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The Advent (1)


The desolate savannah between Forlonde and Kibaraz was an unfriendly, but beautiful landscape. The stars in the night sky led the band west until eventually smoke covered them. There was a wildfire raging in the dry woods, setting uncertainty into the band's journey. Setep gathered his most trusted comrades and collectively came to the decision that diverting their course would be dangerous. Using magic and luck, Setep intended to lead his band into the wildfire and across into Kibaraz. He and Flea exhausted themselves pulling their four horses up a rock face that seemed the least aflame area. Meanwhile Elu flung band members up one by one. Merut had spend this time and the whole march socialising and telling tales of their adventure. Cailin and Nifeemos both helped to calm the horses and fight the fire as it closed in around the landing. It was a close call, but everyone and the horses were up the shelf and began running through the smoke, where they hoped they would eventually find clean air. It took half an hour of  hurried steps and nervous waiting for everyone to reassemble on the other side, but their reward was a view of the capital walls, and before it, the border town, Kibaraz.

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The Advent (2)

The Inquisitors

Kibaraz was a sorry sight. Coming of the dusty roads, the band saw collapsed, burned houses and  corpses still bowing removed from the streets. The assumption was made that Stadium had visited. Setep ordered the band to sleep in the streets (as others were doing), there were no vacancies there. A unit of Flameguard peacekeepers did their business in the upper city, in an area that was guarded by an ally giant. Setep bypassed this by requesting an audience with the Gaque general stationed there in order to discuss how to become a certified mercenary band. He informed Setep he needed a guild hall, at least twenty members and himself to survive a trial mission, to complete an interview with an inquisitor, to complete the oath of the Flameguard, and to pay a deposit. He also handed over some useful documents that Setep gave a half glance. Ready to get to work immediately, Setep payed the fee, chose a residence from a docket, and asked when he could do his interview. The Gaque general told Setep it would take no time at all, but that he should return whenever he was ready with four of his most trusted members. Setep returned to the band, realising then that he did not have twenty members anymore, so ordered the dwarfs to see if any locals could pad their numbers while he, Cailin, Merut, Elu, and Nagrick went for an interview. It turned out that the interview was, unbeknownst to Setep, actually being conducted by his most closest friends, in order to see if they thought he was fit to lead them, and whether they could trust Setep with their life. Setep utilised a  varied range of truthfulness, that left the party with more questions than they had begun with, but decided that he was honest about all matters that concerned them, and decided to trust him. The Gaque general was pleased and told them the interview was complete. They all returned to find Flea and Cad had recruited a dragonborn flutist called Jubrin. Unconcerned with the details, Setep ordered them on to the nearest warp point, as they set their path for their new guildhall in Rhondarshalar.

The Advent (3)

The Lions Den

Through the warp gate, the party arrived in a guard house that empty except for one soldier, Bon. He informed the band that he was the only soldier in reserve due to the conflict in Dormort, he preceded to lead the party to their new guildhall, after overcoming the confusion that the guardhouse was not for them. The guildhall had no stable, no depot, and not enough beds, but it was still a home at first sight. The green hill the fort sat upon looked down on the orange and yellow markets, the red roof tiles of a city created a mosaic that contrasted the guildhall's stonework. There were two entrances, drawbridges, a moat over the copper waters, a courtyard, tall walls and towers, two storerooms, a grand hall, study, kitchen, a quarry, dorms, armoury, a workshop, and captain's quarters. Over dinner Setep addressed the band, welcoming them to their new home, that Merut named 'The Lion's Den'. Setep would tell everyone they could rest and recover the next day and with that everyone settled into rest. Orr Link came back from a trip into town with two papers, he gave one to Merut in return for five silver. Merut also took his shield into the workshop where he was introduced to Spacegraham Skyverson, a fairy recruit from Forlonde that looked a menace wielding her oversized hammer. While the two fretted about their troubles, Merut confessed he wanted to uncover what the symbols originally painted on the shield were. Spacegraham jumped at that opportunity to cast mending by sprinkling fairy dust from her hair. The painted face of the shield reformed into an icon of Aswain with the text 'We hold the aces'. He decided he ought to find the nearest blue temple in search of more answers, but that could wait until after a good rest. Elu found Setep after dinner, and confided her concern about the grey baby to him. He listened to her wholeheartedly and promised to go with her tomorrow to find a safe place to leave the baby.

