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Stadium (1)

The Missing Victors

Merut, Veilyn, and Flea are pulled from the dirt trenches where they had lost consciousness by Samworthy and Mumuck. The battle was over, corpses were everywhere and craters dotted the fields. Mumuck had been returned and was accompanied by the sly Samworthy who had survived due to his own kraven nature. Lucchi and Fiorre were missing, seemingly lost in the fog of war, leaving no trace.  Ominous figures clambered through the trenches out of sight, but one figure came to the approach. A traveller lost in the chaos, Cailin Maccailini, a young human, appeared. The party tried to convince her that there was nothing to fear and that they should travel together. Cailin had her guard up until she realised how buffoonish the party could be. John Styx and other faces from Westwood were found among the dead, his chest was punched in by a giant. The party decided to leave the area before things became more dangerous. It was decided that they would cross the Gaque front and attempt to enter the capital. A week of trekking and carefully avoiding potential enemies. The party came to the edge of the natural basin at the base of the white hills. They found a cave opening with light inside, they thought it might be a shortcut through the uplands and decided to venture in, flea and Samworthy lagged behind, Samworthy had suffered on this journey, uncustomed to the travellers life. Merut, Veilyn, Mumuk, and Cailin moved into the cave and were attacked...   it was a goblin cave.

Stadium (2)

A Humming in the Hills

Fighting through the goblin caves, they concluded this must be a small, but permanent goblin settlement. It had kitchens and eating rooms, as well as small caches of plunder that individual goblins had tried to keep for themselves. Thoughout the tour, various hummings and drones plagued the party's minds. Backtracking to outside the cave, they realised that Samworthy and Flea were missing. Veilyn, Merut, and Cailin all headed back into the cave and took a different path to see where the pair might have gotten to. They soon came to a large open cave room with two tiers of the rock shelf. Scattered around the place were flayed, bloody goblin corpses. Standing over one of these corpses was a strange-looking humanoid... with a crown of thorns. She seemed unable to communicate but responded most visibly to sylvan and druidic. When Cailin asked if she had seen a Minotaur and a human, the goblin eater pointed to a cave entrance covered with vines. As she pointed, the vines rescinded, showing a passage ahead. Inside was Flea and Samworthy, cowering from the shadows of a mother worg.  The party returned through the passage with the goblin eater. As they passed her for the second time, she giggled, looking at the tapestries Flea was carrying. Cailin tried to talk with the goblin eater again, asking if she knew anything about the tapestries or the harvest hag. It responded with only one cryptic word, Stadium.


Stadium (3)

The Infested Tunnels

The party was reunited with Mumuk outside the cave and rested, preparing to retraverse the hopeful passage ahead. Further inside the party found tunnels underneath crates in a pantry that lead back to where the goblin eater had been. Shortly after Mumuk had gone through and come back to confirm this, he was followed by the goblin eater who seemed very defensive of the area around the tunnels. Cailin continued to try and communicate and improve relationships, calming her down. Due to this gentle approach, Cailin was rewarded with a close-up view of what she was trying to protect. A small ball of fluff with a beak. It was like a bird, but distinctly unique. It's carer even regurgitated goblin meat into its beak for it, like a mother bird. With this firm connection established, the goblin eater agreed to show the party the way out, unfortunately, Mumuk charged ahead, around a corner where the goblin eater had teleported to stealthily try and clear the way. A goblin shaman, infested with parasites raged, seeing Mumuk and charged at him. After a brief confrontation, Cailin used her magics to purge the goblin. Into an antechamber beside this room, Mumuk continued to boldly march ahead. He found a terrified and hysterical bugbear throwing weapons wildly. One-shot and Mumuk slew the thing. He then took the face of the bugbear, same as he had taken a trophy from a worg earlier. Wearing his trophies, he continued to overconfidently brave a room with a worg and a golem within in. His ego was too inflated, Mumuk was killed in a matter of seconds. The party was horrified at the grotesque sights they had unwillingly witnessed. They mourned for a time, then continued to look around for an exit. It was found, once the back stone of the goblin shamans seat was moved. As a final farewell, the goblin eater drew warnings in the stone from her own blood. A red horizon, and a runic word in dwarven script. Again, she warned... Stadium

Stadium (4)

