful militance that can emerge in the face of the smallest acts of blasphemy; a shipsworn is unlikely to become violent unless they feel they must, but they are fiercely protective. Shipsworn captains, who witness the vows and devotion of a crew, become increasingly embolden by their bond with Aswain and can bestow blessing and enchantments onto their vehicles, including aquamancies envied by Uild, and protective spells that make a fleet of shipsworn into an unstoppable wave. 

The Blue Paladins

The Blue Paladins are a zealous group of warriors that, for the sake of unity, offer their services whenever ask, to forsake what is asked of them is to forsake their god. If a paladin cannot bring themselves to do what is asked of them, they would sooner kill themself, however, then the paladin may be passing the duty to one of their comrades. There are legal protections  and special legal exemptions in Dormani to prevent unjust and unsavoury use of these generally good natured paladins. Their ultimate goal is to attain so much good will that when the time of reckoning, that Aswain's prophets predict, comes, the masses will stand together behind the Blue Paladins. Alternatively,  that they sow enough cooperation and gratitude into the population, that whoever leads the future, sees victory. The current heads of the Aswainic faith are the Farcel bloodline of white dragonborns.

Grugyr / 'Grug'
















Titles:           Grug, The Mountain Father, The Divine Forge

Adjectives:   Grugic, Grugyri, Grugari

Aspects:        The Gold Collosus, The Voice in the Cracks

Gender:         Masculine

Alignment:  Lawful Neutral

Portfolio:      Wealth, Gold, Stone, Earth-Dwellers

Domains:     Forge, Strength, Protection

Devotees:     Ones who mine, ones who fortify

Apostles:      Earth & Fire Elementals, Underfolk, Machines

Channel:      Artisans Blessing, Feat of Strength,

                          Radiant Defence                          


A steelheart is a proud identity that exists between life resulting of metallurgy. Automata, autognomes, metal golems, modrons, and warforged, gave grug the name 'Mountain Father' (sometimes  'Metal Maker', 'The Divine Forge', or '√Fe'). This identity is useful in cooperative efforts to make places in Dormani (mostly northeast Dormani) provide greater care for the needs of non-biological life. For example, greater access to forges, engineers, and magic catered to constructs instead of humanoids. Their plight is somewhat hindered by the fact that many believe Steelheart's are not alive in a meaningful way, and indeed it is true that many Steelhearts simply mimic life, but there are hearts in the sea of steel who truly dream, have faith, and love. And these products of neo genesis empower their god as much as any mortal.

The Grey Masons

The Grey Masons are an order of typically mountain folk (dwarves, gnomes, goliaths, and underfolk) who hold ancient fortresses that are ever being improved upon with material and mechanical innovations. The dogma of the Grey Masons is that individual strength, individual champions, and isolated communities are the best form of protection for everyone. In practise this works to reduce conflict between different mountain folk, and provide bastions such as The Grymvault, Isreagland, and Mantol, which only fall in the face of great arcane power such as (historically) draconic, runic, and demonic power, respectively. The Grey Masons are heavily embedded in the Knappstone Hills, White Hills, Mountains of Majesty, Underdark, and more recently, the Veiled Lands. Grey Masons harvest riches from the earth, and utilise anything and everything they can in their pursuit of greater protective powers. The blessings of Grug appear in mineral and material wealth, fortuitous seismic activity, and the awakening of golems and elementals. Notable Grey Masons include the Gaunts and the Nightguard.

Korana Zoi / 'korana'
