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The Advent (4)

Away Inn

Cailin had more troubled sleep, and slept in while everyone else set off about their business. Elu and Setep only heard bad things about the local orphanages, so  decided to sweet talk a lonely guard into the merits of single parenthood, after some convincing he obliged, and once they escorted the guard back to his house, they ran away. Out of sight, out of mind, they decided the next job was to head to the local martyrs guildhall to look for bounties. Though their were many minor tasks and bounties, Setep was only interested in a couple. He wanted to sell the story of Stadium to a newspaper, get the dwarfs to do some construction work, and then take up the highest bounty, finding and capturing a living dragon for 10,000pp. Meanwhile Merut headed to the Away Inn, where he met paladins and clerics of Aswain, he learned that his own faith had a remarkably similar parenthood. His belief in Ar'waen seemed to be principally the same, though culturally different. These worshippers were of the way of blue, duty bound to offer aid to any who would ask it. Inside Merut met a wounded recruit, Falreem, the gracious interim leader (and father to their prophet) Farcel, the orange scaled Kareem, and the  pale lady Zuggoth. Zuggoth heard his story and examined the shield uncertain of what to make of it, but assured Merut that it was a shield of Lohic. The avatar of the shield Merut had met seemed to suggest there was a soul inside, or at least, as it seemed, a part of a soul. With permission from Farcel, Zuggoth took Merut through a séance, where black surroundings in Merut's mind were suddenly filled with stormy clouds, and with each crackle of lightning, a silhouette could be seen. Merut was only able to determine that the avatar had been separated from it's body, leaving the body to exist independently of it's intelligence, somewhere in the world. Merut asked if his body was north and with a vague nod of general agreement, the séance was over. Afterwards Merut and the Blue Paladins discussed the astral, and Merut learned of Yoko Nox. Who took her grove of stars and tainted it by dragging it into the astral sea. This is the course of much upset among other druid circles at the present. The grove is active again.

The Advent (5)

Goblin Snap

Cailin spent a good while bartering with a dwarven component supplier 'Gila Menthend' acquiring the fundamentals she needed. Shortly thereafter, she ran into Setep, Elu, and Merut who all came to shop for bulk goods for the Lion's Den's Storehouse. They were able procure plenty of rice, oats, and a carcass, but spent so much time blocking the que that the vendor and Setep got into a spat. The party would laugh about it on the way home. Once there, Setep asked for Nifeemos' help in recalling the address of the blacksmith Tartaryn Chainstoke so that he could send a letter regarding their business arrangement. He did this at the local postal department, where he also opened a mail depo at his holding. Upon returning to the 'Den', Elu, Nagrick, Merut, and some other band members decided to play goblin snap, a very violent reimaging of the game that Nagrick played when she was young. Merut eliminated Nagrick immediately and caught the scorn of Elu. Over dinner that night, Setep gave his seat to Nifeemos, so that she might have the opportunity to woo him. Setep and Nifeemos had felt some kinship over the matters of the heart. During dinner, Setep asked Nagrick about this 'goblin snap' and Nagrick's family. All of a sudden Nagrick ran out of the hall. Elu calmed her down and they came back, but Setep asked to meet her privately later. That evening before bed, Nagrick told Setep about the day she left her home, was wounded, saved by the party, then returned home only to see all her family slaughtered. Setep found the sequence of events a little convenient and decided he would look into it further.

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The Advent (6)

New Regiment

Setep set the male dwarfs and flea to work on a construction job, while he, and the others discussed the merits of the dragon bounty. None had any ideas as to how to capture a dragon, and thinking of ways to persuade it came up dead once they were reminded of the legend of the Fool of Gracklstugh. Between Bakeralka, Gara, and Rena, there was a consensus of speculation as to the location of dragons. There had recently been an expedition to hunt for a dragon after there was a rumoured sighting on the mountains of majesty, but none returned. Also there were the legends of Scarlet and Shamrock in the Nameless Kingdom of Uild. The newspaper outlined that they were under siege and in a dire deadlock in Dormort too. The party conjured all manner of plans of infiltration and diplomacy with the green tide or the Uildans, but the matter was put to rest. Cailin slept all the while, being allowed a lie in it seemed she clearly needed, and with Merut's new information about the druids, he dare not wake her.  Merut did, however, go out on his own to earn some coin for the band. He headed to a warp gate and travelled through mystic corridors arriving in the south-eastern beautiful coastal province of Cempite Wharf, a tiered district that ran along the cliffs. He sought out The Sunrise Gazette's offices in order to sell them his story, the story of the Band of the Lion and Stadium. While the receptionist seemed disinterested in him at first, taking his word as hearsay, at the mention of Yuki Derindel, Merut had earned himself an audience with the editor-in-chief, he patiently waiting in her office. Meanwhile, Setep's retainers checked the notice boards for new bounties but were disinterested, so headed for the bar he had heard about. The Claws of the Clowder, the name of mercenary band who ran a bar out of their guildhall for extra coin. Inside they were greeted by a tall, round tabaxi, with snow fur and a friendly face. Mumu welcomed them in and seated them. Nagrick commented on how clean it was there, an attitude that Setep reprimanded. Elu's instincts kicked in and she punched Setep off his seat into the ground. The air froze for a moment before the pair began to exchange blows, Mumu rushed in and tried to create a shield, two tabaxi in the corner darted to attention. It was a good first impression for the Band of the Lion.