From Wild to Whetgreen

Fresh in the dawn of a new day, the party descended from the short way down the hill they had come through, far high above sea level than they had started, out of the basin of the midlands and into the fringes of Rei Majoris. Along the road, they found a cat hiding up a signpost from a dog. Merut befriended the dog, while Cailin used speak with animals on the cat, identifying it and asking for directions. The animals lead the party to the edge of a town called Whetgreen. Here the war had left so mnay corpses that undead had begun to plague the local area. The party even had to help in the burning of the bodies. While the party heard that buisness had stopped, preists were blessing and mages were casting to prevent the plague, their focus was on finding the owner of  a nice dog in the town center, it was a man called Bornard Turnt. For the parties help in burning bodies, Bornard rewarded them with bed and board that night, but before that. Merut wanted to investigate further who went to speak with the mage in the fields. Archmage Gently confessed he was helping out, but had less to do with the undead incursions than helping with the general running of the town. He did however reveal that there were particular problems with getting the fields to yeild. Lastly he confirmed what everyone else in the town had been reporting, quakes and tremours from the captiol, and their local hero, not returning yet from investigation.

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Stadium (5)

The Fog and a Friend

Merut, Veilyn, and Cailin carefully trekked through the woods, in search of a missing dog, Lollipop. The dense trees were haunting, but they found no dog at the site it had last been seen (a well). There was instead a goblin who was rapidly bleeding out. The group asked where the dog was and what had hurt him. Both questions were answered as he pointed behind the party to reveal a stalking undead wolf dog. it jumped upon Cailin, mauling her and scratching Veilyn. She retaliated and cut its shoulders and threw it down the well. They stabilized the goblin, who introduced himself as Nagrick Gangrik. the party broke the news to him that his colony had been slain, but omitted the fact it was them who had done it. The goblin took the party back into the colony to collect his weapons and there Merut was reunited with his own weapons, lost before the adventure had even begun. Back in the town, everyone was gathered around a figure on horseback, who was covered in soot. Everyone in the crowd was demanding answers, but he was demanding ale. The party spoke to him, it was Setep Mewtrill, a Leonin Fighter, the local hero who had scouted out the goings-on in the capitol. He proclaimed that a whirlwind of fog had washed over rei Majoris and in the last light before the fog, he saw the silhouette of the skyline moving, buildings reorganizing. The party agreed to investigate further with Setep. Before that, however, they spent the night reminiscing about their past, their adventures, and their tragedies. But those aside, a jolly, ale-ful night was spent in Whetgreen. They didn't wake when the fog front began to set in.

Stadium (6)

The Bilge

After being forced from her home, Fenfang Fang, a samurai fighter found herself along the road to Whetgreen, awaken by a disturbing increase in the intensity of the local tremors, a thick veil of fog covering the land, and an unfamiliar smell in the air, she noticed with her tuned sense of smell. Once down the path and into the town, it seemed abandoned. Inside one run down shack was a  giant tielfing, caged and tied up, she spoke to Fenfang in an endearing way, showing off her haunted eyes and comforting smile. Charmed, Fenfang released the muscular fiend, who introduced herself as Elu Brak, a refugee, with a hairline between her utter adoration and rapturous rage. The two found the most unsuspecting house to investigate in the town, a small shack, that of Bornard Turnt, in which the party were foaming at the mouth and unconscious, consumed by the fog. Only Nagrick, Meut, Cailin, and Flea were able to be roused, Veilyn, Bornard, Samworthy, and Setep were catatonic. The party teamed up with there two new rescuers to break into some local houses and find everyone else in a  similar state, even sweet Tracy, a helpful barmaid. As time wore on, the rumblings grew louder and louder, steams of boiling water poured into the village from somewhere in the fog. Desperately trying to navigate the splitting terrain, they sought the town mage in the field where they had last seen him. He was unconscious. The party only had enough time to carry him to safety, the two dragonborn with him were lost. After trying to mount an escape upon Setep's horse Maximus, and carrying their unconscious allies, they were faced with their adversary. From the curtain of fog, a massive construct's leg came crashing down. A walking city, a living city...   Stadium.