Titles:           The Crimson Lady, That Which Stirrs

Adjectives:   Korani, Koranic, Koranan, Zoic

Aspects:        The Bloody Bride, The Seamless Snake

Gender:         Feminine

Alignment:  Lawful Evil

Portfolio:      Blood, Pain, Control, Lineage

Domains:     Death, Life, Order

Devotees:     Ones who don't fear what is to be

Apostles:      Lycanthropes, Vampires, Cannibals

Channel:      Touch of Death, Preserve Life, Orders Demand

The Nightmare Brood


The Crimson Collective

The Crimson Collective are a sadistic cooperative of various cults dedicated to the worship of Korana Zoi. They are small in number, but large in influence, and intense in worship and devotion. They exist everywhere, from gutters to palaces, groups of flayers, surgeons, cut-throats, and flagellants, spilling blood in honour of the crimson lady. Their goal isn't as violent as their worship can be, instead they wish to move the world slowly towards a place where the lines of life and death can be blurred without incurring undeath. Whereas undeath is the result of corruption of life by entropic powers of the negative energy plane, a koranan 'hide' is a creature that grows stronger with carefully controlled injury. While leaders of a sect will often remain mortal, devout followers may be allowed to undergo procedures involving weeks, months, or years of torture and maiming in order to change them. Their bones may be broken and extended, they may develop symbiotic microbial colonies from infection, their minds may becomes number to the horrors of life and death. It is, afterall, fear and obsession with the pain and tragedy of life and death leads people to stumble into Koranan worship, particularly if they also fear shadow powers. Wiser, and more informed people would fear the lingering suffering more than mindless undeath, but the Korani control bloodlines, communities, and the information that escapes them. Discovered Crimson Collective sects include those on Kret, the leadership of the Rei Minoris gang who operate Maywhite, the Halls of Blood in the Order, and the dispatched raiding occupants of Tanburg in the time of the Dragonfall.

The Pox Courts

The pox courts, while often appearing monstrous and undead, are not. They are alive, humanoids. Hides, like those of the Crimson Collective, who are rotted, bloated, and mad. Despite their indisputable insanity, they have a strictly ordered hierarchy that is alarmingly similar to feudal structures seen across Dormani. They all look up the chain of command due to their limited ability for cognition, but are mostly just recited gibberish that becomes gospel, as a part of a shared delusion. The Pox Courts appear from time to time from Koranan outworlds. They can be thwarted by infiltrating their hierarchy, hemomancy, or total annihilation by fire. In 21,494, The Crimson Collective sect in Night City, Majesty, ostracised the original members of the pox courts, in their exile, they were easily corrupted and turned into true undead abominations, but the Crimson Collective destroyed all took these Blasphemous forms, allowing only those who lingered in mortality to live, and that, in the exile of Korana's embrace. Since the Crusade, and the incursions of  the outworlds, this exile has become less permanent.


The Mithraic Temple

The dogma of the mithraic temple is based in the worship of the two gods that are one. They spread the gospel that wildspace is the frontier of divinity, even in spite of the divine impotence in the Phlogiston them prevents a disbalance of light and dark. Mithraim's light is a guiding light, enlightened by the movings of fate, and is sought after in all things. The light illuminates a path, if one should step off the path, and forsake her divination, then inevitably you will find yourself closer to the dark. Furthermore, if one forsakes the guidance and enlightenment of Mithraim, they will find the light to be powerless in the face of what comes next. Mithraim's lights of sanctuary and guidance are only their fundamental blessings, more spectacular miracles include: a curative body warmth, fusion, through biological transposition,  and celestial empowerment. Their most substantial followings can be found in southern Majesty, eastern Rei Minoris, southern Dorunfye, western Rezmire, and ofcourse, throughout Dawnspace.
