The Advent (7)

A New and Old Threat

Cailin woke from a dream of strangers, finding herself in the keep, abandoned apart from Mable who told her where the others were. Merut's waiting room was intruded by a hexthralled woman who told him she wished death upon him, as he is pursuing a path that will lead him to Yuki, and the speaker claimed Yuki to be hers. Merut made the assumption that he must be talking to some kind of agent for Gallith and made retorts about their regular visitations. The woman warned Merut that he was only safe from her because there is something she cannot approach in the city, something greater and worse than her.  She taunted Merut for a while longer reiterating he could hide in the capital and leave Yuki alone, or leave the capital or help Yuki and die. She left shortly thereafter, and Merut saw the dark shadow that was latched onto the woman. Minutes later, Merut was joined by the real editor in chief who helped him secure 200GP and a freelance relationship with the paper. Merut then visited a games shop where he acquired some new Beatures cards and he browsed the graphic novels and roleplaying games. Meanwhile, in Clowder Minora, Sam began to nervously call out, having seen something terrifying in through the windows across the courtyard. This call was joined by a force suddenly commanding that Setep be completely still. Footsteps approached, and the cat servers and patrons alike backed away in fear. A door to the backrooms half opened, and a hand, with a reversed  grip, held the door frame and rumbled welcome to Elu, and suggested only that she keep the noise down. After that, he disappeared and Setep was freed until a red and white feline walked in and asked Setep to join him on a walk. They both exchanged some information, such as the man's name, Garfellow, and he claimed to speak on behalf of the leader.  He offered Setep a place in their depleted cavalry unit, with 'Beast and Ri' a black tabaxi and panther unit. Setep declined, and was warned offered vague threats and warnings to reconsider. Shaken, Setep recalled his company and quick marched them from the building, collecting Cailin on his way out as she had finally caught up to them. That evening, Setep, Cailin, Merut, and Elu, all gathered to discuss how to deal with 'the Claws', between infiltration and arson, it was undecided. Everyone went to sleep uneasy, for the first time, with guards on duty.


The Advent (8)

Merut's Scheme

The next morning, Setep was awoken by the exhausted nightguard who could no longer continue to keep a good watch, but Setep insisted they persevere. Setep then assembled the council to inform his officers about the Claw situation. When Setep mentioned a mercenary leader with backwards hands, Rankirk told Setep of his time fighting in the civil war. During the scouring of the sear district, a Flameguard band, led by a furred man with a reverse grip, led a a brutal assault that forced the Gaunt artillery to enter a dire melee. The man moved between dwarves, shapeshifting into them and using his victims as body shields. He cut down dozens and set to flame the bodies, wearing different bodies, but with the same hands. Setep ended the meeting. Hours later everyone else awoke and the day's plan began to be set in motion. Arimar, Sam, and Flea went about their business, Cailin slept in, the guards went to rest too, Setep approved Merut's infiltration and disguised recon plan and gave him Mable, Cad, and Nifeemos to help. This was if nothing else, to get Merut away from his suspicions that there was an insider for the Claws among them Setep took the remain, Spacegraham, Cabal, Orr, Rankirk, to the Martyr's guild contract board and fumbled his way through pay negotiations with a discontent crew. His group headed to the far corner of the capital to investigate a possible fire elemental incident. Elu spent the day with Nagrick, tinkering with what little things they could find in the keep. Merut made a disguise with Nif's help and told Cad to do the same, almost immediately Cad had something in mind, something he insisted was very manly. He created the alter ego Jennifer, a blonde half dwarf that lost his testicles in the war. The group came up with a cover story and headed to Clowder Minora. Therein were a pair of tabaxi arguing about the newest Beatures expansion, Merut (disguised as 'Lucian')made small talk with one of them, Mac. After Nifeemos and Mable accidentally let a few stray words slip, they decided to make themselves sparse and leave the recon to Lucian and Jennifer. Lucian was escorted to the restroom by Mumu, the frontman, and afterwards snuck around one wing of the building counting rooms, and opening one to find eight mercenaries within. With the number of doors and two floors, Merut estimated there could be anywhere from 40-120 mercenaries. They finished their drinks at the table and overheard a conversation at the far side of the room about chess. Two cats were discussing strategy, and one began persisting the importance of switching pieces. As Lucian and Jennifer left, Mumu insisted they need not pay, he said he would put in on their tab. Only after they were a good ways away from the bar did Merut and Cad realise that hey had not created a tab in their alter egos and that Mumu may have been taunting them, having seen through their disguise from the start. They hurried back down the city streets.

The Advent (9)