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Stadium (7)

The Hull

It took an hour to get to a comfortable distance, where the party could assess their situation, they wondered the wilds, kilometres away, a thinner fog persisted. Stadium was relatively inactive, the party suspected it's front leg had collapsed the ground of the goblin caves, causing it to become temporarily stuck. The party licked their wounds beside a stream before leaving their unconscious allies in the safety of a nearby shack. They could not face running any longer, they could not leave behind the town that had accepted them so graciously. They walked back to Whetgreen to the base of stadium and began strategizing a way onboard. Flea suggested he demonstrate some of his illusive magic. He requested a cork and casted water walk on the party, which he used to allow the party to walk up the waterfall of coolant that gushed from Stadium. Onboard was all mechanical corridors, cog wheels and cam shafts and rivers of the coolant. In the nearest doors to their point of entry, the found a mysterious binder they could not understand, and in a nearby room, a hulking robot, that the party cautiously approached. Cailin lost her nerve and fired a spectral arrow at the construct, making it hostile. It thrusted it's two knife hands at the party, cutting Elu's stomach and Merut's collar, but it was felled. Upon further inspection, this thing was some kind of catering construction.

Stadium (8)

The Steerage

Further into the building of the lowest level of Stadium, they found Barracks and Garrison. They found gold coins in an unknown mint, books in an unknown print, and an unresponsive man, his skin had a strange tint, sheer white. He was unresponsive and defensive, the party decided to not disturb him any further. They also found, atop the barracks, a pair of great double doors next to a cabinet room, full of binders, they decided not to proceed just yet. Across the walkway from the barracks, where the pale man had been. They found their way into more metal rooms, hiding the engines of this place, they also found a room with a strange glowing red orb in it. Fenfang tried to force his hand through it's aura but got severely burned. Merut tried to use mage hand to circumvent this, but a magical ward prevented this. Elu was able to pierce the magical aura by using the armour of her hands and her innate infernal resistance to fire. This caused a small explosion that wounded Cailin as magical sparks were sent flying around the room, ricocheting off the walls. What was left was a small box containing artefacts from the world of Dorun, two healing potions, a dread helm (a helmet that made it's wearers eyes glow red), Yuki's Rod of Glamour (a trinket, mas produced magical item that could store outfits and change it's users between three saved sets of attire instantaneously), and an amulet of health, a grand defensive prize that was given to Elu . The party rested and studied their new findings.


Stadium (9)

The Orlop

Backtracking, the party unlocked the room adjacent to the meeting room. Inside was an unusual mechanical book, and a turtle, whom Cailin tried to befriend in vain. Fenfang then led a very bumpy path to an opposing balcony, but found the strange mechanical door there closed. The party descended from their current walkway to gain entry to the building with the balcony from below. Other than some wave bladed daggers, there were naught below. The party then sought entry to the buildings through a different door, accessible from the walkway above. However a great iron golem blocked the entryway. He was a juggernaut who did not stop his approach. However, when people began to show signs of non hostility, the construct became ethereal and passed the party behind him. Cailin had once again fired first on a construct so was held up at the door until she surrendered her weapon. Moving through the strange rooms, the party found a complex array of buttons and wires, leavers and pipes. The party were lost as to how to proceed, but soon found a rectangular slot that looked like a receptacle for the mechanical book they had picked up earlier. Upon placing it, the strange balcony door extended and unfolded, turning into a bridge into an unseen upper deck of Stadium, however, Stadium also managed to free itself and it began to walk once again.

Stadium (10)

The Quarters

The party began to proceed upwards, but each in turn froze upon stepping on the bridge. Everyone reported a strange voice that challenged their deepest insecurities. Unnerved, though they were, the party could not stop, and continued onto the next deck of Stadium. Upon poking their heads into a grand mechanical cavern, full of doorless bronze structures, they saw they were not alone. Here were modrons, creatures Cailin recognised from her Beatures trading card game. They are mechanical drones from the outer plane known as Mechanus, creatures of logic and hierarchy. A Duodrone led the party through droves of monodrone performing strange, seemingly useless tasks. It took the party to a pavilion, a clearing where various tridrones, quadrones, and pentadrones were delivering orders. At the centre, was a hierarch, a Hexton. A complex mechanical, magical, and biological organism with wearing a skin of cogs that whirred incessantly, performing unfathomable calculations. It offered his hand to Merut who took it and greeted the Hexton. The Hextons skin whirred for a moment before he spoke, in a raspy voice, having assimilated the common language. It told the party they were to free an 'innevitable' from a formian taskmaster beyond the blockade that separated the formians and modrons, who both occupied this deck. In return it granted clarity to the party. It reported that the biggest threat the mortal world was 'the queen of eternity and another'. It clarified the Queen of Eternity fell to the other and visa versa. Two sides of a spinning coin. Furthermore, he preached the origin of stadium. Claiming it is debris, a machine that was converted into something that would fix a tear in reality, but fell into ours in the process. The party's resolve to stop stadium was affirmed and they began their task. This was a task the Hexton was certain was impossible before, but with the party, his calculation told him it was time to act.