Titles:           The Childlights, The Guardian of Light

Adjectives:   Mithraic, Solari

Aspects:        The Daughter of the Sun, The Son of the Stars

Gender:         Neutral/Masculine/Feminine

Alignment:  Neutral

Portfolio:      The Sun, Stars, Fusion

Domains:     Light, Fate

Devotees:     Ones who fear the dark

Apostles:      Celestials, Air Elementals

Channel:      Radiance of Dawn, Strands of Fate

The Solari

The Solari are a spacefaring clergy of ambiguous racial identity. They are most concentrated on wildspace-stations around the sun of Dawnspace. They preach that, Mithraim's embrace warms the sun and keep back the cold void that preceded them.  Solari sometimes commune with high ranking members of Dormani's Mithraic Temple, but they are otherwise recluse and dutiful to the childlights. The Solari practice 'Mithraic Marriage', where in keeping with Mithraim's practise of fusion, two lovers souls and bodies are blended, and two children are born of what they left behind. This practise is seen as a very holy and pious act, often lovers will wait until one of their times are limited, and then use the ceremony to avoid the darkness of destined death. While the resulting 'children' inherit some talents, affinities, and personality traits from the 'parents', any injury of deformity suffered, rarely are transferred between the children. This is a blessing of Mithraim. Due to this practise, Solari appearances can be veyr disparate and diverse, so they can only try be recognised if they of such a blend that their appearance stand out. The Solari are also often amiable to members of the primal faith, namely, stars druids, whose goals and beliefs rarely contradict those of the Solari. The Solari do take issue with many of divine paths which undermine the duty and legacy of the Solari, that is, that they have, and must, protect the bastion of light, for the sake of all those in Dawnspace. 

















Titles:           The Lord of Lore, The Censor, His Knowing

Adjectives:   Rekealic, Censored

Aspects:        The Silent Librarian

Gender:         Masculine

Alignment:  Lawful Neutral

Portfolio:      Lore, Censorship, Deceit, Enlightenment

Domains:     Knowledge, Trickery, Zeal

Devotees:     Ones who know the weight of knowledge

Apostles:      Celestials

Channel:      Knowledge of the Ages, Invoke Duplicity

                          Consuming Fervor

The Yhondri


The Lorekeepers of Uild

The Lorekeepers of Uild are librarians, archivists, scribes, and censors. Their dogma is conceived through Rekealic worship, which leads them to understand Rekeal's nature, as an entity who is made of information. His power is dependant on people's curiosity, however, devout members of the Lorekeepers will understand the weight of knowledge. It is the jobs of Lorekeepers to decide what, of all the information in creation, should remain hidden. Much of Uild's past is censored, and more contemporarily, the origins of Earthrift Dreggs has been. While truth is sacred to Lorekeepers, Rekealic practise demands the close guarding of some knowledge, secret keeping. There is an embedded secret sect of the Lorekeepers called the Secret Keepers. They are only known of due to breaches created in during the 22,023-24 attacks on Uild by the Titanic Coast and the Flameguard. Other than their existence, nothing else is known. The most famous lore cleric of the Age of the Boar, is perhaps Jorey Zealotous, though their zeal was tempered by war, making them a more palatable figurehead than others. Jorey is credited with using Rekealic power to call upon a secret command of worship, powerful enough to temporarily break the divine boundaries of Dorun, and allow outsider god intervention.


The Whistlers

The whistlers are a nomadic community of travellers that can be found across Dorun, who devote their uncharted journeys to Tarina, whose spirit is ever with them. They cultural value burials, true death, and passing on well. While stereotyped as being have largely aaracockra, tabaxi, and other bestial humanoids for followers, they are an open community, and all are welcome to start their own 'covey' to travel wherever the wind takes them, or their own 'nest' to shelter, for a less mobile community. There are several long established coveys, with their own ethnic identities:

The Amblers: These tarinan worshippers are a part of the half-elf bloodline that contains ancestry to the lost Nurod communities of Dusk elves. These half elves have a nest in the north-west island of Forcord, from where mature and able Tarinans depart, to venture into the uncertainty of Nurod.

The Beastmen: This fey bloodline travels in the north-easterly wastes of Orcis, featuring demi-human races such as minotaurs, centaurs, and satyrs. They are notorious for their enchanting dances, and when attacked, vicious charges.

The Dormani Vistani: The Dormani Vistani are the bloodline of humans and halflings originating in Dorin, under the rule of The Order, renowned for their musical talents and tailoring talent. The Vistani are among the select few travellers who can traverse the mists between the domains of dread, and the material world, freely. They can therefore offer access to unique items and materials, blessed and cursed, that only appear in the dread domains.

The Rain Walkers: These aaracockra, aasimar, and kalashtar have bloodlines that have been isolated in the far sky for centuries. The Tarinan practise of uncharted travel is embodied by this group's dependance on the convergences between sky islands to be able to travel.


The Waders: The wader bloodlinse are celestial and elven bloodlines, who travel in the mangroves of the Southern Dormani Heartlands, and Rei Dorsot. Their aimless wonder somehow allows them safe passage through the treacherous and enchanted woodlands and wetlands.