Setep's Contract

Elu catches up with Setep and his group heading to Ohtwic, they took a warp to the district then walked through the rich neighbourhoods and down the lawn of the Everleaf manner. All the windows and doors on the properties were wide open and an elderly married couple were living out the front of the house. They reported the unearthly heat filling the house, and the hissing of smoke. Setep reassured the his employers that 'The Band of the Lion' TM would deal with the issue. Setep and Elu lead the group into the cellar, making quips to keep the group in high spirits despite the ominous air, draining heat, and unusual mist. In the subterranean layer of the house, there was a crypt, Setep investigated finding a plethora of empty tombs with claws marks on the inside. The only occupied sarcophagus had a small red infernal trapped inside a bottle with red liquid in it. Elu pocketed it for later, but was soon unnerved by a poetic infernal whispering coming from a burrow deeper within the crypt. It led them to a steaming aquifer out of which a bone devil leapt from. Setep jumped in with the dwarves, showing his technical skill by severing the devil's arm. It retaliated with a flurry of attacks including a poison stinger that was hidden under the water. Elu was pierced twice and Setep got some poison in his eye, but eventually the monster was slain. Elu put on a brave face for Nagi, and her and Setep encouraged the dwarves to plunder for loot, while the two headed upstairs to break the news and receive medical treatment.  In high spirits, with greater respect for each other, and with mysterious loot to go with their bounty, the contract was complete. Back at Lion's Den, Cailin slept in, having a very eventful dream. As she awoke in the afternoon; Merut returned from his outing as she did so and the two began to share news. Merut's was overshadowed however as Cailin revealed the things she had been keeping to herself up until that point. Her decent into the astral grove, her connection to other druids, her invitation for them to come find her, her role as archdruid of the astral grove, and her quest in that role, to walk Nox's path, and discover what it was that led her, the archdruids, and the grove to fall into darkness. Merut was mortified after having been warned on his first full day at Rhondarshalar, in the Away Inn, of the dangers of the fallen grove of stars, 'the astral grove', Nox's alleged evil, and the upset among other druid groves at the astral groves inexplicable reappearance. Merut told Cailin he was concerned for her, and the pair rushed off to the Away Inn.


The Advent (10)

A Bounty of Torment

Returning through Charlargate, Setep's group are met by a hooded figure, waiting for them. He was Atsara, a mysterious undead catfolk with a particular interest in the band. Setep was instantly drawn to Atsara's curious nature and his willingness to work on a 'pay through experience' employment. The expanded group continued towards home. Merut escorted a hesitant Cailin into the Away Inn, wherein a benediction was being performed. More dragonborn than usual filled the cathedral, led by the junior Farcel, Morgar. He sang a song of the troubles they had come from, in the battles with the frozen fleet, and his gratitude to be home. After the gathering, Merut greeted Zugoth and they went to speak once more in her study. Upon being told Cailin was astral, Zugoth became very afraid, and tried to leave, Merut's best efforts could not convince her not to get help. Morgar and Farcel senior entered the room and began to pry Cailin for information on her powers. They relaxed once convinced she was not a danger, but became interested in how they could use her, Cailin agreed to help where she could. The only information she was able to pry in return was that the truth of Nox was not certain, many accounts name her a monster from the start, others are clear she was enticed by an entity in the astral. Furthermore that this could have occurred when Nox left her grove for a time and headed to Dormort. With this information, Cailin and Merut left the Away Inn, with a lunch provided by Falreem. Outside the temple, they found Flea and Sam. Flea was cross that he was being kept out of the loop about something and that the two people he'd known the longest had hardly talked to him the last couple days. The four sat down on the fresh grass, discussed their feeling, bantered, and ate sandwiches together. They headed back to the Lion's Den, bumping into Setep's group before the bridge. Cailin was finally ready to tell Setep about her quest, but as they all passed the gates, they came crashing down behind them. A flash picked up Setep and held him over the walls. Two green, gargoyleish, hulking fiends had ambushed them. They said they were from Vyzim Wvimas, Death's Shadow Coven, monsters contracted by the Maharaja of the Clowder to force Setep into a soul contract. The alternative they offered was paying back the bounty of torment that was payed to them, if Setep sacrificed his mercenaries. Fortunately, many of the band had been out at the time, but the fiends claimed to have three women captive. Setep refused their dark offerings and a fight broke out. The bloody battle felled Rankirk, Sam, Merut, Setep, and Cailin. Flea held the unconscious Setep with a looked of remorse, he pulled a stone from his pocket, and the two of them teleported away. While Merut and Rankirk were spared, Sam's skull was crushed, and Cailin fell limp in Atsara's arms. Elu, bleeding profusely from a deep cut in her side, was just able to tear the enemy apart; their bodies burned away. 


The Broken Band

The Advent (11)