Stadium (11)

The  Overheads

Fenfang stepped over the edge of territories, causing modron garrisons to charge, drawing fire away from where the party would infiltrate. The formians were this uniform, insectoid, hive. They wore carapaces or armour that was sharp and angular, they armed themselves with sharp tension bows, similar to a hunting rifle. A fierce struggle broke out as the party began to climb up the bronze structures in search of the taskmaster. Fenfang led the way, trying to prove himself a worthy leader, but upon mounting the highest point of the room, seeing something beyond, he froze. He then proceeded to change his direction and run. Elu, Merut, and Flea were just behind him who soon too faced the horror. Cailin was shoulder to shoulder with Nagrick, burning formians with radiant moonbeams as the little goblin stumbled at the recoil of her bow. Soon they too made their way up and were tested by what they saw. A huge formian perching restfully on the deck, thrice the size of one of it's drones. Elu warned everyone behind cover, by formian soldiers fired upon her, causing alot of pain, but Elu wrathfully mashed the bug like it was a common ant. Fenfang re-emerged and slid down the farther side of the roof into battle. Flea lept down joining in the bludgeoning Fenfang had begun, Elu soon after. Cailin, Naggrick, and Merut were still on the rooves, but the formian taskmaster was not all it seemed. 

Stadium (12)

The Breach

The formian taskmaster got to it's feet, revealing a breach in the deck below it where it's abdomen and greater size had been concealed. From here it began to fight. Merut jumped down and joined Fenfang and Elu in the melee. Meanwhile Flea used a magical jump to return to the rooves and form mighty gusts of wind that blew away incoming formian backup. Meanwhile Cailin brought a continuous barrage on spectral arrows and a flaming sphere that each scorched and ravaged the body of the damned Taskmaster. All around, the modrons and formians were fighting and dying in waves. Some formian support was close to intercepting the party, so with a final gutting from Fenfang, it was dead. However, one of the nearby formian reinforcement began to swell and mutate, it was becoming a new taskmaster right before their eyes. The next battle was long, exhaustive, and dire. Merut, and Fenfang both experienced near death after formian barrages, only supported by the healing words of Cailin. Meanwhile, Flea was aiding Elu in the fight against the taskmaster. The pair were brutalising the beast. Trying to incapacitate it without killing it, fearing another formian would grow in it's place. The task master retaliated  and mortally wounded Elu, her thigh was punctured and her torso too. She was bleeding uncontrollably while Flea desperately tried to drag her away. Everyone fought to the last strand of resolve, the last ounce of strength and after  being brought to consciousness, Elu charged in, finishing the attrition with a mighty punch. Elu and Flea were broken and rested against some containers while licking their wounds. Merut muttered a prayer as Cailin hugged him. Fenfang smiled at his greatsword, adorned with blood, and Nagrick was gleeful at her first victory,


Stadium (13)

The Compartments

Merut asked the Hexton who created Stadium, his answer was, no one, Stadium is a convergence. Merut asked who was currently in control of Stadium, the Hexton said he did not know her, confirming there was a woman in control. The party delivered the inevitable, a strange complex inactive mechanical warrior, to the Hexton, who then burst away into a beam of light. After a rest, they investigated possible exits from this deck. There were none along the walls, but realised that the breach that the Formian Taskmaster had been resting upon, was far too deep for the space they knew to be below, so they descended, and found themselves at a higher altitude in some dark compartment. Here, they heard ominous, slow clacking growing ever nearer, on edge, the party held themselves against the walls, only to see... Setep. Setep greeted them heartily, he had overcome the pacifying effects of the fog and climbed the side of Stadium, even using a pully system to bring his horse Maximus with him. After some disagreements as to what to do about a tree blocking the path ahead, the party opened some painted doors with magical water. Down the path ahead was a twisted version of a minotaur, unlike the Flea entirely. It was huge, lumbering, aggressive, and ragged. It clashed with the party in a difficullt to navigate brawl (thanks to the small space) but was taken down before long.