The White Wake: This whistler covey features human and owl aaracockra bloodlines who first began their travels in the wake of the undead incursion that ravaged the once great city of Glumblight. Now they travel through the Dormort snows, fighting undeath, and welcoming true

death. They are known for their survival skills, warging magic, and pyromancies.
















Titles:           The Untrodden Path, The Traveler's Shadow

Adjectives:   Tarinan, Blinded

Aspects:        The Guiding Hawk

Gender:         Feminine

Alignment:  Chaotic Neutral

Portfolio:      Travel, Journeys, Passing, True Death

Domains:     Nature, Death

Devotees:     Ones who travel

Apostles:      Corvids, Spirits, Awakened Beasts

Channel:      Charm Animals & Plants, Touch of Death

The Orcisian Convoys

The Orcisian convoys are travelling communities of primarily greenskins and gnomes, though many other races are apparent in smaller communities. They travel in lines of magical, mechanical, and beastial, mounts, travelling around the southern sands of Orcis, though some have been known to venture further north into the rockier wastelands. They travel with no destination other than death, enjoying the adventure and exploration that comes from combing every detail of their environment. When two convoys interact, they may wish to trade, or battle (depending on which way the wind blow); and should they leave scrap or wreckage behind, this becomes the quarry and loot for the next convoy to pass that way. Notable convoys include the Nukkin convoy, whose war rigs originate from the purging of High Lord Nuk-Nuk's kin from Gulthias. Another is the Steelshark warband, who pride themselves on their metal war rigs, and their love of dismembering incursions of the Dune Wights. The gnomish Rolling Hill rigs are the most prolific trading convoy, often trading Iruni relics.

Adventurer's Guild

Adventure's guilds are associations that organise and cater to the needs of explorers and monster hunters in Dormani. Many of them are run, not for profit, by Tarinan devotees, who welcome the spirit of adventure in facing the unknown path, and helping their local communities. It is also a convenience to adventure's that their guild clerics are so often those of natural death, so funeral rites, and cemetery grounds can be included in guild fees. Notable adventurer's guilds include:

-Calcot in Rei Majoris, which resides above many strange ruins adventurers often plunder.

-Tanburg in Rei Dorsot, which resides between all the major Dorsoti cities and Drakedust Bay, Dorunfye

-Shallot in Lohic, which (like nearby Fool's Crossroads) sits between Lohic, Rei Dorm, Dorin, Dormort, and the Knappstone Hills.


Dawn Three's Opposition




Life & Death Opposition

Natural Life


Natural Death


Destiny Opposition

The Dark Path

The Light Path

Unwritten Path


Militant Opposition

Unbroken Peace

Lone Defense

United War



Outsider Pantheon

Gods from other worlds that are somewhat relevant to Dorun or influential to its peoples, history, and culture.

Overgod (Speculative) Io, Ao

-Asmodean - God of Power & Devils

-Bahumat - God of Justice & Metallic Dragons

-Eldath - Goddess of Peace

-Kelemvor - God of Death & Confession

-Helm - God of Protection & Vigilance

-Mystra - God of Magic & The Weave

-Savras - God of Prophecy

-Selune - Goddess of Light

-Shar - Goddess of Darkness & Loss

-Talos - God of Storms & Anticipation

-Tharizdun - God of Madness & Chaos

-Tiamat - Goddess of Greed & Chromatic Dragons

Heads of Racial Pantheons

Gods who are the heads of racial pantheons, from other worlds, that appear in Dorun. They have little Influence in Dorun, but are known. races practising Dorun's old faith will likely prioritise their patronage by Iruna, Onchegar, or Kolnor.

-Annum - God of Giants & Instinct

-Correlan - God of Elves & Beauty (Seldarine)

-Esvele - God of Tieflings & Heritage

-Garl Glittergold - God of Gnomes & Protection

-Gruumsh - God of Orcs & Strength

-Liria - Goddess of Humans & Joy

-Lolth - Goddess of Drow & Spiders (Dark Seldarine)

-Maglubliyet - God of Goblins & War

-Moradin - God of Dwarves & Home (Mordinsmannen)

-Primus - God of Machines & Order

-Yondalla - Goddess of Youth & Halflings

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