Sweet Dreams Stargirl

Atsara comforts Nagrick and warps her in his cloak, leading her to the makeshift infirmary. Elu staggers there too carrying Merut. Nagrick holds Elu tight for a long time, despite her wounds, Elu allowed her the comfort. Rankirk and Atsara put Sam and Cailin to rest in the storeroom and began preparing for a siege, fearing the attack wasn't over. Setep awoke for a while, confused at where he was, Flea tried to explain that the last he saw, everyone was dying and his attacks were useless against the fiends, and they were now in Sylfshire. Setep instantly scolds Flea for leaving them behind and orders him to leave the room. After a few minutes, Setep remembered that the last thing he saw was Merut, Cailin, and Sam unconscious and accepted Fleas decision. Setep vowed to kill every last fiend, Flea responded him by saying that he sounded like a paranoid Merut. This stopped Setep, who's attitude returned to a singular focus. He had already payed such a heavy price, now, he would achieve his dreams, by whatever means necessary. Orr Link returned an hour later with a group of dwarves from town and those who had been taken were confirmed. Mable, Nifeemos, and Cad, left at the keep after their outing with Merut, were taken by the Vyizm Wvimas Coven. As they began to setup their watches and armour up, Merut began to gain consciousness. He could not believe Elu when she told him of Cailin and Sam, so he went to see for himself. He wept at her still body and played with he hair for a few minutes before saying his farewell. Sweet Dreams, Stargirl. Later in the night, Setep and Flea were awoken when a headstrong humanoid woman called Phoebe Griff burst into the room, after a confrontation it appeared she was in hiding too, from the Flameguard. Flea decided the house they were in, reportedly his own, was not safe anymore and they had to move on. This was easier said than done though, as devils relished the sunlight, Gallith stalked the wild, and local druids were angry at Flea. With very few options, Phoebe decided to smuggle them under the veil of night, through thieves guild hideouts, to Forlonde, where Flea hoped Chainstoke would provide him a better weapon. They waited another half hour before leaving, so that the heat on Phoebe would die down, in this time, Flea revealed that he was abandoned by his mother for being cursed and born as a minotaur. Atsara spoke with Rena Lane as she kept watch. She told him about the man she fell for, Cecil Filay, and his mother, who was taken by the fiends. She further reminisced on a life lived long ago, in the world before the cataclysm, when the planes were open to Dorun, and the pantheons far more diverse. Now Dorun was only left with it's own outworlds and demiplanes. Merut left Cailin, shared words of comfort and support with Rankirk about his command and siegemaster ability. He offered what help he could, and cast sending to Morgar Farcel, pleading for aid, and warning of the fiends. Morgar Farcel responded, 'sit tight' . Merut then returned to the main hall where Elu, Spacegraham, and Nagrick sat silently. He tried to get Elu to open up, but she was mortified, and struggling to control her anger. Merut tried to leave and give her peace but Nagrick stood up and gave her condolences to Merut about Cailin and Nifeemos, Merut returned them, but his offer of a recorder was declined. She drew Flea's discarded axe and promised to protect Elu and Spacegraham. Merut left the hall with a smile and shouted behind him 'oh and by the way, you're welcome for the cards'.

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The Advent (12)

The Boys in Blue

Phoebe led Setep and Flea to the lofty lodge where tension and suspicions were high. After an unrevealing line of questions was thrown at phoebe, people staying in the neighbouring rooms began to shout obscenities in response to being disturbed in the middle of the night. Setep sent Flea into the next room to deal with the issue, he came back bruised, with stories of a yellow monkey. The next morning the warriors of blue arrived and relived Rena and Atsara of their watch. The pair discussed the warriors of blue's strict and controversial code, and Rena's long forgotten dream of studying in Uild. They then prepared a beef stew, that Alcain recalled making in his past life, and shared it with Elu, Nagrick, and Spacegraham, while they left Merut to rest. Some tension was felt as Elu chomped on a beef bone while staring at the bony Atsara, but it was resolved when she offered up her bag of sliming. In the afternoon, Phoebe bought a health potion or Setep, he was grateful for being able to heal his wound, but he needed more. Flea offered to cast banish on the shopkeeper, against Phoebes protests. While the act was completed without incident, Phoebe remained conflicted, so Flea took her into a corner of the market where there was an open grill and introduced her to someone he knew, Gelroy, a curly haired dwarf. Flea asked for Gelroy to unlock his inheritance coffer to pay for the damages to the man's stall. Flea then revealed he is over seven-hundred years old, and spent most of that watching the rise and fall of Sylfshire. He has contacts in the city but doesn't want to use them because of the danger. Phoebe asks Flea if he trusts Setep. Flea says he does for now, for sometime soon, a time will come when Setep's heart will be revealed to be quintessentially good or evil, and only then will they know for certain. The two became closer.

The Advent (13)

Tears and Tears

Setep, Pheobe, and Flea leave Sylfshire along the dusty road at night. They decided to stop halfway there for the day, to not overwork Setep. Setep insists he keep first watch as he feels responsible for keeping Flea and Phoebe alive, having 'lost' his last band. Meanwhile Atsara takes watch with Rena Lane. She shares stories of the times before the cataclysm, the closing of the planescape, and the planar outworlds of Dorun. She also shared her interest in Cecil Filay, and fears for his safety. Merut awakens from a tear ridden rest, in a pool of his tears in half consciousness, Merut can almost hear Aswain calling to him. He is told if he wants to effect real change, he must seek more greater power. Afterwards Merut and Atsara spoke of death and duty, a quick friendship developed between the two. Shortly afterwards Merut remembered he had regained another use of his sending spell, so he tried to contact the missing Cad. Cad returned a message saying he was in a dark place after going through a tear, that he Nifeemos, and Mable were separated. After this information, Merut asked the paladins of blue if they had any experience with Vyizm Wvimas. One of the paladins recognised the fiends by description, Harkel Hjarkin, a green dragonborn. He recounted an exorcism in Mastow, wherein three fire wielding green fiends disappeared into a tear. Elu, Atsara, Merut, Nagrick began to think more seriously about soft plans by Rankirk to send someone out to gather supplies. It was decided that Merut would stay behind, try and contact Flea, and provide a warning if the Claws were to begin an attack.