Stadium (14)

The Hatches

The path ahead was blocked by a hatch, locked by a mechanism, no dissimilar to that of a safe. The control dial looked like a dark iron wheel from a ship, with sixteen spokes. Looking closely, Cailin identified symbols on the spokes as representing the planes of existence, the party could not find a solution. Soon after, tragedy struck. Looking back through one of the unexplored rooms, Fenfang saw an exposed waterway and jumped into the flow of rapid, scolding, water. Merut and Cailin saw, they were traumatised. Setep stopped butting heads and took over looking after the party, ensuring they were okay. Drinks were shared, and hearts were bandaged, but Merut could not get the image out of his head, especially that of Fenfang hair rising out of the water...    Another path was opened by Setep, but he inadvertently roused the party to arms by stumbling into a gelatinous cube. A fierce struggle ensued, but the ooze was repelled. Behind it, was a strange, scrap armoured orc with two acid burnt stumps for legs. The party healed his wounds, but his legs were gone. He introduced himself as Wazza, and between laboured breaths, he seemed like he was frantically looking for a 'friend' called Leilia, who he described as looking like Setep. The party agreed to help him find her and carry him along. They had come from outland and understood, that punching the centre of the safe door (where outland appears on the great wheel cosmology) would open the way. He also seemed to know that the woman in control of stadium is blue, horned, and is an astral druid...

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Stadium (15)

The Ladders

Lead by Setep, the party opened the last blocked passage and found a contraption that blocked the flow of water into the moon pool where Fenfang had disappeared.  Merut was lowered down and illuminated the pipe, only to see the twisted remains of Fenfang. Merut  quickly exited, and knowing her fate now, returned to the safe like door, where Elu punched the centre of the cog, as Wazza had suggested. The door broke into suspended pieces, as though animated to move as it did. On the other side was a stairway ascending upwards, with yellow sunlight behind it; silhouetted in the sunset haze, was Alcain Innsmouth. He introduced himself as a traveller, an adventurer, who had climbed aboard in search of long lost friends. He claimed if they were anything like they used to be, they would be somewhere onboard. The party travelled with him, and his general knowledge seemed to be most useful. He was an older human, with haunted eyes, a scarred face, particularly around the eyes. He wore yellow gambeson, steel armour, and the red cape of a knight. Setep confided in flea that he did not wholly trust the newcomer and was resolved to assure his role as leader. Upwards, and into the sunlight, they found the city atop Stadium. Many buildings stretched into the distance, with strange lights glowing there also. A palace, greater in size than some of the streets in the party's view, loomed over the city from a raised position in the east. A cylindrical wooden silo building, like a community hall was beside them. Inside was a gravely injured goblin swearing that danger was coming and that they were all in danger if the moonfire guardians has noticed their arrival. The distant light grew closer.


Stadium (16)

The Freeboard

The gathering had barricaded the entrances to the hall with benches, but Alcain peered outside to see if he could locate the lights. He was thrown back and stunned by a beam of light, brighter than he had imagined. Over the course of the next minutes, different 'moonfire guardians' moved around the outside of the hall and broke through the walls casting a shadow of light that set ablaze to the place. Merut steadied the nerves of Cailin with a resolute smile, Cailin prepared her flaming spheres. Wazza and the injured goblin were caught in a beam and were completely disintegrated. As the fire spread and the lights drew closer through the gaps in the barricades, there was less and less safe room, they were trapped. Merut cast darkness on the entryway, seemingly repelling one of the thins, before moving with Elu through the back passages fighting in unseen lights, until it was safe to see, and there was a way out. Cailin held back a moonfire guardian by using plant growth to block one of the guaridans radiance, but it was burned through after moments. Flea and Setep stood in the plant growths place, using their bodies as barricades to shelter Nagrick, Alcain, and Maximus out of the back of the hall. They left afterwards, only seeing afterwards that their backs were burnt to the bones. They had held hands as they willingly shed their body for their friends. Elu, enraged, charged around a corner to confront a moonfire guardian, looking at it, she was able to withstand the light and saw its form. Seemingly, this caused the thing to be reduced to nothing. The party were exhausted and looked for cover in a nearby building.

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Stadium (17)

The Alcazar

The  party rested inside, where they were joined by some crystal-imploded orcs. Burnt food and old dresses were there too, which were appropriately handed out. After a rest, the party began to scavenge the local buildings for food, they came across a bare pantry, empty but for some peaches in a jar. Flea suggested they combine whatever food bits they could into a broth, so that it would go further, the party agreed and sat in a bench booth. They spoke of their plans, their ambitions, and their fears, but did not show hesitation about what had to be done, so they proceeded. Past collapsed buildings, bundles of lizardmen corpses, and goblin flesh mounds, until they were before the gates of the Alcazar. Setep left Maximus to graze the outdoor lawns, while he lead the raid. Immediately inside, was some ethereal vision of court nobles, upon thorough disturbance, the people faded away like ghosts. From behind the courts throne, a blue and purple scaled woman with a human face and a golden horned crown glided forwards leaving a blue misty haze behind her. Yoko Nox, archdruid of the circle of stars, Cailins sovereign, yawned and looked unphased around the surrounding raiders. The party tried to interrogate reason from her, but she seemed only to insist that the world had become a nightmare, the astral was lost to it to, so she wished to rebuilt the world. When the party protested, she insisted that it would take someone stronger than her, to win over the threat of the two queens and the tear, so she resigns to creating a world of death and rebirth. She polymorphed into an astral dragon.  