The Advent (14)


The Atsara buys some salt and stale bread with the money Merut gave him for supplies. Meanwhile Elu spoke to a weapons vendor called Laddad, a frugal and cunning goliath. While he was not able to sell any of his goods to Elu, he was recruited for the fight against the claws of the clowder. When Elu, Laddad, Nagrick, and Atsara regrouped, they were stopped by Mac, a mercenary of the claws who had made merry with Merut. Mac spoke reluctantly about duty, compulsion, and fear, it seemed his meaning was peace. He suggested Elu knock him out, preferably not kill him, because otherwise he would have to report to the claws of the clowder that they were gathering supplies. If they did this, they could postpone a claws attack until whenever they realised Mac was missing. The pair accepted and took him prisoner back to the Lion's Den. Meanwhile Merut cast sending to Flea, who had taken over the day watch from Setep. Merut asked if they were okay, where they were, and when they could come back, because they were preparing for an expected attack by the claws. Flea responded, reflecting on his choice to leave, he did what felt right, but in the end he was just acting like a little god turning every good thing to dust, he promised to come to help. When the group gathering supplies for the Lion's Den returned, they made their final preparations, made peace with one another, and had a peaceful night in. As the day ended, Phoebe awoke, Flea seemed disturbed and she asked him what was up, he explained he had been told hours ago that the Band of the Lion lived on, and that he was afraid to face them or to not face them, so he had just sat catatonic. Phoebe told Flea he had to tell Setep and gave him space to do so. Setep scolded Flea, but took the news as well as anyone could, being refilled with determination and duty that sent him right back into marching, which they did throughout the night until arriving in Forlonde. That morning, Elu and Merut were awoken by a panicked Gundlin declaring 'they're here'.

The Advent (15)

Fate Blades

Setep, Phoebe, and Flea snuck into Forlonde, a far darker place than it was before, devoid of joy. The only people in the streets were beggars, fearfully watching over dying candles and lamps, clawing for the light. The party, however, moved in the dark, finding Chainstoke's shop and setting off a ward to prevent burglars. Chainstoke seemed very excited to see Setep, it seemed to prove to him even further that Setep was special in some way. Setep explained the situation to Chainstoke (omitting Nifeemos' disappearance) and they got to shopping. Chainstoke explained that he believed in the luck spirits, the Maelstromyr, an eternal soul that is reborn time and time again, able to bring great change into the world where others cannot, he senses that Setep and maybe some in his party may be Maelstromyr. Because of this, he offers them to choose from his collection, 'Fate Blades' iconic weapons that will forever be immortalised as the tool a Maestromyr uses to cut through the waves of fate and lift destiny into their storm of ambition. Phoebe could not find herself drawn to any of the knives offered, but Flea was drawn to an axe. Setep also asked Chainstoke about the fiends that attacked him. Chainstoke thought the description matched perfectly with Nycaloths, Yugaloth type fiends, neutral evil, aerial shock troops in the blood wars, though they act as mercenaries. An aaracockra neighbour of Chainstoke, Yup Cork, was invited in to deliver information about the Claws of the Clowder too, he seemed to be a mercenary band enthusiast, and had many facts about them, such as the leaders name... Sweetsong, though the name is an imperfect translation. 'Sweet' from the taste of the popokaka poison, and 'song' from the sound of  harmonious screams. He also had information about the leadership of the claws, Lady Mimron, Johnbeck Lance, and more. Lastly, he told them that when he had seen Sweetsong he had white fur, a tiger like appearance, and orange stripes, and ofcourse, backwards hands. To repay Yip Cork, Phoebe took him drinking while Flea and Setep visited Alcain's grave, his cape was still there, which Flea lamented, pointing out how it had fallen upon Setep's door and that it was his to take, his to wear proudly. Setep was reluctant and left the graveyard. Garfellow, paladins, a command squad, artillery, infantry, operatives, and a nycaloth from the claws of clowder were lined up outside the battlements of the Lion's Den. Merut and Rankirk went out the front gates to talk with Garfellow who seemed unapologetic in his duty, though made clear he had no choice. Merut tried to reason with Garfellow, but found a disturbing amount of rationality in what he said, even agreeing with him and contradicting himself in places. Ultimately Merut still rejected Garfellow, he said that since Garfellow was atleast in part responsible for killing Cailin, he would have no regrets spraying Garfellow's blood across the keep. Merut and Rankirk retreated and Garfellow ordered the attack commence.