Stadium (18)

The Astral Dream 

Nagrick and Flea dived for cover while the others began to slash as the starry scaled drake. Setep, Alcain, and Cailin were temporarily banished to the astral, but eventually clawed their ways back, only to find Elu holding the line against Nox's relentless claw and bite attacks. After she was weakened, Nox forced the players into a psychic vortex that changed the landscape into grim reflections of the characters fears. Alcain stood on Tiamat's hoard, Cailin slid down an empty Nilhelian Street. Flea stood beneath a burnt tree. Setep saw the sandy pit of a gladiatorial arena around him. Elu  sank into a mire of young tielfing bodies. Nagrick was paralysed, surrounded by her dead kin. Merut leapt off the empty stage that apparated around him. He began to rally his allies and resume the fight with Nox. Nox used her golden claws to gouge deeply at the party, even using an abrasive breath weapon. Once she  was wounded and began to bleed nebulous gas, she opened a portal to the astral plane and pulled Setep inside. The remaining party gathered themselves and followed through. On the other side of the portal were the ruins of Nox and Cailin's druid circle, the Astral Dream. Nox used a wild shape to manoeuvre  around  the asteroid-like debris. She took a different, winged, dragon form, but was ultimatley felled by Elu. She returned to her Humanoid form, and seemed to give up on persuading the party to see things her way. All prepared for a fight to the death.

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Stadium (19)

The Astral Nightmare

Nox destroyed  the last remnants of the astral dream, by removing the magic well that protected druids from the dangers of the astral sea. Now vulnerable, the party could only move mentally, their forms were more ethereal, and their strength was gone, instead, needing mental strength. The party oriented themselves with a fortress wall floating nearby. Nox skulked through the comets, blending into the starry background, setting up an ambush, but was felled. Merut cast hideous laughter, but even without it's effect, Nox was joyous, she manically cackled that they didn't even see the evidence of her being correct was right there, and the party hadn't seen it yet. The party looked in the only direction they hadn't yet investigated, over the edge of the bridge,  where an immeasurably, divinely large scaled and spiked tail. Unimpressed, Setep severed Nox's claw and tore out her heart, throwing it out into the astral sea. Alcain determined the location of a planar portal nearby and Setep lead the party past a ritual site, through it. Merut hung behind, seemingly communicating with something in the astral sea. He acquired a hex blade. Cailin had waited back too, for Merut, having an awkward but affectionate moment of reflection with one another, before going through the portal, together.

Stadium (20)


The Waking World

Hidden in the wealth of the Alcazar was a shield bearing the symbol of Aswain, that screamed as Alcain touched it, gold, gems, components, a ring of spell storing, dismantled magic heavy armour, and more. While Setep was withdrawn at first following the ordeal, after a hot meal prepared by Flea, he was ready to resume his lead, but a distance began to emerge between Flea and Setep owing to their duties. He guided the party around the Freeboard where they came across a few more oddities including an apparition, and a lizard folk trader. Once satisfied there job was done, they dismounted stadium, where it had become inactive, somewhere in the White Hills. Just out side was the companion of Gazza, Leilia. She played a charming harp that made melodies of every little sound, including the parties footsteps. After the party broke the bad news to her, she insisted she must remain in wait for any survivors. The party respected  her wishes and began their trek home. a day into the journey, flea proposed a shortcut, if the party jumped off a cliff , they would save days and days of trifling with mountain paths, so, protected by feather fall, the party took a leap of faith. A five days later after being chased by some wolves, the party caused a landslide that took them even closer to sea-level, into a strange marsh hollow. Merut and Cailin suspected fey trickery, upon waking from resting there and finding dairy hampers left for them, but no-one could detect any magic or poison, so the bounty was taken. Weary, but with the promise of home on the horizon, the party basked in the familiar landscape of Whetgreen.


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