The First Breath

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The Advent (16)

The Crucible

The battle began with barrages of firebolts and great arrows coming down upon the Lion's den, in return, the Band of the Lion gave many crossbow bolts. Morgar's Paladins' performed a feat of reserved High Magic to cast a mass protection from evil spell. Merut and Elu fought off Crassag as he brought down the draw bridge and began trying to pull of the gates. Meanwhile the Claws Operatives were climbing over the wall to the west, where they were met by Atsara and Rena. They were able to kill all the operatives but one who began to flee after being burned, but Rena took a knife in the stomach before Atsara could save her. The towers had been taking most of the Claws' barrage, and their fate was left unknown, but the Claws did refocus and begin firing back at the forward gate. Rankirk was badly injured, and Laddad was killed. The claws began marching up  the drawbridge, and Merut began using eldritch barrages at Crassag to finish him, but the gates were ripped off just before Merut could send the last bolt, which did kill Crassag. Cabal and some paladins came down from the towers to help Atsara fight Portan Ri and Beast on the battlements and quickly dispatched them. After that, there was a lull in battle where the Claws in the gatehouse spoke with Merut and the regrouping Band of the Lion, prepared for a vicious melee. Garfellow became frustrated with Merut, as Merut once again began contradicting his own and Rankirk's wishes, and answering to things that had not been said. Afterwards Garfellow lead the melee, but was held back by a wall of fire no one could place. Then, from within the ranks of the Band, a portal appeared and out climbed Setep. Atsara let out a cry of joy and Merut ran over and hugged him tightly as a friend for the first time since they'd known eachother, but Setep swiped at Merut and began to laugh. Setep's face twisted into a snowy, giant, tigrin figure. The Rakshasa, Sweetsong, the Maharaja, appeared for a fight. He used a magical command on the paladins forcing them to leave and began using magical strikes against the Band. Atsara learned he could only be hurt by good creatures, so Merut was helpless. Elu and Atsara shared barrages of punches that forced Sweetsong to flee, though not before leaving Atsara, Bakeralka, and Cabal with curses. Afterwards, Merut and Rakirk decided they all should flee through the western gates. They followed the paladins to the Away Inn, leaving behind the fort, and their fallen comrades. Phoebe drank her drink with Yip Cork, but it was cut short but Setep coming in with the news of the battle's beginning. The two ran up the Forlonde highstreet, to where Flea was just leaving, Alcain's grave; he held Alcain's cape. They all headed left the city and headed towards Kibaraz. Halfway there, Setep received another message, the Lion's Den was lost.



The Advent (17)

A Big Reunion

The Band held up in the Away Inn, Alcain and Kareem prepared food, while Merut investigated his, Bakeralka's, Atsara's, and Cabal's  cursed wounds from Sweetsong. Healing the wounds seemed to leave a black mark under the skin. Falreem researched all the information that had been gathered about Sweetsong and concluded he must be a rakshasa, a devil that shapeshifts, has backwards hands, a lust for power, a hunger for living flesh, and cursed claws. It was also noted by Atsara that only the pure of heart could hurt him. While the Paladins of blue had the power to use high magic to heal their curses, they needed a week to recover from using high magic already, as high magic is potent but costly. The next day, everyone woke up late and spent the day hopelessly discussing plans, until Setep and Flea arrived, having teleported nearby from Kibaraz. Many tears, appologies, hugs, and amends were shared. Introduction too were had, to Phoebe Griff. The woman Setep would have kill Sweetsong. Setep's plan was to split into two groups, an incendary assault on the Clowder Minora, and a smaller infiltration into the Lion's Den to kill Sweetsong. This team was Phoebe, Falreem, and Arimar.

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The Advent (18)


Merut and Atsara convinced Setep to let them go on the stealth mission despite their curses, though Bakeralka and Cabal were to stay behind. After a short and reserved goodbye, the two groups got to work. The assault group lead by Setep arrived in the Clowder Minora and set fire to the building on all sides while taking the paladins inside by surprise. Nagrick initiated the fight, then Elu and Setep lead the way and did most of the fighting until the paladins retreated, jumping into the koi pond and vanishing. Out of the pond, came a gigantic ursine guardian demon that viscously mauled Elu and Setep, terrifying the blue paladins, however, Elu and Setep alone were able to defeat the beast. The group left the building as the flames grew and watched on as it burned down. All were in awe at the strength and ability of Setep Mewtril and Elu Brak. Meanwhile, Arimar suggested the best entry into the Lion's Den was  to the small eastern wall nook, and grappling onto the cliff pikes, which were now pierced by the dead of the Claws. Falreem took hold of the grapple, and Phoebe went first, but for some reason, slipped over the 160ft drop.   

The Advent (19)


Phoebe sprouted wings that took her to safety, then the others made it across the gap. While crossing Merut heard whispers of his name in the waters below. They scaled the walls with some difficulty but were able to sneak past. Atsara used thaumaturgy and a banging door to cause some commotion to allow the group to sneak up to the main doors of the hold. They burst into Setep's chambers, but did not find Sweetsong. Inside were Lady Mimron, and Sasha of Homer.  Phoebe executed the both and hid the bodies. Atsara stole some documents the Lady had with her, and the group searched the next most likely location of Sweetsong, Setep's office. He was there inside, and quickly as Phoebe tried to assassinate him, the unasked question was revealed, what allignment was Phoebe? She could not hurt Sweetsong, for she was not pure of heart. She and Merut did their best to help Atsara and Arimar dealing damage, Merut even got himself mind controlled temporarily, but eventually they got Sweetsong to retreat. He ran for the storehouse morgue, with matched pace to Atsara. He told Atsara he reminded him of someone he used to know and then went inside. Inside, the dead from the towers could be discovered. Gundlin Gunderson, Skrelt San Aryx, Cecil Filay, and Jubrin Farsal.  Sweetsong blocked the doors and began torching the bodies so they could not be brought back. Merut rescued Cailin's body, and Arimar rescued Gundlin's. With Atsara still in the room, determined to destroy the rest, Sweetsong cast a fireball. He destroyed the other bodies, himself, and badly hurt Atsara. Once everyone was outside, they saw the Claws of the Clowder were gathering around the fire, staring at them.


The Advent (20)


Merut addresses the claws, who seem confused as to their whereabouts. They have been released from their enthrallment. The one they look to as leader is Jonbeck Lance, who makes peace with Merut and all begin celebrating. Phoebe disappears to check her promised reward, the treasury, only to find it empty. Merut and Atsara find mac and he takes them to Orr Link and Gara Gut spiller who survived the battle. While the celebration is going on, Merut talks with Jonbeck about the two cats they killed during the infiltration, one was the beloved Lady Mimron, an irreverent diplomat, the other, Sasha of Homer, Jonbeck's wife. Bakeralka and Cabal bring Misha, who is freed from Sweetsong's control also, to Setep, telling him of the revelation. When he and his group returned to the Lion's Den, Merut was freaking out about Phoebe, but Setep reassured Merut it was okay. The two argued about whether or not to take in the Claws', but Setep conceded. A council meeting was called, in which Flea was demoted, loot was distributed and a plan was made to explore the  pool at the Clowder Minora, as they theorised it was likely one of the tears that the Way of Blue had spoken of. Inside could be Jennifer, Mable, and Nifeemos, or even Sweetsong. One week of planning passed, in which Merut identified an idol Sweetsong had, in the image of a black cat. The mage leader, Barney Moon, identified it as the idol of the black omen. A fell idol that grants the attuned user legion devils subordinates equal to the number of catfolk killed or subjugated. Merut gave the idol to Morgar to attempt to destroy, delaying when he could be cured.

The Advent (21)

The Descent

The Lion's Den gained new privacy walls for Merut, Rankirk, Atsara, and Elu, and an infirmary was built over the burnt down store room. All the troops lined up and were briefed in preparation for an expedition into the pond at the Clowder Minora. Atsara and Merut led the way into the pond (with some magical assistance by a tabaxi bard named Kurt Michael) revealing a lava filled planar corridor leading to a great shadowy fort, in the realm known as the grey wastes. Elu knocked on the door of the fort and disturbed a rather unintimidating nycaloth named Nyca. He instructed the party to knock on the door and ask for Vzarro. Setep did this and a mighty canine nycaloth appeared before him, demanding the soul coins of Cailin and Samworthy in return for the freedom of two of the three captives. A massive argument broke out in which Merut and Atsara affirmed that the dead don't outweigh the living in a world with afterlives. Setep prepared to fight Vzarro instead, but Rankirk argues him down, telling him there is no room to fight and everyone would die. Instead, Setep made a deal with Vzarro to kill something called a Ki-Rin for him. It was said to be summoned at the climax of the old crusade, and resides near one of the crusaders atop the tallest mountains. Setep is given two years to kill this inherently good celestial and in return he is is given Mable, Nifeemos, and Cad 'Jennifer' Vargale.

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The Advent (22)


Later that day, the warriors of blue part ways with the band of the lion, requesting separation due to the the infernal deal. The next day Relimund Gaque came to reprimand the band for not taking on a contract with only 2 days left on their lease. That same day the band would fight a ferocious Peryton, that terrified them with its cursed shadow, but it still fell. The band then spend a month and a half  in anticipation of their acceptance ceremony into the Martyrs Guild. During this time, Elu removed her gauntlets and had knew ones made that didn't restrict her use of magic. Merut tried to make amends with the Away Inn, but to no avail. Phoebe and Setep agreed on a flat sum of gold to make the two square, and Phoebe decided to stick around. The rescued captives from Vyzim Wvimas awoke from their comas and began healing, though magic seemed ineffective.  Setep began making connections with a mercenary group  from Angel's Wake, the Drake Knights, of Midnight Hall. Nifeemos made Setep a new set of immaculate armour from gladiators plate and strips of Alcain's cape. Setep wore it as he attended his ceremony, witnessed by Varganak the Everburning, Julie Gaunt, the Drake Knights, the band of the lion, Tartaryn Chainstoke, and Yip Cork. Setep took the oaths, and was commended by the officiator, the leader of the local Martyrs Guild, Animalis, for rising above slavery and being an inspiration to the people of Dorun. Setep was knighted, Slave Knight Setep.

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